Support Matrix

This page contains information about the compatibility of scripting tools, protocols, monitors, and other assets used by LoadRunner Cloud. It also lists the browsers and versions in which LoadRunner Cloud is supported.

Scripting tools

The following table lists the tools you can use to create scripts for your load tests:

Scripting Tool Supported Version
TruClient 12.00-24.1
VuGen 12.00-24.1

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LoadRunner Cloud supports both VuGen protocols and other popular protocols.

For information on protocol bundles and the supported platforms, see LoadRunner Cloud licenses.

VuGen protocols

The following VuGen protocols are supported for LoadRunner Cloud:

Citrix ICA


  • Java Record Replay

  • Java Vuser

  • Java over HTTP

Mobile Application (HTTP/HTML)


Oracle NCA
Oracle - Web
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)
RTE (Remote Terminal Emulator)


SAP - Web

Siebel Web


  • TruClient - Web

  • TruClient - Native Mobile

  • TruClient - Mobile Web


Web Services

Windows Sockets

For current information about the supported protocol versions, see the LoadRunner Professional Support Matrix.

Non-VuGen protocols

The following non-VuGen protocols are supported for LoadRunner Cloud:

Protocol Supported Version
Gatling 3.9.2
JMeter 3.0-5.5
Selenium 4.19
Silk Performer


The following Silk Performer protocols are supported:

  • Web low level (HTTP), shown in LRC as SP Web Basic
  • Web business transaction (HTML/HTTP), shown in LRC as SP Web Page-level
  • HTTP Live Streaming (HLS), shown in LRC as SP HLS
  • XML/SOAP, shown in LRC as SP Web Services
  • Silk Web browser-driven, shown in LRC as SP Browser-driven

For information on how to upload Silk Performer scripts, see Silk Performer scripts in LoadRunner Cloud.

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The following table lists the supported monitors:

Monitor Supported Version
Amazon CloudWatch SaaS
AppDynamics SaaS
Application Insights SaaS
Dynatrace SaaS
New Relic SaaS
SiteScope on-premises 2021.11

For details on working with monitors, see Monitors.

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On-premises load generators (OPLGs)

We recommend that you use the current version of the on-premises load generator, version 24.1. However, LoadRunner Cloud supports up to two earlier versions. For details, see Load generator assets.

The following table shows the compatibility between LoadRunner Cloud on-premises load generators and LoadRunner:

On-premises load generator version LoadRunner version
24.1 24.1
2023.07 2023 R1
2023.03 2023

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CI tools

LoadRunner Cloud supports the following CI tools:

CI Tool Version
Bamboo 8.0.3 - 9.0.0

Jenkins Server 2.289.3 or later

We recommended using the latest LTS release.

Azure DevOps
  • Azure DevOps Server 2019 or later

  • Azure DevOps Services

GitHub Actions

  • GitHub Enterprise 3.3.0 or later

For details on working with CI tools, see CI plugins.

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Supported browsers

While support is provided for the two most recent versions of the following browsers, we recommend using the latest version.

OS Browser


  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Edge


  • Chrome

  • Firefox


  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Edge

  • Safari (latest version only)

Note: If you work in Compatibility mode, LoadRunner Cloud may behave unexpectedly.

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Screen resolutions

LoadRunner Cloud supports the following screen resolutions:

  • 1920 x 1080 (recommended)

  • 1366 x 768

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