Manage dockerized hosts

This section describes how to set up and manage elastic dockerized load generator hosts.

In this topic:

Set up dockerized load generators

You can use one of the following methods for configuring and assigning dockerized hosts to a performance test either from:

Method Description
Automatic provisioning

You can automatically provision and de-provision load generators from Docker containers. For details, see Configure elastic dockerized hosts.

Manual provisioning

For details on deploying dockerized LoadRunner Enterprise images and updating the default image, see Manage dockerized images.

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Notes and limitations

The following notes and limitations apply to elastic dockerized hosts:

Migrated Docker tests

When migrating a project that contains tests using dockerized hosts, only the Orchestration configurations are migrated; the path to your updated Docker images must be redefined.

Resolution: To run a migrated test using Docker hosts, you need to add the Docker images (if different from the 2020 default ones), associate the orchestrator configuration with the valid 2020 images, and then assign the images to the test in the Performance Test Designer. For details, see Assign Groups to Load Generators dialog box.

Dockerized load generators
  • After migrating a project from Performance Center to LoadRunner Enterprise, you need to enter new values for Token (Kubernetes) and the Prometheus Server password (Swarm). This is because these values are hidden and replaced by asterisks, and asterisks cannot be retrieved to the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration user interface.

  • Windows containers on Swarm orchestrators are created without CPU limit by design.

  • NV Insights is not supported when using elastic hosts.

  • Running over a firewall is not supported.

  • Elastic hosts using an SSL configuration are not supported.

  • Do not use the [Test]ElasticCont{ID} host in a test.

  • For issues when running tests without collating results, or if collation fails, see Retain run results after a performance test ends.

  • A performance test will fail to initialize if all node resources for load generator containers have been assigned.

    Workaround: Do not set the Resource Limits in Configuration > Orchestration with the maximum machine resources; leave some resources spare for the node itself.

  • If Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is enabled on your Linux operating system, it can prevent Docker containers from loading the required load generator libraries.

    Workaround: Contact your IT department to configure SELinux so that it will still be effective while letting the load generators load the required libraries for them to operate.

  • Any errors encountered by dockerized hosts are written to the Event log under the docker node host name and port.

  • IP spoofing should be disabled for dockerized load generators.

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