Keyboard shortcuts

This topic describes the shortcut keys that are available in LoadRunner Enterprise and LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

Note: Not all of the listed shortcuts are available across the whole user interface.

In this topic:

Enable keyboard shortcuts

To enable keyboard shortcut keys in LoadRunner Enterprise or LoadRunner Enterprise Administration:

  1. From the or navigation toolbar, click the Help options dropdown, and select Accessibility.

  2. In the Keyboard Shortcuts section, move the toggle button to Enable.

  3. Refresh the page to activate the setting.

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General shortcuts

The following table lists the general shortcuts that are available in most of the user interface:

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Alt + K Open keyboard shortcuts.
Alt + M Focus on navigation menu.
Ctrl + Alt + T

Focus on page tabs.

Alt + V

Focus on vertical tabs.

Note: Available in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration only.

Alt + ↓ Open dropdown editor.
Tab Focus on next element.
↓ ↑ Scroll up or down.



Activate the selected item.

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Tree shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts for the tree panel (LoadRunner Enterprise only):

Keyboard Shortcut Description
Alt + T Focus on tree panel.
Ctrl + →/← Expand or collapse the tree.
Menu Open context menu.

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Data grid shortcuts

The following table lists the shortcuts that are available in data grids:

Keyboard Shortcut Description

Alt + G

Focus on data grid.

Alt + B

Focus on data grid toolbar.
Alt + D

Focus on entity details panel (to the right of the grid).

Note: Available in LoadRunner Enterprise only.

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See also: