Manage Application Under Test hosts
This section describes how to create and modify the machines which host the Application Under Test (AUT) components, and the pools to which they are assigned.
In this topic:
- AUT resources overview
- Design topologies of your applications under test
- Create AUT hosts
- Create AUT pools
- Export AUT host or pool details to an Excel file
AUT resources overview
AUT components, such as Web servers, application servers, or database servers, are hosted on machines known as AUT hosts. The AUT hosts are grouped together into AUT Pools.
The AUT hosts are a core element of the Topology and SiteScope integration features.
AUT Hosts and Pools are available in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. After creating AUT hosts, you need to select the host pools to which the host is assigned.
AUT Host pools enable you to control which AUT hosts are allocated to which projects. When allocating hosts for a test, the system allocates hosts from the host pool of the project. Hosts must be assigned to at least one pool.
Design topologies of your applications under test
You can design a topology that graphically displays the logical components that make up your application under test (AUT) and the relationships between the components.
You design topologies of your applications under test using the Topologies feature. For details, see Topologies.
Create AUT hosts
This task describes how to create AUT hosts.
In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Maintenance > Application Under Test.
Select the AUT Hosts tab, and then click
Add AUT Host.
Configure the new AUT host:
UI Element Description Machine Name / IP The name or IP address of the AUT host machine.
Username The user name for logging in to the AUT host machine. Password The password for logging in to the AUT host machine. Platform The base operating system of the AUT host machine: Window or UNIX. Protocol The network protocol used for communication with the AUT host (for monitoring purposes).
Default value: NetBIOS, WMI, SSH.
Description A description of the AUT host. -
In the Assign AUT Pools to AUT Host section, select pools in which to include the host, and click Assign Pools.
Click Save. The AUT host is added to the AUT Hosts grid.
Create AUT pools
This task describes how to create an AUT pool.
In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Maintenance > Application Under Test.
Select the AUT Pools tab, and then click
Add AUT Pool.
Configure the new AUT pool:
UI Element Description Pool Name The name of the AUT Pool.
Note: The name may contain up to 128 characters, excluding spaces, periods, and any of the following characters:
: ; * \ / " ~ & ? { } $ % | < > + = ^ [ ] ( )
Description A description of the AUT pool. -
In the Assign AUT Hosts to AUT Pool section, select hosts to assign to the pool, and click Assign Hosts.
Click Save. The AUT pool is added to the AUT Pools grid, together with the following additional details:
UI Element Description ID The ID of the AUT Pool.
Name The name of the AUT Pool. Machine Amount The total number of AUT hosts in the host pool. Description Description of the AUT pool.
Export AUT host or pool details to an Excel file
To export information displayed in the AUT Host or AUT Pool grid to an Excel file, click . Data from the grid is saved to an Excel file and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.
See also: