OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform integration
You can integrate OpenText Core Performance Engineering with OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform. OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform is an end-to-end cloud-based value stream management platform that enables you to manage corporate strategies and connect strategies with actionable Agile initiatives.
Integration overview
Using the integration, you can stream your OpenText Core Performance Engineering performance results to OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform so that you can see a comprehensive picture of your application's quality and coverage in one place.
OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform delivers end-to-end value stream management by providing a modular, cloud-based platform that powers the entire software product lifecycle, from strategy to delivery.
This AI-powered platform works with existing commercial and open-source software development tools. With ValueEdge, you can improve production efficiency, mitigate risks and maximize ROI across your organization.
The flexible design lets you choose a single OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform module or the entire platform that can be customized to meet your organization’s unique needs.
For details, see the Core Software Delivery Platform Help Center.
As a result of the integration, you can view OpenText Core Performance Engineering performance results in ValueEdge and easily move between the different OpenText Core Performance Engineering modules. For details, see Modules.
The following are the prerequisites for the integration:
A valid tenant in both OpenText Core Performance Engineering and OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform.
The same user configured in each tenant.
Request the integration
To request the integration with OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform, submit a service request and provide the relevant OpenText Core Performance Engineering and OpenText Core Performance Engineering tenant IDs.
After the integration is configured, providing you have the appropriate user permissions, you can access the OpenText Core Performance Engineering modules by clicking the OpenText Core Performance Engineering logo. Your OpenText Core Performance Engineering tenant is available in the OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform Performance module.
Pipeline integration
In OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform, the CI pipeline, which is part of the OpenText Core Performance Engineering Quality module, represents the jobs or steps that run on your CI server. To learn more, see CI Pipelines.
Note: The pipeline integration with OpenText Core Performance Engineering does not support a multi-branch pipeline.
To configure the CI pipeline integration:
Install the CI plugin for the relevant CI tool and configure it to run your load tests automatically. For details, see CI plugins.
Install and configure the ALM Octane CI plugin to collect information about your tests. For details, see CI server integration flow.
Note: When configuring the pipeline, set the Testing tool type to Core Performance Engineering and the Test type to Performance.
View test data
When your automated tests have run, you can view data in OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform to learn more about them.
Path | Description |
Quality Management > Pipelines > Overview |
Shows a trend of the last pipeline runs, the correlation between code changes in the application module and test run results, how many of your tests ran successfully, how many were skipped or unstable, and how many failed. |
Quality Management > Pipelines > Tests |
Shows all the automated load test runs that were part of the selected pipeline run, and their OpenText Core Performance Engineering status. You can also see a direct link to the OpenText Core Performance Engineering report for the selected test run. If your CI tool is Jenkins, you can view the following information about failures in the Report section:
Quality Management > Quality Insights & Analysis > Dashboard |
You can create custom widgets with data based on the automated tests included in a pipeline, and the CI pipeline configuration in OpenText Core Software Delivery Platform. To create the widgets, either select a pipeline that is dedicated for automated performance tests, or use the following filters:
For details on custom widgets, see Set up the dashboard. |
See also: