Selenium scripts

This topic describes how to use Selenium scripts in performance tests. Selenium is an open-source load testing framework.

General requirements

Make sure that your environment meets the following requirements.

Tool Version
Selenium 4.19
Browser Chrome 123
JUnit 4.13.2
Mocha 10.4.0

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Prepare Selenium scripts using JUnit

Before you upload your Selenium script that uses JUnit, make sure that your environment meets the General requirements.

Prepare a script for uploading

These steps describe how to prepare your Selenium script for upload to the repository.

  1. Create a file that defines an execution type and entry point.

    The file is a standard Java properties file (key/value pairs). For example:

    Key Description
    execution The execution engine type for the script.
    runner The name of the testing framework. By default, the runner is junit.
    entrypoint The entry for the testing framework. The entry point is the full class name of the Junit test entry . In the above example, it is scratch.UnitTestSample.

    A list of transaction names, separated by commas, which are displayed on the Load tests > SLA page.

    Transaction names are in the format: <package name>.<class name>.<test method name>.

  2. Create a .zip file that contains the file, your Selenium script (.jar) files and all other dependencies. The file and the *.jar files must be located in the root folder of the .zip file.

    Tip: The required JUnit and Selenium frameworks are already deployed in OpenText Core Performance Engineering. You do not need to include these frameworks in the .zip file.

  3. Alternatively, if your JUnit test code is simple and you do not have a tool to build it as .jar file, you can specify a .java file name in the sources field in Then, create a .zip file to include both the .java and files. The .java file is compiled before thee test is run.

    For example:




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Transaction definitions - JUnit

Transactions defined in the file appear in the Load tests > SLA page.

Transactions are defined in the JUnit test framework and transaction names are in the format: <test class full name>.<test method>.

In addition, all tests in your Selenium script are reported as transactions.

Transaction names example:

Transactions are: “scratch.UnitTestSample.baseTest1” and “scratch.UnitTestSample.baseTest2”


JUnit Test java class example:

package scratch;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.After;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

public class UnitTestSample {
  private WebDriver driver;
  public void setUp() {
    driver = new ChromeDriver();
  public void tearDown() {
  public void nodejs() {
    driver.manage().window().setSize(new Dimension(1525, 813));
    driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".list-divider-pipe > li:nth-child(4) > a")).click();
    driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".list-divider-pipe > li:nth-child(2) > a")).click();
  public void baseTest1() {
      // The test method
  public void baseTest2() {
      // The test method

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Prepare Selenium scripts using Mocha

Before you upload your Selenium script that uses Mocha, make sure that your environment meets the General requirements.

Prepare a script for uploading

This section describes how to prepare your Selenium script for upload to the repository.

  1. Create a storm.json file that defines an execution type and transactions. For example:

        "execution": "Selenium",
        "runner": "mocha",
        "transactions": ["sample - test item 1", "sample - test item 2"]
  2. Create an npm package that contains the storm.json file. For details on using the npm-pack command to create an npm package, see the npm documentation.

  3. Upload the npm package (which is a .tgz file ) to your tenant.

    Tip: The required Mocha and Selenium frameworks are already deployed in the product. You do not need to include these frameworks in the .tgz file.

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Transaction definitions - Mocha

Transactions defined in the storm.json file appear in the Load tests > SLA page.

Transactions are defined in the Mocha test framework and transaction names are in the format: <test suite name>-<test item name>.

The example below includes one transaction called sample - test item:

describe('sample', function() {
     it('test item', function(done) {
        const driver = new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
        setTimeout(() => {
         }, 1000);

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