
Welcome to OpenTextLoadRunner Developer, a cutting-edge tool for web protocol performance and load testing. Use LoadRunner Developer to create and execute DevWeb protocol scripts, focusing on communication at the HTTP transport level and over WebSocket.

LoadRunner Developer is lightweight, scalable, cross-platform, and free to download and use.

In this topic:

Get started

Before you begin...

Learn about LoadRunner Developer capabilities, to gain a high-level picture of working with LoadRunner Developer and the DevWeb engine.

For details, see the LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb overview.

How do I use LoadRunner Developer?

The tutorial videos help you to get started, and familiarize you with the basic building blocks for LoadRunner Developer and the DevWeb engine. The videos provide step-by-step instructions for installation, script generation, working with the SDK, and more.

For details, see the Tutorial videos.

Tip: Also check out the blogs.


Use the example DevWeb scripts available in the <DevWeb root folder>\examples folder to experiment and develop. For example, you can use the scripts as a basis for creating your own scripts, or take code snippets to reuse.

Let's go!

When you're ready to begin, open LoadRunner Developer and start creating your script.

For details, see LoadRunner Developer workflow.

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Bookmark the Help Center

To ensure that you're always viewing the most up-to-date version of the LoadRunner Developer and DevWeb Help Center, bookmark this link: https://admhelp.microfocus.com/lrd.

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See also: