What's new in LoadRunner Developer
This topic introduces the new features and improvements for LoadRunner Developer and the DevWeb engine, version 2021 R1.
Note: The Help Centers for LoadRunner Developer 2021 and 2021 R1 versions are streamlined into a single Help Center. Any version specific changes are indicated where relevant.
To view enhancements for the 2021 version, see What's new in 2021.
In this topic:
- What's New video
- Integration with LRC/LRE
- LRC support
- gRPC protocol
- Code generation
- Script replay
- Replay Summary table
- CA certificate
- Operating system
- Help Center Share button
- What's new in the LoadRunner family
What's New video
Learn about some of the new features included in LoadRunner Professional and LoadRunner Developer version 2021 R1:
Integration with LRC/LRE
The integration with LRC/LRE from your IDE (using ScaLRD) includes the following enhancements:
You can now define the load generator hosts and Controller machine that you want to use for your performance tests on LRE.
SSO authentication is now supported when connecting to LRE.
OAuth authentication is now supported when connecting to LRC.
For details, see Run scripts from your IDE on other LoadRunner products.
LRC support
This version contains the following enhancements for running DevWeb scripts on LRC:
Support for unique parameters distribution between LRC load generators when running more than one instance. For details, see Parameter resource file (parameters.yml).
Improved validation for DevWeb scripts prior to running on LRC.
gRPC protocol
The gRPC communication protocol includes the following enhancements:
Support for server-streaming RPC requests when replaying scripts with the gRPC communication protocol.
You can now configure the message size for incoming and outgoing messages.
gRPC measurements are now reported as part of the standard HTTP measurement graphs, such as the graphs for throughput, bytes sent, and hits.
For details, see the JavaScript SDK DevWeb JavaScript SDK section.
Code generation
This version includes the following code generation enhancements:
You can now set the charset for decoding URL-encoded query strings and form values during code generation. This includes support for Shift-JIS encoding (default is UTF-8).
Support for generation of web requests with asynchronous send calls.
Support for generating cookies and addCookies steps for web requests, if any web request cookies were not defined in previous responses.
For details, see Offline Script Generator configuration file (generator_config.yml).
Script replay
Script replay now includes support for working with binary content as part of the script. Binary content can be sent or received, and used as part of replay.
For details, see the DevWeb JavaScript SDK.
Replay Summary table
The transactions table in the replay summary now includes a column for 90% percentile statistics.
For details, see Replay summary.
CA certificate
To securely record HTTPS traffic, a unique Certification Authority (CA) certificate must be installed before using the DevWeb Proxy Recorder for the first time.
For details, see DevWeb Proxy Recorder.
Operating system
LoadRunner Developer is now supported on macOS version 11 (Big Sur).
For details, see Installation and configuration.
Help Center Share button
The Help Center toolbar now includes a new Share page button:
You can share help topics on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email.
You can also copy the topic link to the clipboard and paste it in other applications.
What's new in the LoadRunner family
LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb integrate with all the LoadRunner family products. For details on what's new in each, see the appropriate help center:
See also: