License consumption

The Tenant management's License area lets admins track license consumption, allocation, and usage across projects. For details on how to allocate licenses, see Manage licenses.

License consumption overview

Licenses are consumed as per their availability for a specific Vuser type. If the number of licenses configured in a test exceeds the number of available licenses for that Vuser type, the test automatically uses another existing license bundle. View your cart to see the estimated license usage before you run the test.

The following tables show several examples of how this can be applied to the Vusers (VU) license run type.

Number of licenses configured for test Number of available licenses Actual usage

100 Dev

50 Web

10 GUI

75 Dev

50 Web

50 GUI

75 Dev

50 Web

35 GUI

1000 Web

500 GUI

800 Web

500 GUI

500 All protocols

800 Web

500 GUI

200 All protocols

Example of how this can be applied if the license run type is Vusers hours (VUH).

Number of licenses configured for test Number of available licenses Actual usage

Vusers type: 20 Web

Test duration: 3 hours

Cost: 60 Web VUH

50 Web VUH


50 Web VUH


License consumption where Vuser limits are set

License consumption can increase for both VU and VUH licenses depending on the actual configuration. This could occur, for example, if:

  • The tenant administrator modifies the lower limit for the number of Vusers on cloud load generators, and

  • An end-user applies a Vuser multiplier by setting up the maximum number of Vusers per cloud load generator to be lower than the default settings. For details, see Cloud LG infrastructure capacity.

For information on how to change the default limits, see Set Vuser limits.

Example of VUH consumption

The following example shows VUH consumption for a Web HTTP Vuser with the duration set for 1 hour running 2000 Vusers based on Vuser limits.

The limit of Vusers per protocol

VUH usage

1500 Vusers per Cloud LG 2000 VUH
500 Vusers per Cloud LG 4000 VUH

Order of license consumption

The licenses are consumed in the following order:

  1. VU licenses (consumed before VUH licenses)
  2. Lowest to highest bundle cost: Dev (lowest), Web, GUI, and All protocols (the highest)
  3. Nearest expiration date

The following example shows the order in which the licenses with different costs and expiration dates are consumed.




Expiration date
























For details, see Virtual user hour (VUH) licenses.

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View license consumption

You can track your license consumption from within the user interface. The following table describes the viewing options.

Report name How to access Result
Usage Report Select the Settings button Settings button, select License information, and click the Usage Report tab.

Shows consumption for a specific date range for the current project. For details, see License usage report.

Consumption grid Select the Settings button Settings button, select Tenant Management, and click the License tab and then the Consumption tab. Shows the consumption per project and Vuser type. For details, see Consumption per Vuser type.
Summary report Select the Settings button Settings button, select Tenant Management, and click the License tab and then the Summary tab.

Shows consumed, remaining, and allocated licenses for all projects. For details, see License allocation.

Consumption per project Select the Settings button Settings button, select Tenant Management, and click the Projects tab. Click the Project icon License icon of one project (not the Project name link). Shows license information for one project.
Allocation per project Select the Settings button Settings button, select Tenant Management, and click the Projects tab. Click the Project name link and open the Licenses page. Click the Allocation tab. Shows the allocation and license information for one project. You can filter the results by Vuser type.
Usage per project Select the Settings button Settings button, select Tenant Management, and click the Projects tab. Click the Project name link and open the Licenses page. Click the Usage tab. Shows the current license usage for one project. You can choose a date range from the date selector.

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License usage report

The Usage Report tab shows the license usage per test run.

To track the usage for the current project, in the banner go to Settings > License information and then select Usage Report. To export the usage report, click Export to CSV in the table header.

The following table lists the primary details that are displayed in the usage report in the user interface and the CSV file:

UI table column name CSV file column name Description
Run Id run_id

The run id of the test.

Test name test_name The name of the test.
Vusers vusers_num The total number of Vusers used during the test.
Delayed start duration delayed_start_duration

The duration of the delayed start.

Duration duration The duration of the test run, including the time the test was paused.
Type run_mode

The type of license used to run the test, VU or VUH. For details, see Virtual user hour (VUH) licenses.

<Vuser type>

<Vuser type>_cost

The total number of <Vuser type> Vusers used during the test.

For example, the total number of GUI Vusers used during the test.

For details on the different Vuser types, see Protocol bundles.

Run time start_time

The date and time of the test run.

State state The state of the test run, either Active or Deleted.
User test_run_user The name of the user who ran the test.

The UI usage report also lets you see the number of Vusers per bundle, and the protocol types that participated in the test run.

  • To view the bundles, expand Bundles in the table header.
  • To view the protocols, expand Protocols in the table header.

The following table lists additional details that are displayed in the CSV usage report, but not in the user interface window:

Column name Description
is_test_run_deleted Indicates whether test run was delayed: True or False.
project_name The name of the project.
all_protocols_cost The total license consumption for all Vuser types.
ui_status Test run status: Passed, Failed, Stopped.
<Protocol type>_multiplier The Vuser type multiplier.
<Protocol type>_total Total license consumption per protocol type.

Note: The calculations (and columns) displayed in the report can change, for example, if the Vuser multiplier for a license calculation or the minimum VUH (in minutes) is reduced.

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Consumption per Vuser type

The License page's Consumption tab lets you view the consumption per project and per Vuser type.

You can perform the following actions.

Action Task
Show active licenses only Select Show active only (above the project list), to display only the licenses that are currently active.
Save license data to a CSV file Click Export to CSV to save the license consumption data to a CSV file.
Show all test runs Click Show All in the banner to display all test runs for the selected projects.
Display test runs for a selected date range

Use the date picker to specify a date range. The grid displays the test runs during that period.


  • A summary table beneath the Consumption grid shows the number of VU and VUH licenses for Web and GUI types.

  • A detailed calculation of VUH type license consumption, broken down by scripts, is also available through the VUH link in the Type column. To enable this view, submit a service request.

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License allocation

The License page's Summary tab lets you view the allocation and entitlement information per license. The grid is split into two sections which you can expand and collapse:

  • The Available section includes licenses that have not yet expired or that have not been fully consumed.

  • The Inactive section includes expired or fully utilized licenses.

The license summary grid shows the following information.

Property Value

Start date

The beginning date of the license.
Expiration date

The license's expiration date.


The bundle type, such as Web VU or GUI VU. For details, see Protocol bundles. This column also indicates Dedicated IPs if they are enabled for your tenant.


The type of subscription. For protocol bundles, typical values are Trial and Paid. For Dedicated IP addresses, the subscription types are Freemium (those provided for free with your tenant) and Paid.

Total entitled capacity

For protocol bundles, this column shows the total number of Vusers and VUH entitled by the license. For dedicated IPs, this column shows the number of entitled IPs.

Total VUH consumed

The total number of VUH licenses currently consumed. For details, see Virtual user hour (VUH) licenses.

Total VUH remaining

The total number of VUH licenses available for consumption, not being consumed by any project.

Total allocated to projects

The total number of licenses allocated to projects.

Total assigned for running tests

The total number of Vusers assigned to running tests.

Tip: Click Export to CSV to save the usage report data to a CSV file.

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Non-English usage data

If your usage data contains test names with non-English characters, you need to configure your application to use UTF-8 for displaying the report results.

For example, in Excel, use the following steps to correctly format the data to view non-English characters:

  1. Import the data using Data > From Text.
  2. In the Text Import Wizard select the following.

    Setting Options
    Original data type


    File origin

    65001: Unicode (UTF-8)

    Delimiters Comma

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See also: