Known issues

This topic lists the known limitations for the current version of OpenText Core Performance Engineering.

Load test limitations

The following table lists limitations for load tests.

Limitation Description
Number of concurrent tests

No limits apply to the number of concurrent test runs, with the following exceptions:

  • Trial tenants are limited to one concurrent test run.

  • Tenants created through an online purchase, are limited to five concurrent test runs.

Network emulation

Network emulation is only supported for the following protocols:

  • Mobile HTTP
  • Web Services
  • MQTT
  • TruClient Web
  • TruClient Mobile Web
  • SAP - Web
  • Siebel Web
Enable multiple IP addresses Network emulation is not supported when this feature is enabled.
  • Network emulation is not supported when this feature is enabled.
  • Scripts in which WinInet is enabled do not support multiple IP addresses.
Iterations run mode

The following features do not support the Iteration run mode:

  • Adding Vusers

  • Manual and advanced scheduling for scripts

  • Generating single user performance data

  • The Timeline tab when scheduling a load test

  • Changing the load in a running load test

For details on configuring a load test's run mode, see Run mode.

Goal Oriented run mode

The following script types do not support the Goal Oriented run mode:

  • TruClient Native Mobile scripts.

The following features do not support the Goal Oriented run mode:

  • Adding Vusers
  • Generating single user performance data
  • The Timeline tab when scheduling a load test
  • Network emulations for cloud locations
  • Changing the load in a running load test

For details on configuring a load test's run mode, see Run mode.

Vuser log collection Collecting Vuser logs may cause the load test to take longer to stop after it has run.
Pause scheduling

The following limitations apply to the pause scheduling option:

  • This feature does not support the Goal Oriented run mode.

  • When pausing is enabled, the following features are not supported:

    • Adding Vusers
    • Single user performance
    • Changing the load when running a test

For details on pausing a schedule during a run, see Pause scheduling up to.

Data thresholds

Any test that exceeds the threshold for the following elements is stopped and assigned a Halted status:

  • More than 10,000 unique transaction names

  • More than 4,000 unique user data points

  • More than 4,000 errors

To continue, try modifying your script.

Interactive RDP session Running Vusers in an interactive Remote Desktop Protocol session is not supported.

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Agent limitations

The following table lists limitations for agents.

Limitation Description
Federated users OpenText Core Performance Engineering on-premises agents (such as load generators, Git agents, streaming agents, and monitors) do not support federated users.

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Monitor limitations

The following table lists limitations for monitors.

Limitation Description
Monitor types You can only add one monitor type to a test definition.
SiteScope on-premises
  • If you select or clear the Disable integration checkbox in the SiteScope configuration, but the agent continues to behave as it did before you made the change, restart the SiteScope service.
  • If a monitor that you did not select appears in the monitor gallery, stop the load test, and reset the SiteScope agent and the SiteScope service.
SiteScope on-premises Docker integration Standard application monitors deployed during runtime are not supported.
Dynatrace SaaS

For Dynatrace SaaS monitors, metrics are shown with a delay of approximately two minutes. This means that a load test that runs for less than three minutes may not display any metrics.


Metrics are shown with a delay of approximately two minutes. This means that a load test that runs for less than three minutes may not display any metrics.

Application Insights

Metrics are shown with a delay of approximately two minutes. This means that a load test that runs for less than three minutes may not display any metrics.

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Script limitations

The following table lists limitations for scripts.

Limitation Description
VuGen scripts Scripts created with versions prior to 12.0 are not supported.
Cross Vuser transactions Not supported.
Mobile protocols Support for Mobile Application-HTTP/HTML, TruClient Native Mobile, TruClient Mobile Web.
Web HTTP/HTML Snapshots Not supported.
WinInet Network emulation is not supported when this feature is enabled.
Maximum values
  • The script size cannot exceed 200 MB.
  • The maximum number of scripts that can be added to a load test is 100 for trial versions and 500 for non-trial versions.
  • The maximum number of scripts that can be uploaded to a tenant is 500 for the trial versions and 30,000 for non-trial versions.
SAP client The SAP client must be installed before running SAP GUI scripts; SAP can then start up manually without any scripting popups.
TruClient coded scripts Not supported.
TruClient scripts

Script is stopped if it hangs for more than 10 minutes.

TruClient scripts created with Firefox .xpi Not supported.
TruClient scripts created with Internet Explorer Not supported.
Localized support

OpenText Core Performance Engineering supports scripts written in non-Latin alphabets. However, non-Latin characters are not supported in any file or folder names inside scripts and data files.

Additional Vusers Adding additional Vusers is not supported if the test uses network emulation.
Script names Script names cannot contain a comma (,) or a single quote (').
Transaction names

Transaction names cannot contain a comma.

Unique parameter When using Unique parameters for a VuGen script, the number of available parameter values should not be less than the number of Vusers. The Unique mode is applied when you select the Select next row data assignment method for the data. For details, see the VuGen help center.

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Data file limitations

The following table lists limitations for the data files.

Limitation Description
Decompressed file size

A single decompressed .zip file cannot exceed 1.2 GB. This maximum size is fixed and cannot be extended. Larger files may cause long initialization time or failure to run load tests, due to low available disk space or high CPU usage.

Zip file size

By default, a single .zip file cannot exceed 50 MB. If your .zip file is larger than 50 MB, try removing some of the non-essential and extraneous files in order to reduce the file size. Should you have good reason for uploading larger files, submit a service request and your request will be considered.

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Runtime setting limitations

The following table lists limitations for runtime settings (RTS).

Limitation Description
Proxy settings

If your script is configured to run with proxy settings that are inaccessible from outside your local network, OpenText Core Performance Engineering may ignore runtime settings. Deactivate the proxy settings and run the test again.

If the issue persists, submit a service request.

Run Vusers as a process This option in a script's runtime settings is ignored and Vusers always run as threads.

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Single user performance data limitations

The following table lists limitations for single user performance data.

Limitation Description

Number of scripts

  • NV Insights report. You can specify one script per test.
  • TRT breakdown. You can specify up to five scripts per test.

Script type

Only Web HTTP/HTML, TruClient - Mobile Web, and TruClient - Web scripts are supported.

Your script is configured to run with proxy settings that are inaccessible from outside your local network

TRT breakdown widgets and the NV Insights report are not generated.

Deactivate the proxy and run the test again.

If the issue persists, submit a service request.
NV Insights report limitations
  • The network scenario is displayed as default scenario.
  • Total throughput per transaction is not supported.
  • The NV Insights report does not support scripts in which WinInet is enabled.

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Report limitations

The following table lists the limitations for (new) reports.

Limitation Description
Add Notes Text formatted in italics displays as regular font in the PDF.
Custom report

You can include a maximum of 10 snapshots per report.

Raw transaction data

When you export raw transaction data to a .csv file, the following limitations apply:

  • Only transactions that passed are included.
  • Transaction groups are not included.
  • A maximum of 100 million entries can be stored.
  • The data is retained for one week, after which it is automatically purged.
Raw error data

When you export raw error data to a .csv file, the following limitations apply:

  • The report includes a column for transaction ID. This column is populated only for MDRV (VuGen) script protocols.
  • A maximum of 500,000 entries can be stored.
Load generator log files
  • A log file is generated for each Vuser in a test run.

  • The total size of all the log files included in an export cannot exceed 15 GB.

  • For an on-premises load generator, the size of all the Vuser log files together cannot exceed 512 MB. For a cloud-based load generator, the maximum size is 1 GB. If these maximum values are exceeded, some of the log files for that load generator may not be included in the exported logs for a test run.

  • A long test run with a large number of Vusers and unique transactions increases the amount of data, so that some of the Vusers may exceed the maximum log size.

Exported reports
  • Exporting data to files for Analysis is not supported.

  • The maximum number of metrics that can be exported to a report is 4,000.

    Note: This limitation may be subject to changes in future releases of OpenText Core Performance Engineering.

CSV files

The maximum number of rows that can be exported to a CSV file is 750,000.

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Dashboard limitations

The following table lists limitations for the dashboard.

Limitation Description
  • The maximum number of tabs that you can open is 20.
  • The maximum number of different metrics that can be displayed per tab is 1000.

Snapshot on error
  • Error snapshots, allowing you to see and download snapshots from the dashboard, are only supported for TruClient scripts. For details, see Runtime settings.

  • By default, the maximum number of snapshots you can generate per test run is 20. To increase this limit up to 100 for your tenant, submit a service request.
  • For each unique error ID, only one snapshot is generated.
Data latency In rare instances, results returned after several minutes are associated with a previous data point of the test run.

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See also: