Messages 84401 Through 84600

Select troubleshooting for the following User Error codes:

Message Code 84401

The limit of Vusers of type 'vuser type' has been exceeded.


  • Check that the number of Vusers that you have assigned to run in the scenario does not exceed the number of Vusers that you are licensed to run. If it does, reduce the number of Vusers assigned in the scenario.
  • Check the number of Vusers defined for the load generator: In Controller, open the Load Generators dialog box (Scenario > Load Generators), and click Details. Click the Vuser Limits tab to view the maximum number of Vusers set for each Vuser type. Increase this number if necessary (provided you have additional licensed Vusers), or reduce the number of Vusers defined in the scenario goal.