View finished test run results offline

This section describes the Results page which displays performance measurements and results for resources that were monitored in the test run.

In this topic:

About offline results

Viewing results offline provides quick access to performance graphs without having to wait for run results to be collated and analyzed.

Test result data (group status, transactions, and messages) is automatically uploaded to the project repository at the end of the run, enabling you to view run results offline without the need for a Controller. Data from the online Dashboard (the visible graphs) is stored on an internal InfluxDB installed on the Controller, and on an external InfluxDB if an analysis server is associated with the project. For details, see Manage analysis servers.

The only differences in viewing results offline compared to online, is that there is no data flow or runtime view, and NV Insights users are not displayed.


  • For 2022 and 2022 R1: Offline results are not displayed for runs from LoadRunner Enterprise 2021 R1 or earlier versions.

  • For 2022 R2: Offline results are not displayed for runs from LoadRunner Enterprise 2022 R1 or earlier versions. This is because InfluxDB was upgraded to version 2.x starting from 2022 R2. For details, see Enable HTTPS with internal InfluxDB.

  • Offline data is not intended as a replacement for LoadRunner Analysis. Offline data is taken from InfluxDB (internal or external) and might not display data that occurs at the end of a test.

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View results offline

This task describes how to view results for resources that were monitored in the test run.

  1. Use one of the following:

    • From the Dashboard: In LoadRunner Enterprise, click Open the navigation toolbar and select Dashboard. In the Finished section of the Runs pane, select a performance test and click View Results.

      Note: Only the four most recent test runs are displayed.

    • From the Test Management or Test Runs module: In LoadRunner Enterprise, click Open the navigation toolbar and select Test Management/Test Runs (under Testing). Select a performance test in the test management tree, and click the Runs tab. Select a test run instance and click View Results.

    Note: Offline results cannot be displayed if there was an error that did not allow the test to run, or if the results no longer exist (see Size and time limits for storing offline results below).

  2. The results page provides you with the following resources:


    Displays performance measurements and results for those resources that were monitored in the test run in offline graphs.

    For an explanation of the Dashboard tab, see:

    Results Displays result files for a selected test run. For details, see Download and upload result files.
    Event log Displays the event log for a selected test run. For details, see View test run event logs.
    Audit Displays a list of changes made to the test. For details, see View changes made to a test run.
    Quick Trending

    Displays a summary of failed transactions. You can drill down on transactions and compare them against previous runs to help identify trends and resolve issues. For details, see Perform quick trending analysis on test runs.

    Note: Available only if you configured an external analysis server and assigned the project to the server. For details, see Configure external InfluxDB analysis servers.

    HTML Report

    Opens an HTML version of the Analysis Summary report, which analyzes the data collected during the performance test run. The report provides general information about the performance test, lists statistics about the test run, and provides links to graphs containing test run data.

    For more details regarding the summary report, see the Analysis section of the LoadRunner Professional Help Center.

    Note: Available only after the test results have been collated and analyzed, and provided the HTML Report ( has not been deleted.

    NV Report

    Opens the NV Insights report for the selected test run. For details on how to integrate the report in your performance test, see Integrate Network Virtualization into a performance test. For user interface details, see NV Insights Report.

    Note: Available only if NV Insights is enabled and included in the performance test, and provided the HTML Report ( has not been deleted.

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Evaluate a test's status

After a test run, the test summary contains general information about what happened during the test.

The summary pane provides the following data:

<Run State>

The current run state, and the name and ID of the test.

Duration The time that the test took to run (HH:MM:SS).
Start Time

The start date and time of the test run.

Note: Displays the time according to the UTC time zone if Time Display > Custom time zone was selected in the Graphs view. For details, see Time Display.

End Time

The end date and time of the test run.

Note: Displays the time according to the UTC time zone if Time Display > Custom time zone was selected in the Graphs view. For details, see Time Display.

Hits Per Second

How many hits (HTTP requests) there have been to the web server by Vusers during each second of the test run.


The amount of throughput, in bytes, on the web server during each second of the test run.


The number of Vuser errors that occurred during the test run. If there are errors, click the number of errors link to view details in the Messages view. For details, see Messages view.


Bar chart displaying the number of completed, successful and unsuccessful transactions during the test run. Click the transactions link to view details in the Transactions view. For details, see Transactions view.

Total Vusers

The total number of Vusers that ran in the test.

Click the drop down arrow to display a breakdown of the statuses of the Vusers in the performance test.

Opens an area below the summary area, which displays the following:

  • Controller. The Controller that was used in the test.

  • Vusers Max. The maximum number of concurrent Vusers that ran in the test.

Search. Enables you to filter the information being displayed in each of the views by name.

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Select which graphs are displayed

This task describes how to display graphs in the dashboard.

  1. Open the results Dashboard, and click the Graphs tab. For details, see View results offline.

  2. From the graph selection list on the right side of the pane, select which graphs to display in the graphs pane.

    Basic Graphs Displays a list of the configured online graphs. Select a graph to display it in the Online Graphs pane.
    Merged Graphs

    Enables you to merge several graphs into one. To create a merged graph, click Add. In the graph editor, drag the graphs that you want to merge.

    In the graph editor:

    • The number in parentheses indicates the number of similar graphs that exist in the graphs list. For example, Throughput (2).

    • The number on the right indicates the number of measurements selected for each graph; to select a measurement you have to click it. For example, 1 X.

    • The number at the bottom indicates how many measurements were selected out of the total number of measurements in all graphs. For example, 3/5 selected.

    <Graph icons>

    Displayed to the left of the graph name:

    • Indicates the graph is currently being displayed in the Online Graphs pane.

    • Indicates an anomaly has occurred in the graph.

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View measurements and results for the test run

Open the results Dashboard, and click the Graphs tab. For details, see View results offline.

The offline graphs display performance measurements for resources that were monitored in a performance test.

To adjust the time range displayed in the graph, you can drag or re-size the sliders in the timeline. Pull the sliders on both sides to focus on a particular time period. You can also move the selection (maintaining the same granularity), and select a new range.

The following table summarizes the display options.

UI Elements


Global display options

Filter Measurement. Enables you to filter measurements by name for all graphs in the graphs pane.

  • Show only visible. Enables you to hide the non-visible measurements from the legend.

  • Has Anomalies. Enables you to display only those measurements that have an anomaly.

Configuration. Enables you to configure all graphs displayed in the display pane. The following options are available:

  • Time Display. The time displayed on the x-axis.

    • Relative to Load Test start. Displays the amount of time that has elapsed since the beginning of the test (in hours, minutes, and seconds).

    • Server clock. Displays the time on the LoadRunner Enterprise server clock.

    • Custom time zone. Displays the time according to the UTC time zone you select (this time is also displayed in the Messages view). Any changes to the time zone remain persistent in online and offline results.

  • Show Anomalies. Displays the anomalies sleeve and the plot bands for those measurements that have an anomaly.

Graph Layout. Displays graphs either side by side (up to three in a row), or stacked one on top of another.

Maximize/Minimize Graph. Enables you to maximize/minimize the graphs displayed in the graphs pane.

 Individual graph options

Enables you to filter measurements by name in the legend.

  • Show only visible. Hides the non-visible measurements from the legend.

  • Has Anomalies. Enables you to display only those measurements that have an anomaly.

Configure. Enables you to configure the selected graph. The following options are available:

  • Duplicate. Enables you to duplicate the selected graph.

  • Show Anomalies. Displays the anomalies sleeve and the plot bands for those measurements that have an anomaly.

Enables you to maximize/minimize the selected graph.

When you maximize the graph, the following information is displayed:

  • Expand Legend. Expands the area of the legend.

  • Filter Measurement. Enables you to filter measurements by name in the legend.

  • Show only visible. Enables you to hide the non-visible measurements from the legend.

  • Has Anomalies. Enables you to display only those measurements that have an anomaly.

  • Legend Options. (Displayed on left-hand side of the Name column.) The following options are available:

    • Show Favorites. Displays the measurements set as favorite.
    • Hide Visible. Hides the visible measurements on the graph.
    • Select Visible as Favorites. Saves the currently displayed measurements as favorites.
  • Name. The measurement name.

    A warning icon appears next to the name of each measurement that contains an anomaly.

  • Scale. The graph scale.

  • Max. The measurement's maximum value. At every time stamp, the maximum values among all Vuser data points are selected. Then, the maximum of all these values is displayed.
  • Min. The measurement's minimum value. At every time stamp, the minimum values among all Vuser data points are selected. Then, the minimum of all these values is displayed.

  • Avg. The measurement's average value.

  • Std. The measurement's standard deviation.

  • Last. The measurement's last value.

  • Measurement Options. (Displayed on left-hand side of the Set as Favorite icon.) The following options are available:

    • Show. Displays the measurement on the graph.

    • Hide. Hides the measurement from the graph.

    • Bold. Displays the measurement in bold.

    • Show/Hide Anomaly Sleeve. Shows or hides a sleeve (band) that indicates the expected behavior for the measurement. A plot band indicate deviations which are considered to be anomalies.

      Note: This option is not available when the Show Anomalies option is cleared in the  Graph Options menu.

    • Show only me. Displays the selected measurement and hides the others from the graph.

  • Set as Favorite. Sets the measurement as favorite.

  • <color>. Enables you to select in which color the measurement appears in the graph.

  • <page list>. Displayed only for graphs that have at least 20 measurements. Enables you to move to the first, last, or a specific graph measurements page.

Enables you to hide the selected graph.
Indicates an anomaly has occurred in the graph (displayed to the right of the graph name).
<zoom a graph line> In the graph, select a graph line and drag it up or down to zoom in. To reset, click Reset Zoom.

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View Vuser group status

The groups view displays the statuses of the Vusers in the performance test. Group status data is automatically uploaded to the project repository at the end of the run, enabling you to view this information offline without the need for a Controller.

  1. Open the results Dashboard. For details, see View results offline.

  2. Click the Groups tab to see the status of each Vuser group in the performance test.

For user interface details, see Groups view.

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View transaction status

The transactions view provides details of transactions performed during the test run. Transaction data is automatically uploaded to the project repository at the end of the run, enabling you to view this information offline without the need for a Controller.

  1. Open the results Dashboard. For details, see View results offline.

  2. Click the Transactions tab to see details of the completed, successful, and unsuccessful transactions performed during the test run.

For user interface details, see Transactions view.

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Find out if anything went wrong with your test

The Messages view alerts you to the problems that were found during the test run in the following categories: error, warning, notification, and debug.

  1. Open the results Dashboard. For details, see View results offline.

  2. Click the Messages tab to display messages that were sent to the Controller by the Vusers and load generators during a test run.

  3. If there are errors, click the Errors link in the summary to open the output window which displays all the errors.

For user interface details, see Messages view.

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Size and time limits for storing offline results

The system administrator sets a size and time limit after which offline result files are deleted. By default, result files are deleted if they have not been opened for 30 days, or when the results folder exceeds 10 GB (the least used files are deleted first).

For details on configuring offline result settings, see Define host settings.

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See also: