What's New in version 2023.03

This topic introduces the new features and improvements in LoadRunner Cloud version 2023.1.

What's New video

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User experience

This release includes the following enhancements to the user experience:

Area Enhancement
Enhanced push notification integration

The MS Teams and Webex Teams integrations have been extended to include two additional events:

  • TRT break

  • Transaction failure

Both events are triggered during a test run and enable you to take action without having to wait for the test run to end.

For details, see Events.

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Data and analytics

This release includes the following data and analytics updates:

Area Enhancement
Granularity configuration for results

You can now configure the time interval at which results data is aggregated during a test run. You can set 30 or 60 second intervals for tests with a long duration, or a 1 second interval for smaller scaled tests. To enable this option, submit a service request.

For details, see Run configuration settings

Integration with Amazon CloudWatch (beta)

Amazon CloudWatch has been added to the monitors supported by LoadRunner Cloud. You can now add an Amazon CloudWatch monitor, select the required metrics from your CloudWatch namespaces, and add it to a load test. To enable this feature, submit a service request.

For details, see Monitors.

Enhanced analysis capabilities

New columns have been added to graph legends that show the aggregated minimum and maximum values of the following measurements:

  • Running Vusers

  • Failed Vusers

  • Hits per second

  • Throughput

  • Bytes sent

  • Monitors

  • LG health monitoring

These new columns enable you to easily see peaks and troughs in a test run without having to search for them manually by zooming in to a time frame. This is especially useful in load tests with a long duration that generate a large amount of data.

For details on LoadRunner Cloud graphs, see Dashboard.

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VuGen, protocols, and LoadRunner Developer

Virtual User Generator (VuGen) includes the following enhancements:

Area Enhancement
LoadRunner Cloud integration

You can now open scripts that are saved in a LoadRunner Cloud project, and edit them with the VuGen script editor without updating or overwriting any global runtime settings.

For details, see Integration with LoadRunner Cloud in the VuGen Help Center.

LoadRunner version 2023

LoadRunner Cloud supports VuGen and OneLG version 2023.

For details, see Support Matrix.

WinInet replay engine When using the WinInet replay engine to replay scripts, the HTTP request receive timeout in the runtime settings is now supported for timeouts greater than 30 seconds (in addition to timeouts of 0-30 seconds).

The VuGen and third-party protocols include the following enhancements:

Area Enhancement
ODBC on Windows on-premises load generators

LoadRunner Cloud now supports ODBC scripts on Windows on-premises load generators.

For details, see License types.


The following updates are included for TruClient scripts:

  • Chromium browser support has been updated to version 108.

  • You can no longer record and develop TruClient Internet Explorer scripts.

Citrix ICA You can now record scripts for the Citrix protocol on a Citrix cloud (DaaS) environment, using services installed on Microsoft Azure.
Upgraded support for JMeter

LoadRunner Cloud now supports JMeter version 5.5 scripts.

For details, see Support Matrix.

For details, see the VuGen What's New.

LoadRunner Developer includes the following enhancements:

Area Enhancement
gRPC bidirectional stream requests DevWeb scripts now include support for bidirectional streaming RPC requests. With this addition, DevWeb now provides full support for gRPC.
Azure Key Vault When working with Microsoft Azure Key Vault secrets, you now pass an object rather than arguments to the key vault.

For details, see the LoadRunner Developer What's New.

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Load testing and modeling

This release includes the following load testing and modeling updates:

Area Enhancement
Extended support for Selenium

In addition to cloud-based load generators, Selenium scripts can now be run on Windows on-premises load generators.

For details, see Scripting tools.

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Cloud and SaaS

This release includes the following cloud updates:

Area Enhancement
New locations for cloud load generators

The following locations were added for AWS cloud load generators:

  • Europe: Zurich

  • Middle East: UAE

For a complete list of the distribution locations, see Vuser load distribution.

New LoadRunner Cloud farm (beta)

In addition to the existing LoadRunner Cloud farm located in AWS Oregon, a new farm has been established in AWS Frankfurt.

To participate in the beta of the new Frankfurt farm, submit a service request.

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Integrations and ecosystem

This release includes the following integrations and ecosystem updates:

Area Enhancement
ValueEdge integration

The integration between LoadRunner Cloud and ValueEdge has been enhanced.

When you connect your performance pipeline to ValueEdge Quality, you can now see trends and the causes of performance SLA breaches.

For details, see ValueEdge integration.

Enhanced Git integration

The LoadRunner Cloud integration with Git has been enhanced so that in addition to scripts, you can now also upload and manage data files in a Git repository. To use this feature, install the latest LoadRunner Cloud Git agent.

For details, see Data files.

New public API operation

A new capability has been added to the LoadRunner Cloud public API which enables you to resume a test run for a test configured with the delayed start option.

For details, see Public API.

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This release includes the following modernization updates:

Area Enhancement
Modernized user interface

The Assets, Load tests, and Results pages have been redesigned with a modern look and feel. The existing functionality has been preserved, but additional fields have been included.

For details, see Manage assets, Manage load tests, and View results.

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