
The Tenant management's Projects tab lets admin users create and configure projects within your tenant.

Create and configure projects

The Projects tab enables admin users to designate a OpenText Core Performance Engineering project for specific work groups, products, or projects within your group.

Load generators can be shared by multiple projects. However, assets such as scripts, monitors, and load tests, cannot be shared between projects.

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Manage projects

Create, edit and remove projects from your tenant.

Action Task
Create a project
  1. In the banner, open the Settings > Tenant management > Projects tab.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter the project name and description.

Edit a project
  • Highlight an existing project and select Edit.


  • Click a project name in the list.

Manage the selected project in one or more of the following areas:

Delete a project

Highlight an existing project and click the X Delete button.

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Edit the General settings

To edit project properties, choose a project and click on the General button General pane button to view the General pane. Edit the project name or project description.

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Manage users

To manage users in a project, choose a project and click on the Users button Users pane button.

Action Task
  1. Click the + Add button.
  2. From the list of users for the tenant, select the users you want to add to the project.
Delete a user
  1. Highlight an existing user.
  2. Click the X Remove button.

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Manage licenses

To allocate licenses to a project, or track license usage for a project, choose a project and click on the Licenses button Licenses pane button to view the Licenses pane.

Action Task
Allocate licenses to a project

By default, you must allocate licenses from the tenant to the project.

  1. Select the Allocation tab.
  2. Click Enable under Allocate licenses to this project (displayed only if the project is currently using the global tenant license).
  3. (Optional) Use the filter dropdown to display the relevant license types.

    Tip: Use the filter to display specific license types.

  4. In the grid, click the Edit button Edit button to open the Allocate licenses to a project dialog box for each of the selected license types.

  5. Specify the number of licenses to allocate in the Change to box, and click Apply.
  6. To remove all licenses that were allocated to the project, click Deallocate licenses.

Tenant licenses

To use tenant licenses instead of allocating licenses to the project, click Use tenant licenses. The Allocation tab displays Project currently uses global tenant license.

To revert to allocating licenses instead of using the tenant licenses, click Enable in the Allocation tab.

To restrict the selected project from using VUH licenses in the tenant, select Don't allow this project to use VUH license in tenant. If you select this option and a user tries to run with VUH or mixed VU/VUH licenses, OpenText Core Performance Engineering issues a message indicating that this project was restricted from using the VUH licenses.

Track project license usage

  1. Select the Usage tab in the banner.

  2. Use the date picker to choose a date range for the test runs, or click Show all to display all test runs for the selected project.

  3. Click Export to CSV to export license usage data for the project to a .CSV file.

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Manage on-premises load generators

To add and remove on-premises load generators for your projects, choose a project, open the Load Generators pane, and select the On-premises tab.

Action Task
Add a load generator

Add one or more on-premises load generators to your project:

  1. Click the + Add LG button to open the Add load generators to the project dialog box.
  2. Select each load generator you want to add to this project, and then click OK.

Remove a load generator

To remove a load generator, highlight it and click X Remove LG.

Remove LG example

Search for a load generator Use the Search box to find a specific load generator.
View which projects are assigned to this load generator If you highlight a specific load generator in the grid, a list of all the projects using this load generator is displayed in the Project area, along with the usage.

Updates the view of the on-premises load generator grid. This is useful for checking a load generator's current connectivity status. For example, if a load generator was temporarily unavailable, click Refresh and view the Status column to check its availability.

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Manage cloud load generators

The Load Generators > Cloud area lets admin users set lower limits for the number of Vusers. By setting the lower limit, you control the maximum number of Vusers that end users can run on cloud load generators per protocol.

To configure cloud load generator limits for a project:

  1. Choose a project, click the Load Generators pane button Load Generators button to open the Load Generators pane. Select the Cloud tab. OpenText Core Performance Engineering displays a list of protocols and their lower and upper limits.

  2. In the Active column, turn on the switch for the protocols that you want users to be able to customize Vuser capacity in their tests. If you do not activate the protocol, it uses the tenant’s default limits.

    Note: Only those protocols included in your bundle are available.

  3. Modify the lower limit of active protocols as required. This provides control over the Vuser multiplier ratio that may apply for calculating license usage. For a summary of the multiplier ranges, click the Vusers Multipliers Range button Vusers Multipliers Range button.

  4. Click Apply.

  5. End users can manually lower the limit of Vusers through the Test settings. For details, see Set Vuser limits.

Note: The new lower limit also applies to previous tests. If the maximum number of Vusers set manually by the end user (see Configure test settings) is lower than the admin's lower limit, it is automatically set to the new lower limit.

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Manage agents

The Agents area lets you add or remove a Git agent from the current project.

To manage Git agents for a project:

  1. Choose a project and click Agents Agents in the sidebar. The Agents pane displays a list of agents, their usage, type, status, and creation date.

    Agents pane.

  2. Click + Add Agent to add an agent to the current project. If the account that configured the Git agent does not have access to the project, the Add Agent dialog box does not show that agent.

  3. Click X Remove Agent to remove the selected agent from the current project.

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View test schedules

To view all the tests that are scheduled to run for the project, choose a project and click the Schedules pane button Schedules button to open the Schedules pane.

For each test schedule listed, the following information is displayed:

  • The name of the test.
  • The scheduled date for the test run.
  • The scheduled time for the test run.
  • The duration of the test.

To filter the displayed test schedules:

  • Specify a date range in which tests are scheduled to run.
  • Search for specific test names.

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View active runs

Active test runs are runs that have been started, but have not yet finished. This includes runs that have a status of running, stopping, initializing, connecting, or delayed.

Choose a project and click the Active runs pane button Active Runs button. The Active Runs pane shows the active test runs for the selected project.

For each of the test runs, the following information is displayed:

  • The test run ID. Click the Run ID link to see the Dashboard for the test run.

  • The name of the test. Click the Test name link to see the test's scripts.

    Note: The test ID and name only include links if the user is assigned to the project.

  • The run status: Running, Stopping, Initializing, Connecting, or Delayed.

    Tip: You can group the test runs by test name or status.

  • The time the test run started.

  • The current duration of the test run.

  • The number of Vusers configured for the test.

  • Who triggered the test run.

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