Manage hosts

This section describes how to define, manage, and maintain the testing resources used for server-side testing.

LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R2 only: A Tenant Admin user has read-only permissions on the Hosts module, except for permissions to reconfigure hosts, add pools and locations, and assign hosts to pools. For details, see Administrator user types.

In this topic:

Add a host

To add a host from your test lab to LoadRunner Enterprise:

  1. Prerequisites

    Ensure the following:

    • Before adding a host, ensure that at least one LoadRunner Enterprise server is in an operational state.

    • The required testing tools are installed on your hosts. Refer to the documentation for your specific testing tools for installation instructions.

    • If a host you are adding is in a remote location, the location must be added in the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration > Maintenance > Hosts > Locations tab. For task details, see Manage host locations.

    • If a host you are adding is over a firewall, the host must communicate with a Performance host through an MI Listener. Make sure that the MI Listener was added in the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration > Maintenance > Hosts > MI Listeners tab. For task details, see Specify MI Listeners.

    • To use cloud-based hosts in a performance test, see Add elastic hosts to a test.

  2. Create a new host

    From LoadRunner Enterprise Administration
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

    2. Select Maintenance > Hosts. Select the Hosts tab, and then click Add Host.

    From LoadRunner Enterprise
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise.

    2. Click and select Hosts (under Resources). Click Add Host.

    From From Site Management
    1. Log onto Site Management. For details, see Log onto Site Management.

    2. Select the Hosts tab and click Add Host.

  3. Configure host details

    1. Configure the new host (not all the fields below are displayed in the LoadRunner Enterprise application):

      UI Element Description

      Host Name

      The name of the new host. Use the IP address or the fully qualified domain name. Click the host name link to display the host's details in the Main Details view. We recommend giving the host a meaningful name in the Domain\Windows level.

      Note: Do not use the [Test]ElasticCont{ID} host in a test.

      Tenant Name

      The name of the tenant to which the host is assigned.

      Note: Available in Site Management only at the site level; not the tenant level.


      (Optional) A description of the host.


      Select a purpose for the host: Controller, Data Processor, or Load Generator. For details, see What are hosts?

      • If the host machine is located over a firewall, or is a UNIX machine, it cannot function as a Controller or Data Processor.

      • If you select OneLG or Unix Load Generator as the host installation option, Load Generator is automatically selected as the purpose for the host and the other options are disabled.


      Displays the host's source: Local if the host exists in your testing lab, or Cloud if the host was provisioned from a cloud provider (if you have existing load generators on the cloud, you must first define network settings as described in Add cloud-provisioned hosts to your lab).


      Assign a priority (1-9) to the host. The higher the priority you give the host, the more likely the host will be allocated to a test. There are a number of criteria to consider when assigning priority. The main considerations are whether the host is a dedicated machine or a shared resource, and the type of hardware installed on the machine.


      Indicates the current status of the host. You can also change the status of the host. The possible statuses are:

      • Operational. The host machine is up and running.

      • Non-operational. The host machine is down.

      • Unavailable. The host machine is not available (there is no information available about the status of the host).


      Select the location of the host. Locations can be defined according to physical areas. The location also determines whether the host is located over a firewall. If so, you need to select an MI Listener that will enable data collection.

      Note for Site Management only: Hosts are automatically assigned to the Default location and cannot be assigned to any other location.

      Host Installation

      Select the installation type of the host: 

      • Windows Host. Indicates that this Windows host can be used for performance purposes (Controller, Load Generator, or Data Processor).

      • Unix Load Generator. Indicates that this Unix host is used as a standalone load generator for performance tests.

      • OneLG. Indicates that this Windows host is used as a standalone load generator for performance tests.


      • The load generator uses TLS (SSL) to communicate with the Controller during runtime only. For non runtime functionality, such as including collating results, the load generator does not use TLS as the communication protocol.
      • Relevant only for load generator hosts located over a firewall.

      MI Listener

      If the host is located over a firewall, enter the IP address or name of the MI Listener that enables data collection.

      Note: Not available in Site Management.

      Enable SSL

      Indicates whether the load generator host will communicate with the Controller via TLS (formerly SSL) or not.

      Note: The load generator uses TLS to communicate with the Controller during runtime only. For non runtime functionality, such as including collating results, the load generator does not use TLS as the communication protocol.

      Assign Pools in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R1 and R2

      Belongs to Pool in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021

      Select pools to assign to the host. Host pools enable you to control which hosts are allocated to which projects. When allocating hosts for a test, the system allocates hosts from the host pool of the project. Hosts must be assigned to at least one pool.

      Note for Site Management only: Hosts are automatically assigned to a general pool and they cannot be assigned to any other pool.

      Assign Host Attributes in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R1 and R2

      Host Attributes in LoadRunner Enterprise 2021

      Select the system attributes of the host, such as memory, strength, or installed components.

      For details on defining host attributes, see Customize load generator attributes.

      Note: Not available in Site Management.

    2. Click Save or OK to add the host to the Hosts grid.

      After adding a host to the Hosts grid, the following additional fields can be displayed by clicking Select Columns (in Site Management, only the ID field is available):

      UI Elements


      Privacy Type

      (Available in Site Management only)

      Indicates whether the host is public or private.

      • Private host. A private host is one that is created by a customer in a load test; only the customer can perform actions on this host.

      • Public host. A public host is any host that is not private, which is created and managed by a Site Administrator.


      The host ID.


      The current activity on the host.

      • Idle. Indicates that the host is not being used.

      • Installing. Indicates that a remote installation package is being installed on the host.

      • Rebooting. Indicates that the host is rebooting.

      • <Run states>. Indicates the host state during a performance test run.

      • <Data processing states>. Indicates the state of the host during a data processing task.

      • <Provisioning states>. Indicates the provisioning status of a cloud host. Host State changes to idle once the host is provisioned.


      Lists the version of LoadRunner Enterprise hosts, standalone load generators, and upgrades installed on the host.

      Note: While hosts from older installations of LoadRunner Enterprise (up to three versions earlier) are still supported and are colored orange, we recommend upgrading them to the current LoadRunner Enterprise version before using them. Versions displayed in red are no longer supported and cannot be used to run tests.

      Active Timeslot ID

      The ID of the timeslot for which this host is reserved, and which is now open.

      Note: When running a test and LoadRunner Enterprise is connected using a PostgreSQL database server, this field is empty if the time zone of the database server’s operating system is not aligned with the time zone in the postgresql.conf file on the database server machine. For details on aligning the time zone, see the PostgreSQL Database servers section in the LoadRunner Enterprise Installation Guide.

      Created By

      The user who created the host.

      Created in Project

      The project in which the host was created.

      Created on Date

      The date and time the host was created.

      LoadRunner Agent User

      Displays the domain and user name of the agent that enables communication between the Controller, Load Generators, and MI Listeners. If the field is empty, the default LocalSystem user account is being used. For details, see Reconfigure the LoadRunner Agent user.

      Note: The cloud settings are relevant only for hosts provisioned from a cloud provider.

    1. To display only those hosts that meet the criteria that you define, use the Filter button to select the parameters to include. For details, see Filter.

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Add elastic hosts to a test

You can run Dockerized and cloud-based hosts in your performance tests. This automates the testing process by provisioning hosts on demand in response to dynamic workloads and seamlessly adding them to tests.

This is a quick and effective way to port applications across systems and machines, and run them within their own secure environments. This also reduces costs since you no longer need to maintain dedicated load generator machines—just provision hosts when you need to use them.

You can use the following types of elastic hosts:

  • Elastic Cloud. You can automatically provision and de-provision load generators from the cloud using Elastic Cloud hosts. For details, see Provision elastic cloud load generators.

  • Elastic Docker. You can automatically provision and de-provision load generators from Docker containers. For details, see Configure elastic Dockerized hosts.

    You can also manually configure and assign Dockerized hosts to a performance test from the REST API, or create them from LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, which users can then assign to tests. For details, see Manually configure Dockerized hosts.

Add cloud-provisioned hosts to your lab

When adding a host from your test lab to LoadRunner Enterprise, you can select an existing load generator in the cloud and make it accessible using the port and proxy settings defined in the Cloud Network Settings dialog box.

  1. Prerequisites

    Make sure you have defined the network settings for communicating from LoadRunner Enterprise to your cloud provider and with your cloud-based load generators. For details, see Configure cloud network settings.

  2. Create a new host.

    When configuring the host, select the following:

    • Purpose. Select Load Generator.

    • Host Installation. Select a standalone load generator: Unix Load Generator or OneLG.

    • Source. Select Cloud.

    For details on creating a host, see Add a host

  3. Click Save to save your settings. The port and proxy settings defined in the Cloud Network Settings dialog box are automatically used for communicating with the cloud host.

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View or edit host details

This task describes how to view and edit host details in LoadRunner Enterprise and LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

Note: For Site Management, you can only view and edit the Main Details.

  1. Open the Hosts grid:

    From LoadRunner Enterprise Administration
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

    2. Select Maintenance > Hosts.

    From LoadRunner Enterprise
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise.

    2. Click and select Hosts (under Resources).

    From From Site Management
    1. Log onto Site Management. For details, see Log onto Site Management.

    2. Select the Hosts tab.

  2. Under the Host Name column, click a host name.

    Use the following tabs to view or edit host details (only Main Details is available in Site Management):

    Tab Details
    Main Details

    Describes the currently selected host. For user interface details, see Add a host above.

    Runs Displays the test runs performed on the selected host, including the state of the test run, the start, end time and duration of the test run, the number of Vusers that were initialized at least once during the run, and the maximum number of concurrently running Vusers during the run.
    Event Logs

    Displays detailed information about the tasks performed on the selected host, including the event type (an indication of the event's severity: error, warning, or info), a description of any errors, and the category of action where the event occurred.

    Check Host Status Displays the checks performed on the selected host, including the areas (Configuration, Connectivity, Installation, Performance) and sub-areas (Processor, Memory, System) that were checked, the expected and actual value resulting from the host check, and the host check status (Passed or Failed).
    Installations Lists all of the software programs installed on the selected host, including the version, publisher, and date the software was installed.
    Components Lists the LoadRunner Enterprise components installed on the host machine, including versions and upgrades.
    Services Lists all the services on the selected host, including service status (Running or Stopped), and the way the service is set to start up (automatically, manually, or if the service is disabled).

    Displays information about the processes and resource usage of the selected host, including the percentage of processor time and memory used by the process, and the amount of elapsed time since the process started.

    Note: LoadRunner Enterprise is unable to display processes and resource usage information for UNIX machines or Windows Standalone Load Generators.

    Over Firewall

    Displays communication settings between the LoadRunner Enterprise load generator host and the MI Listener, and enables configuring over-firewall settings for the selected load generator host. For details, see Configure over-firewall settings below.

    Note: This tab is only displayed if the location of the host is defined to be over a firewall.

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Export host details to an Excel file

To export information displayed in the Hosts grid to an Excel file, click . Data from the Hosts grid is saved to an Excel file and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.

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Import hosts from Excel

You can import hosts from an Excel file to the Hosts grid in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

  1. Create an Excel file and populate it with data.

    1. Create an Excel file with the following column header names: Name, Status, Purpose, Location, Belongs to Pools (or Pool), Host Installation (or Installation), Priority, Host Attributes (or Attributes), and MI Listener if you are assigning MI Listeners to hosts. Column names (and data entries) are case insensitive and do not need to be in this order.

    2. Enter the required data for each host exactly as it is displayed in the user interface. For details, see Configure host details. Use a vertical bar "|" to separate multiple entries.


    • Alternatively, you can create a file template based on an exported Excel file by deleting the host data and the ID, Host State, and Version columns, and then populating the file with details of the hosts that you want to import. For details, see Export host details to an Excel file.

    • If you are importing hosts that have MI Listeners assigned to them, you must display the MI Listener column in the Hosts grid before you export the host details to Excel.

  2. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Hosts. On the Hosts toolbar, click Import Hosts (Excel).

  3. In the Import Hosts (Excel) dialog box, click Select and navigate to the location of the Excel file you want to import. Select the file, and click Open.

  4. Click OK. The Import Hosts (Excel) dialog box displays the import status for each host. Hosts that are imported successfully are added to the Hosts grid.

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Check host connections to testing hosts

You can check connections to your LoadRunner Enterprise testing hosts.

  1. Open the Hosts grid:

    From LoadRunner Enterprise Administration
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

    2. Select Maintenance > Hosts.

    From LoadRunner Enterprise
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise.

    2. Click and select Hosts (under Resources).

    From From Site Management
    1. Log onto Site Management. For details, see Log onto Site Management.

    2. Select the Hosts tab.

  2. Select the hosts that you want to check in the Hosts grid, and click Check Host.


    • You can check the status of up to 10 hosts at one time.

    • If the load generator connection verification fails during the host check, any hosts in the idle and operational state will become Non-Operational.

  3. Based on the purpose and location of the host, the following checks are performed:

    Check Performed Load Generator Host Controller Host Data Processor Host
    Regular* UNIX Standalone OFW
    Ping to Host Yes Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
    Remote Installations Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes
    Services Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes
    Performance Yes N/A N/A N/A Yes Yes
    Over Firewall Status N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A N/A
    * This is the LoadRunner Enterprise Host for Windows installation. After performing the installation, the host can be configured as a load generator from the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration site.

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Reconfigure hosts

When reconfiguring a host, the following actions are performed:

  • The host's licenses file that is installed on the database is updated (if you delete licenses in the LRKEY.txt file, all licenses on that host are restored).

  • System User (IUSR_METRO) is recreated on the host.

  • Communication Security passphrase is restored or updated in "lts.config".

  • The LoadRunner Remote Management service is started on the host and the host status is updated on the host machine.


  • You can reconfigure hosts in Idle state only.

  • When reconfiguring multiple hosts simultaneously:

    • The number of hosts that can be configured in bulk is limited to approximately 30 in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration (there is no limit in LoadRunner Enterprise or Site Management).

    • The operation fails if you do not have a sufficient number of connections open to the database.

      Resolution: Limit the number of hosts being reconfigured, (or for PostgreSQL) increase the number of connections by editing the postgresql.conf file.

From LoadRunner Enterprise Administration
  1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.
  2. Select Maintenance > Hosts.

  3. Select the hosts you want to reconfigure in the Hosts grid, and click Reconfigure Host.

From LoadRunner Enterprise
  1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise.

  2. Click and select Hosts (under Resources).

  3. Select the hosts you want to reconfigure in the Hosts grid, and select Reconfigure Host.

From From Site Management
  1. Log onto Site Management. For details, see Log onto Site Management.

  2. Select the Hosts tab.

  3. Select the hosts you want to reconfigure in the Hosts grid, and select Reconfigure Host.

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Reboot hosts

This task describes how to remotely reboot host machines.

Note: In Site Management, rebooting hosts is available for public hosts only.

  1. Open the Hosts grid:

    From LoadRunner Enterprise Administration
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.
    2. Select Maintenance > Hosts.

    3. Select the hosts in the Hosts grid that you want to reboot, and select Maintenance > Reboot Host.

    From LoadRunner Enterprise
    1. Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise. For details, see Log onto LoadRunner Enterprise.

    2. Click and select Hosts (under Resources).

    3. Select the hosts in the Hosts grid that you want to reboot, and select Maintenance > Reboot Host.

    From From Site Management
    1. Log onto Site Management. For details, see Log onto Site Management.

    2. Select the Hosts tab.

    3. Select the hosts in the Hosts grid that you want to reboot, and click Reboot Host.

  2. The Reboot Host dialog box opens, displaying the overall result for each reboot performed on the host, including the reboot start and end time, the administrator who performed the reboot, and the reboot progress (, , or a progress bar).


    • You can only reboot Controller and Load Generator hosts when the host state is Idle.

    • You cannot reboot a UNIX Load Generator host.

    • You cannot reboot load generator hosts located over a firewall.

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Kill a host process

Note: Available in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration only.

This task describes how to kill host processes. A user with Viewer permissions can end the selected process.

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Maintenance > Hosts.

  2. Under the Name column, click a host name, and then click the Processes tab.

  3. Select the process you want to end in the grid, and click Kill Process.

    Click to refresh the grid so that it displays the most up-to-date list of processes.

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Upgrade hosts remotely

Note: Available in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration only.

You can upgrade your LoadRunner Enterprise host machines from LoadRunner Enterprise 202x to the latest LoadRunner Enterprise installation using the Remote Installation feature. For details, see Manage remote installations.

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Reconfigure the LoadRunner Agent user

Note: Not available in Site Management.

The LoadRunner Agent is an application that can be run either as a process (magentproc.exe) or as a service (magentservice.exe). The service is required to enable a load testing script to be run remotely, without having to physically log on to the load generator machine to activate the agent as a process.

Alternatively, you can run Vusers in an interactive RDP session while the agent remains as a service. For details, see Run Vusers in an interactive RDP session.

Note: For details on manually configuring the agent user on each LoadRunner Enterprise host or standalone load generator machine, see the LoadRunner Enterprise Installation Guide.

When run as a service, it is run by a service named LoadRunner Agent Service. (The service is created either during the installation phase, or post-installation from the menu added to the operating system.)

If you encounter issues with TruClient IE Vusers/scripts, you need to reconfigure the agent with user credentials that have the necessary privileges to interact with Windows desktop.

These credentials are used to impersonate all processes that are created to run the different testing scripts on the testing machine. You can create or configure the service in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration from the Hosts tab, or in LoadRunner Enterprise from the Hosts module.

Required security group policies for the user the LoadRunner agent is using to run TruClient IE Vusers/Scripts

By default, the LoadRunner agent user is configured to spawn new processes (mdrv) to impersonate and run under the IUSR_METRO Windows account. If you change the Windows account for the LoadRunner agent user, it will still run under the System account, but it will impersonate the modified/reconfigured user.

For TruClient IE to run successfully, the Windows account used should have the following security group policies enabled:

  • Act as part of the operating system (SeTcbPrivilege). Required to log on as a user (authenticate like a user) and gain access to the same resources that the user is authorized to access.

  • Replace a process level token (SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege). Allows a parent process to replace the access token that is associated with a child process.

To reconfigure the service in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration or LoadRunner Enterprise:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration > Maintenance > Hosts, select the hosts in the Hosts grid that you want to reconfigure, and select Maintenance > Configure LoadRunner Agent.

    In LoadRunner Enterprise > Hosts, select the host in the Hosts grid that you want to reconfigure, and click Maintenance > LoadRunner Agent Configuration.

  2. In the LoadRunner Agent Configuration dialog box, select Use another account, enter the host account credentials, and click OK.

  3. The task progress window displays the overall result for each configuration performed on the selected hosts (and restoration task if the configuration fails), including the configuration start and end time, and the configuration status (, ).

    Note: If LoadRunner Enterprise is unable to configure the host using the credentials supplied, it automatically attempts to recreate the service using with the LocalSystem user account.

  4. For hosts where the change is successful, the agent user configuration data is added to the LoadRunner Agent User column in the Hosts grid.

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Run Vusers in an interactive RDP session

You can run Vusers in an interactive RDP session to support testing UI-based protocols.

  1. Prerequisites

    The following prerequisites should be applied on the load generators used for running the test in RDP mode.

    Install the Media features component

    The Media Feature pack is required to ensure that FreeRDP has all the necessary codecs to render the remote desktop session (otherwise it will not work).

    Download the Media Feature Pack from the Microsoft Download Center (if it is not installed by default).

    Enable Media Features

    Perform the following to enable Media Feature on your Windows operating system.

    Windows Desktop:

    1. Select Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off. This opens the list of Windows features.

    2. Scroll down and select Media Features.

    3. Click OK, and wait until Windows turns on Windows Media Player and other media features.

    Windows Server:

    1. Select Start > Server Manager.

    2. In Server Manager, select Manage > Add Roles and Features. Click Next until the Features page appears.

    3. In the Features page, select Media Foundation (on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 select Desktop Experience).

    4. Assign permissions to allow the agent to be configured in the Remote Desktop Users group.  

      1. Open the Group Policy Management editor focused on an appropriate Group Policy object.

      2. Navigate to Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies and select the User Rights Assignment node.

      3. The agent should be run with user in the Remote Desktop Users group. If Remote Desktop Users group is not listed in the policy, click Add User or Group and add it manually. By default, Remote Desktop Users are allowed to log on through Remote Desktop Services.

    5. Set RDP timeout policies

      We recommend removing the time limits for RDP sessions to prevent sessions being disconnected before the performance test has finished.

      1. Open the Local Group Policy Editor for the specific users.

      2. Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Session Host > Session Time Limits.

      3. In the right pane, right-click Set time limit for active Remote Desktop Services sessions and click Edit.

      4. Select either Not Configured or Disabled.

      5. Repeat for the End session when time limits are reached policy.

  2. Configure the LoadRunner Agent account

    Select the hosts you want to use in RDP mode and insert your domain user, or local user for non domain joined machines, and password as described in Reconfigure the LoadRunner Agent user above.

  3. Configure a performance test with RDP mode

    1. From the LoadRunner Enterprise navigation toolbar, click and select Test Management.

    2. Select a performance test in the test management tree and click Edit Test.

    3. In the Performance Test Designer window, click Groups and Workload, and on the Groups pane toolbar, click LG Management.

    4. Select the load generator types on which you want to enable RDP, and click Enable RDP.

      Tip: We recommend setting RDP mode for specific load generators. If you use it for automatch load generators, you must verify your LoadRunner Agent is configured correctly on all load generators in the pool when the load generators are assigned.

    5. Select the required color depth and resolution to be used to create the RDP session on the hosts running the script (the graphic card of the hosts running the script will determine the default color depth and resolution if it does not support the selected one).

    6. Click OK, and then save and run the test. The load generator setting with RDP mode is persistent for the specific test only.

    For more details, see Load Generator Management dialog box.

Notes and limitations

  • RDP mode is not supported for a local system user account. While a performance test with a system account will run for a load generator set to RDP mode, it will not open an interactive RDP session.

  • If the LoadRunner Agent is running as a process, you must kill the process (magentproc.exe).

  • Local accounts on domain machines cannot be used to run the LoadRunner Agent.

  • When you log off an RDP user session running the LoadRunner Agent, it will terminate FreeRDP.

  • Makes sure you use the default RDP port, 3389, when running Vusers in an interactive RDP session.

  • RDP mode is not supported when a LoadRunner Enterprise host is used simultaneously as a Controller and load generator.

  • RDP mode is not supported with IP Spoofing.

  • RDP mode is not supported with Docker.

  • When running a test in RDP mode with Citrix Runtime Settings, Citrix client resolution is ignored.

  • When running a performance test with Citrix protocol on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, you might get the following popup message:

    Solution: You should disable or stop the Interactive Services Detection process.

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Assign hosts to host pools

Note: Not available in Site Management.

You can populate host pools in one of the following ways:

  • From the Hosts tab. You can link a host to one or more host pools.

  • From the Pools tab. You can link one or more hosts to a particular host pool. For details, see Manage host pools.

To link a host to one or more host pools from the Hosts tab:

  1. Select the hosts you want to assign in the Hosts grid, and click Assign Hosts to Pool.

  2. Select pools in which to include the hosts, and click Assign.

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Define host settings

Note: Available in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration only.

You can globally define connectivity and data processing for all hosts from the host settings.

  1. In Maintenance > Hosts, click the Host Settings button.

  2. To configure Controller settings, click the Controller tab, and set the following:

    • Connectivity. Enter the timeout for checking load generator connectivity (in seconds). The default is 30 seconds.

    • Offline Results. Set the number of days that a result file was not opened before the file is deleted. The default time limit is 30 days.

  3. To configure data processor timeout settings, click the Data Processor tab, and set the following:

    • Data Processor Timeslot minimum length (minutes). The minimum amount of time, in minutes, that a data processor timeslot should be allotted. The default is 30 minutes.

    • Timeout for pending Data Processor task (minutes). The amount of time a data processing task should be allowed to remain in a pending state. The default is 2880 minutes.

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Configure over-firewall settings

Use the Over Firewall tab to view communication settings between the LoadRunner Enterprise load generator host and the MI Listener, and configure advanced over-firewall settings for the selected load generator host.


  • Available in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration only.

  • This tab is only displayed if the location of the host is defined to be over a firewall.

  • A host over a firewall can be used only as a load generator host.

  1. On the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration sidebar, select Maintenance > Hosts.

  2. Under the Host Name column, click a host name, and select the Over Firewall tab.

  3. Configure the over-firewall settings as required:

    UI Elements


    Connection Timeout (seconds)

    The length of time that the agent waits before retrying to connect to the MI Listener machine. If zero, the connection is kept open from the time the agent is run.

    Default: 20 seconds.

    Note: This is a required field.

    Connection Type - TCP/HTTP

    Select either TCP or HTTP, depending on the configuration you are using.

    Default: TCP


    HTTP settings for the HTTP connection type:

    • Proxy Name. The name of the proxy server. This field is mandatory if the Connection Type option is set to HTTP. The proxy server must support the HTTP tunneling using the CONNECT method.

    • Proxy Port. The proxy server connection port. This field is mandatory if the Connection Type option is set to HTTP.

    • Proxy Username. The user name of a user with connection rights to the proxy server.

    • Proxy password. The password of the user with connection rights to the proxy server.

    • Proxy domain. The user's domain, if defined in the proxy server configuration. This option is required only if NTLM is used.

    MI Listener Password

    The password required to connect to the MI Listener machine.

    MI Listener User Name

    The user name required to connect to the MI Listener machine.

    Polling Timeout (seconds)

    To verify the state of the load generator located over a firewall, LoadRunner Enterprise checks when last the load generator connected to the MI Listener.

    If the load generator has not connected to the MI Listener machine for a period of time longer than the amount of time set in the Polling Timeout, LoadRunner Enterprise changes the state of the load generator to Resource Failure.

    Default: 60 seconds


    • This is a required field.
    • Polling Timeout is a LoadRunner Enterprise setting. It is not set in the LoadRunner Enterprise agent.
    • Polling Timeout needs to be longer than the Connection Timeout.
    Use Secure Connection

    Enables connection using the TLS (SSL) protocol. When a proxy is used, TLS is enabled by default and cannot be disabled.

    Default: Disabled

    • Check server certificates. Authenticates the TLS certificates that are sent by the server. Select Medium to verify that the server certificate is signed by a trusted Certification Authority. Select High to verify that the sender IP matches the certificate information. This setting is available only if Use Secure Connection is set to True.

    • Private Key password. The password that may be required during the TLS certificate authentication process. This option is relevant only if the Client Certificate Owner option is enabled.

    • Use client certificate. Enable to load the TLS certificate (if required by the server to allow the connection to be made). This option is relevant only if the Use Secure Connection option is enabled.

      Default: Disabled

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