Windows Resources monitor

The Windows Resources monitor shows Windows resource usage during a scenario. The monitor graph helps you determine the impact of Vuser load on the various system resources.

Windows Resources monitoring

The Windows Resources monitor shows the Windows resources measured during the scenario run. The available measurements correspond to the built-in counters available from the Windows Performance Monitor.

By default, LoadRunner Professional monitors Windows resources using the native LoadRunner Professional monitor engine.

If you are using the SiteScope monitor engine, ensure that SiteScope has been installed on a server. You can install SiteScope on the same server as Controller, or on a dedicated server.

If you want to monitor a remote Windows server that does not use Windows domain security, you must authenticate Controller on the remote Windows server. To authenticate Controller, create an account, or change the password of the account used to log on to Controller so that it matches the password and user name used to log on to the remote monitored Windows machine. When the remote Windows machine requests another machine's resources, it sends the logged-in user name and password of the machine requesting the resources.

Note: Due to a Windows limitation, limited (non-admin) users cannot activate the monitoring using Windows Resource counters from a remote machine. You must log in with administrator permissions and verify that the Remote Registry service is running on the remote machine.

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Add Windows Resources Measurements dialog box

This dialog box enables you to select the Windows resources to monitor.

To access
Right-click Windows Resources graph > Add Measurements
In the Resource Measurements section of the Windows Resources dialog, click Add.
Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element
Explain Displays a description of the selected counter.
The resource counter/measurement to monitor. Select multiple counters using the CTRL key. For a description of the measurements, see the Description box in the lower section of the dialog box.
If multiple instances of the selected counter are running, select one or more instances to monitor for the selected counter.
The object to monitor on the specified Windows machine.
Type a new regex Enter a regular expression to add to the list of available regular expressions. The regular expressions are used to search for, and dynamically monitor, matching instances of the selected object and counter/measurement.
Selected Select a regular expression from the dropdown list. All instances that match the pattern of the selected regular expression are added dynamically to the list of resource measurements, including new instances that are opened later (for example, during the scenario run).

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See also: