Install an OPLG - Windows
Use on-premises load generators to run load tests on applications that cannot be accessed over your firewall.
Caution: Installing the on-premises load generator package on a machine that is running any OpenText performance or functional products is not supported.
To help ensure the successful installation of an on-premises load generator, enable Windows Script Host on the load generator machine.
System requirements
Memory, CPU, and free disk space requirements vary per protocol, system under test, and script characteristics.
We recommend that you always use the most current version of the on-premises load generator:
On-premises load generator version |
25.1 |
Supported operating systems |
Processor | 8 core CPU |
Memory | 16 GB |
Free disk space |
100 GB; SSD drive Note: During installation, the installer checks for space on the drive on which the temp directory is located (as configured in the user’s local environment variables). |
Bandwidth | A bandwidth of at least 1 GB is recommended for communicating with the OpenText Core Performance Engineering servers. |
- Note:
The Performance Engineering components used in the on-premises load generator may require certain Windows updates. Install the updates as needed. For more information about system requirements, refer to the Host requirements section of the Support Matrix, available in the OpenText Professional Performance Engineering Help Center (make sure to select the correct version).
After upgrading OpenText Core Performance Engineering to version 25.1, the following on-premises load generator (OPLG) versions are supported: 25.1, 24.3, and 24.1.
Notes and limitations
The following notes and limitations apply to on-premises load generators:
Limitation/Note | Solution |
.NET 3.5 | If your scripts require .NET 3.5, you must manually install or activate them on the on-premises load generator machine. |
If your scripts depend on Web Services Enhancements (WSE), you must manually install WSE 2.0 SP3 and WSE 3.0 for Microsoft .NET. Note: Both WSE installations require .NET 3.5. |
Axis |
If your Web Services scripts depend on the obsolete Axis toolkit, you must manually copy the Axis files to %LG_PATH%bin\java\Axis. You can download the Axis files from the OpenText Support Portal. |
Date and time |
Ensure that the date and time on the load generator machine are correct. Tip: Synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server. |
Connection between LGs and OpenText Core Performance Engineering |
The load generator machine needs to be able to access the OpenText Core Performance Engineering servers in SaaS and the cloud machines. (Only outbound HTTPS connection on port 443 needs to be enabled.) If there is no connection between OpenText Core Performance Engineering servers and the Load Generator (on-premises load generator Status=Not Connected), an error message is reported when you try to run your test. If you receive a system error -1030, check the network connectivity between your on-premises load generator and the cloud (AWS). Also ensure that outbound communication over port 443 is enabled. If your company's security or firewall requires static IP addresses for allowed lists, submit a service request to request the IP addresses. For details, see Dedicated IP addresses. |
One test per load generator |
The load generator can run only one test at a time. If the required load generator is already in use by another test, an error message is reported when you try to run your test. |
Vusers |
Vusers in your on-premises load test cannot exceed the maximum number of Vusers in your license. |
Security | Ensure that the OS, as well as any protocol prerequisites (for example, JDK and .NET), have the latest security updates. |
Multiple IP addresses |
If you have requested multiple IP addresses for a load test, ensure you have assigned all the valid IP addresses to the load generator machine so that OpenText Core Performance Engineering can use them during the test. For details on working with multiple IP addresses, see Enable multiple IPs for cloud and on-premises load generators. |
Set up an on-premises load generator
This section describes how to set up and install an on-premises load generator.
The installer package, OneLG, is a combined load generator installer for all of the OpenText Performance Engineering products: Professional Performance Engineering, Enterprise Performance Engineering, and OpenText Core Performance Engineering. During the installation, you select the relevant product to allow the installation to make the appropriate configurations. After the load generator installation is complete, you can reconfigure the load generator to work with a different tool from the Performance Engineering family.
Action | Task |
Define your load generator in OpenText Core Performance Engineering and note the key: |
Download the load generator installation package |
On each machine on which you want to install a load generator, download the installation .zip file from the banner menu: Tools and Integrations > Agents > OPLG, and extract the contents. Note: To help ensure the successful installation of an on-premises load generator, enable Windows Script Host on the load generator machine. |
Install the load generator components |
If the machine on which you want to install the load generator already contains an on-premises load generator, refer to Update an OPLG. Manual installation
Configure the load generator |
For more information on configuring the load generator, see OPLG configuration tool. |
Launch the load generator |
Go to Start > ...> Start Load Generator. Tip: For best results, run the load generator as an administrator. |
OPLG configuration tool
If you skipped the load generator configuration when you installed or updated the on-premises load generator, or if you need to update the configuration settings:
Go to Start > ...> - Configure Load Generator.
Run the load generator as a service
To run an on-premises load generator as a service:
- Open the built-in Windows Task Scheduler (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Schedule tasks).
Schedule a task which automatically starts the Load Generator agent at system startup.
- The executable file of the agent is
. - You can also find the file location through the Desktop shortcut.
- The executable file of the agent is
Multiple IP addresses
You can configure a load test to use multiple IP addresses on an on-premises load generator.
Action | Task |
Enable multiple IP addresses | Contact your account manager or sales representative. |
Enable multiple IP addresses for a load test | From Load tests > Test settings, select the Enable multiple IP addresses checkbox. |
Allocate sufficient IP addresses |
You must ensure that you have allocated the required number of valid IP addresses on the relevant on-premises load generator. |
For more information, see Enable multiple IPs for cloud and on-premises load generators.
Run tests on OPLGs
This section describes how to run a test using an on-premises load generator.
To set up an on-premises test run:
- Go to the Load tests tab and select a load test.
- Go to the Load profile pane and select a script . Expand the Location dropdown and select On-premises. If there are no scripts listed, click the Add from Assets button
to select one or more scripts from the repository.
- Go to the Load distribution pane and click the On-premises tab. Click the + Add from Assets button to select the on-premises load generators to use for your test.
- To customize the number of allowed Vusers per protocol, select one of the on-premises servers, and click the Edit button. Customize the number of Vusers for the desired protocols.
For more information, see Tests.
Update an OPLG
This section describes how to update an OPLG (on-premises load generator) to the latest version.

If the machine on which you want to install the latest load generator already contains version 2020.07 or later of the on-premises load generator, perform the following actions:
In the OpenText Core Performance Engineering banner, go to Tools and Integrations > Agents > OPLG.
Download the installation package zip file and extract its contents.
Make sure the existing OpenText Core Performance Engineering load generator agent on the machine has been closed, and that all OpenText Core Performance Engineering load generator agent processes have been terminated.
Install the new version. No backup, uninstall, or restart is required. For details, see Set up an on-premises load generator.
If a patch for the current version is available, it also appears in the OPLG section of the Agents tab. For example, if you have OPLG for version 2023.07, click the button Patch for 2023.07. You must have the full installation of the OPLG before installing its patch.

If the machine on which you want to install the latest load generator already contains an on-premises load generator, version 2020.05 or earlier, perform the following actions:
- (Optional) Back up the sample_conf.json file, located in the <installation_folder>\testexec.server\stormagent\ folder.
- In the OpenText Core Performance Engineering banner, go to Tools and Integrations > Agents > OPLG. Download the installation package zip file and extract its contents.
- Uninstall the old version. For details, see Uninstall an OPLG.
- Reboot the machine.
Make sure the existing OpenText Core Performance Engineering load generator agent on the machine has been closed, and that all load generator agent processes have been terminated.
- Install the new version. For details, see Set up an on-premises load generator.
- (Optional) If you backed up the old load generator's sample_conf.json configuration file, copy it to the new installation, overwriting the newer, empty configuration file. The new, empty configuration file’s path is: C:\Program Files\<installation_folder>\testexec.server\stormagent\.
Tip: Check the Tools and Integrations > Agents section for patches for the current version's on-premises load generator.
Perform a silent OPLG installation
A silent installation, also known as unattended install, has multiple benefits. If you installed the OPLG (on-premises load generator) with the latest OneLG installation, you can imbed a silent installation into the software installation process.
This capability allows you to automate installation and updates on multiple remote machines, instead of having to log in to each machine separately and manually installing the OPLG.
The following are the prerequisites for performing a silent installation:
.NET 4.8. If .NET 4.8 is not installed on the OPLG machine, install it before running the silent installation. Otherwise the machine requires a restart and you need to run the silent command again.
Termination of existing processes. Make sure the existing load generator agent on the machine has been closed, and all load generator agent processes have been terminated. Agent processes that are still running may prevent the installation from updating the agent during the silent installation.
Silent installation
Perform the following steps to run a silent installation on an OPLG:
Open a Windows command line as an administrator.
Enter the command for your installation type:
Silent installation
For a basic silent installation only, enter the command:
Copy codeSetupOneLG.exe -s -sp"/s INSTALLDIR=C:\LoadRunnerCloudOneLG IS_RUNAS_SERVICE=2 NVINSTALL=N"
Silent installation to a location path that includes a space
To perform a silent installation in a location where the path name includes a space, enclose the path name with double quotes. For example:
Copy codeSetupOneLG.exe -s -sp"/s INSTALLDIR=""C:\Program Files (x86)\LoadRunnerCloudOneLG"" IS_RUNAS_SERVICE=2 NVINSTALL=N"
Silent installation and configuration
To configure a load generator as part of the silent installation, you can set the LRC_PARAMS parameter to the full path of a YAML file that contains the configuration options. For example:
Copy codeSetupOneLG.exe -s -sp"/s INSTALLDIR=C:\LoadRunnerCloudOneLG IS_RUNAS_SERVICE=2 NVINSTALL=N LRC_PARAMS=C:\Temp\config.yml"
The following configuration options are defined in the YAML file:
Field Description Example Mandatory/Optional tenant Tenant Id ‘123456789’ Mandatory key Load generator key ‘2fc1f0632fa263f9bd49’ Mandatory username Username or client Id ‘<username>’ Mandatory password Password or secret key ‘<password>’ Mandatory proxy Proxy server address and port ‘http://<your proxy server>:<port>’ Optional logLevel Log level (info, error, debug, warn) ‘info’ Optional options Additional options option1: true
option2: true
Optional You can copy the following code into your YAML file and then change the values for your load generator:
Copy codetenant: '123456789'
key: '2fc1f0632fa263f9bd49'
username: '<username>'
password: '<password>'
proxy: 'http://<your proxy server>:<port>'
logLevel: 'info'
option1: true
option2: trueNote: Tenants created before version 24.3 can authenticate using the username/password or OAuth authentication methods. However, tenants created for version 24.3 and higher may only authenticate with the OAuth method with a client ID and secret key. The preferred and more secure method is to always authenticate with a client ID and secret key, even for earlier versions.
Enable JMeter or Gatling
To run JMeter or Gatling scripts on the load generator, you can install JMeter or Gatling as part of the installation by adding
to the installation command. For example:Copy codeSetupOneLG.exe -s -sp"/s INSTALLDIR=C:\LoadRunnerCloudOneLG IS_RUNAS_SERVICE=2 INSTALL_JMETER=1 INSTALL_GATLING=1 NVINSTALL=N"
(Optional) Automatically configure a load generator machine after the silent installation:
If the machine did not have an OPLG installed prior to the silent installation, copy the sample_conf.json you previously saved to the %LG_PATH%\testexec.server\stormagent\ folder. If you copy the configuration file from an existing machine with a configured load generator, modify the "key" field accordingly, because the same key cannot be used by multiple OPLGs.
If the machine had an OPLG installed prior to the silent installation, no action is required. The installer automatically upgrades the existing OPLG and backs up the %LG_PATH%\testexec.server\stormagent\sample_conf.json file. At the completion of the silent installation, the OPLG configurations are automatically stored.
Uninstall an OPLG
Depending on the version of on-premises load generator you want to uninstall, locate the program in the Windows Programs and Feature list, and uninstall it:
For version 2020.07 and later.
For version 2020.05 or earlier.
See also: