
Welcome to OpenTextLoadRunner Cloud, a cloud-based load testing service that supports web and mobile protocols. LoadRunner Cloud provides you with the tools to create and scale load tests, and generate metrics to analyze your application's performance.

Get started

Before you begin icon

Before you begin

Watch the Get started with LoadRunner Cloud video to learn about LoadRunner Cloud basics.

Plan a load test icon

Plan a load test

Learn how to plan and create a load test. See Create a load test.

Video tutorials icon

Video tutorials

Familiarize yourself with key areas of LoadRunner Cloud by viewing the library of tutorials in Feature demos and the LoadRunner Cloud video gallery.

Let's go icon

Let's go!

When you're ready to begin, go to the LoadRunner Cloud home page and start creating a load test. For details, see the Quick load test.

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LoadRunner Cloud end-to-end workflow

A typical workflow for creating and running a test with LoadRunner Cloud is as follows:

  1. Create a script and upload it to the cloud repository.

    Scripts form the backbone of your performance test. Your test definition can contain one or more scripts. For more information on working with scripts, see Scripts.

  2. Configure monitors.

    Application and server monitors can be configured and added to your test definition. For more information on working with monitors, see Monitors.

  3. Define a load test.

    You add and configure scripts, monitors, Vusers, and SLAs to a load test definition. Vusers are virtual users that emulate user actions on a variety of levels, such as UI emulation or API commands. For details, see Create a load test.

  4. Run the test.

    Run the test according to your configuration and observe the real time results in the dashboard. For details, see Run a load test.

  5. Analyze the results.

    After the load test has completed, view the Dashboard and see Reports to learn about your application's performance.

    For information about downloadable logs and exportable reports, see View results.

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Additional LoadRunner Cloud features

LoadRunner Cloud includes several hidden options that are inactive by default. These options provide additional capabilities and give you more control over your tests. To enable these options, the tenant administrator can submit a service request.

The following table lists the features that can be enabled through a service request:

Feature More information

Tenant management

Note: As of LoadRunner Cloud 2023.11, the Tenant management option is available by default to all new tenants.

Tenant management
Customize the capacity for cloud load generators

Create a load test

Define SLA based on Vuser success

Define SLA based on Vuser success

Collect Vuser logs from on-premises load generators

Collect Vuser logs from on-premises load generators

Export raw transaction data to a CSV file Export raw transaction data
Store errors

Export raw error data

Online script editing Edit and view scripts in LoadRunner Cloud
Stream data to a time series database (both aggregated and raw data) Data streaming
Health monitoring for cloud load generators enabled Load generator health monitoring
Restart failed Vusers Restart failed Vusers
Disruption events Create a load test

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LoadRunner Cloud in the ValueEdge platform

LoadRunner Cloud is part of the ValueEdge Performance module.

This enables you to stream your LoadRunner Cloud performance results to ValueEdge so that you can see a comprehensive picture of your application's quality and coverage in one place.

For details, see ValueEdge integration.

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See also: