Network emulations
For scripts running on cloud-based load generators, you can apply different network conditions. This enables you to emulate real life conditions when running a load test on an application.
Use network emulations
This section describes how to add network emulations to a load test. The product provides default network emulations that you can assign to a script configured to run in a cloud location. You can also create additional emulations according to your needs. You can apply up to five network emulations to a load test.
Network emulation is supported for the following protocols:
- VuGen Mobile Application HTTP/HTML
- TruClient Mobile Web
- TruClient Web
- Web Services
- SAP - Web
- Siebel Web
Note: Network emulations are not supported for on-premises load generators.
Default system network emulations
The following table describes the default network emulations available. The bandwidth mode for the Mobile, 3G, and 4G profiles are per Vuser.
Network profile | Latency (ms) | Packet Loss (%) | Bandwidth (Kbps) | Description | |
Download | Upload | ||||
No emulation - default | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | None |
WAN_Good | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Emulates 20 ms of fixed network latency, without packet loss and with unrestricted bandwidth. This link represents a good landline network connection between two sites that are approximately 1,000 miles apart. |
WAN_Typical | 50 | 0 | 0 | 0 | Emulates 50 ms of fixed network latency, without packet loss and with unrestricted bandwidth. This link represents a good landline network connection between two sites that are approximately 2,600 miles apart. |
WiFi | 100 | 0.3 | 0 | 0 | Emulates 100 ms of fixed network latency, with 0.3% packet loss and unrestricted bandwidth. This link represents a landline network connection between two sites that are approximately 5,500 miles apart. |
Mobile_Typical | 80 | 0 | 2000 | 512 | Emulates 80 ms of fixed network latency without packet loss, while restricting downstream bandwidth to 2,000 Kbps and upstream bandwidth to 512 Kbps. This link represents a 3G mobile connection between two domestic sites. The network's specified bandwidth is available to each Vuser that uses the network. This option is recommended for Vusers that emulate mobile-based and home-based users as each device has access to the full bandwidth. |
Mobile_Busy | 120 | 0 | 512 | 256 | Emulates 120 ms of fixed network latency without packet loss, while restricting downstream bandwidth to 512 Kbps and upstream bandwidth to 256 Kbps. This link represents a 2G mobile connection between two domestic sites. The network's specified bandwidth is available to each Vuser that uses the network. This option is recommended for Vusers that emulate mobile-based and home-based users as each device has access to the full bandwidth. |
4G_Typical | 40 | 0 | 5000 | 2000 | Emulates 40 ms of fixed network latency without packet loss, while restricting downstream bandwidth to 5000 Kbps and upstream bandwidth to 2000 Kbps. This link represents a 4th generation mobile network, fair communication quality, individual bandwidth. The network's specified bandwidth is available to each Vuser that uses the network. This option is recommended for Vusers that emulate mobile-based and home-based users as each device has access to the full bandwidth. |
3G_Typical | 120 | 0 | 512 | 256 | Emulates 120 ms of fixed network latency without packet loss, while restricting downstream bandwidth to 512 Kbps and upstream bandwidth to 256 Kbps. This link represents a 3rd generation mobile network, fair communication quality, individual bandwidth. The network's specified bandwidth is available to each Vuser that uses the network. This option is recommended for Vusers that emulate mobile-based and home-based users as each device has access to the full bandwidth. |
Note: You cannot edit or delete the default system network emulations.
Preconfigured network emulations
In your load tests, you can choose up to five network emulation types. This section describes how to select five of the preconfigured emulations.
To select network emulations:
Click Load distribution
in the sidebar and select the Cloud tab.
Click the NE >> button to show the currently selected network emulations.
Click the Edit network emulations button
In the Network Emulations window, select up to five emulations and click OK.
User-defined network emulations
To create your own emulations, perform the following steps:
Select Assets > Network Emulations.
Click the Create button
to open the New Network Emulation dialog box.
For each new emulation, configure the following:
- Name
- Latency
- Packet Loss
- Download Bandwidth
- Upload Bandwidth
Click Save.
You can edit or delete a user-defined emulation at any time.
See also: