Manage users in a project

This section describes how to create and manage users in a LoadRunner Enterprise project.

Manage users overview

Throughout the performance testing process, LoadRunner Enterprise projects are accessed by many users. To protect, maintain, and control information in a project, users are assigned to roles with different access privileges.

As a LoadRunner Enterprise site administrator, you control access to a project by defining the users who can log in to the project, and by specifying the types of tasks (roles) each user may perform.

For each LoadRunner Enterprise project, you must select a list of valid users from the Users grid. After you add a user to the project, you can assign the user to one or more user roles (only one role per project). Each role has permissions to perform certain LoadRunner Enterprise tasks.

You can also create users or import users from LDAP or an Excel file, activate and deactivate users, change user passwords, define other site administrators, and delete or remove users when they are no longer working on a project.

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Ways to add users

You can add users to LoadRunner Enterprise in the following ways:

Method for adding users Instructions
Using LoadRunner Enterprise's native user management system
Import users from an LDAP server
Import users from Excel

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Create or edit a user

You can create users and edit user details in the Users grid in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.


  • Only a Site or Tenant Admin user has permissions to create a new user.

  • When creating an admin user, a Tenant Admin user can only assign a Project Admin or Tenant Admin role to the user; a Site Admin user can assign any admin role.

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. To create a new user, click Add User on the Users toolbar, and configure the user settings as follows:

    UI Element Description
    User Name

    Enter your LoadRunner Enterprise login name. The user name must not already exist, and cannot contain empty spaces or the following special characters: \ /:"?'<>|*%).

    Note: Existing users imported from LDAP can contain empty spaces.

    Admin User

    When this option is cleared (the default setting), a regular, non-admin user is created.

    Select this option to create an admin user, and choose the admin user type.

    • Site Admin. A user that has full permissions to perform actions in LoadRunner Enterprise and to define, modify, and remove other users, except the initial site administrator user, which cannot be deleted, demoted, or have it's roles changed by any user including by him/herself. For details, see Define a Site Admin user.

    • Tenant Admin. A user that has permissions to perform specific actions in a LoadRunner Enterprise multi-tenancy environment. A Tenant Admin user is responsible for configuring its respective tenants in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Define additional Tenant Admin users.

    • Project Admin. Has permissions to assign users to projects. This role can be used, for example, where a company outsources its administration of LoadRunner Enterprise to an external party.

    • Admin Viewer. A user that has restricted permissions in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. An Admin Viewer can only perform actions that do not affect the database, such as filtering and sorting grids and generating reports. All other functionality, such as adding, deleting, and updating, is not available.

    For more on admin user roles, see Admin users and roles.

    Full Name Enter the name of the user (optional).
    Password/Retype Password

    Enter your LoadRunner Enterprise user password.


    • The password cannot be empty and must align with the password policy. For details, see Set the password policy.
    • Available for Application authentication only. For details, see Application authentication.

    • The Site Administrator user sets the password policy for all users (the Site Administrator user is defined during first installation). All other administrators and users are defined in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

    Status Select the user's status: active or inactive. Only active users can log in to LoadRunner Enterprise projects.

    Enter the email address to which notifications and alerts are delivered.

    Note: This is the only field that is editable for the initial site administrator user.

    Description User description (optional).
    LDAP Username

    Displays the LDAP username when a user is imported from an LDAP directory. For details, see LDAP authentication.

    Domain Authentication

    If the user is imported from an LDAP directory, displays the LDAP authentication properties (distinguished name) of the imported user.

  3. To assign projects and roles to a user, see Assign projects and roles to a user.

  4. Click Save to add the new user to the Users grid.

    The following additional settings are displayed when the user is added to the User list:

    UI Element Description
    ID The user ID (read-only).
    Deactivation Date

    The date on which the user is scheduled to be deactivated. A deactivated user cannot log in to a LoadRunner Enterprise project.

    Note: This field is set by the LoadRunner Enterprise administrator and is read-only.

    Last Update Date

    The date on which the user last logged in to the LoadRunner Enterprise project.

    Admin Type Enables you to filter the Users grid by admin type: Site Admin, Tenant Admin, Project Admin, or Admin Viewer.
  5. You can edit user details by clicking the user name link of a user to modify an existing user's details, including his or her own.

    For details on changing passwords, see Change a user's password.


    • Click the Filter button to filter the list of users displayed in the grid. For details, see Filter.

    • You can search for a user in the Users grid by typing the name, or the first letter(s) of the name, in the Search box. The list is filtered by users that match the searched text.

      You can add more fields to the filter condition by clicking the icon, and using the various logical operators that are available (such as Equals, Does not equal, Less than, Greater than, Between, Contains, Does not contain, Starts with, Ends with, Reset).

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Assign projects and roles to a user

You can assign LoadRunner Enterprise projects to a user from the Users page (Users grid or user details) or Projects page.

After you assign projects to a user, you can assign roles to the users. By default, new users are assigned to the project as members of the Viewer user role.

You can assign a user to a default role, or to a customized role. For details on customizing a user role, see Assign project roles and permissions to users. You can change the access privileges for existing users at any time by changing the user role to which they are assigned.

Users can be assigned to multiple projects and with different roles.

From the Users page (Users grid):

To assign projects and roles to one or multiple users from the Users grid:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. Select one or more existing users from the Users grid or create a new user, and click Assign to Roles and Projects.

  3. To assign roles:

    In the Assign user to roles and projects dialog box, select the role to assign to the users. For details, see Assign project roles and permissions to users.

  4. To assign projects:

    1. You can filter the projects list by selecting a domain from the Domains drop down list. LoadRunner Enterprise displays only the projects for the selected domain that are available according to your role's permissions. For details, see Predefined admin roles.

    2. Select the projects you want to assign to the user, and click Assign, or Assign & Another Role to assign additional roles to the users and select another role to assign.

      For details on defining projects, see Manage projects.

From the Users page (User details):

To assign projects and roles to a user from the user details page:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. Select a user from the Users grid or create a new user, and click the User Name link. The user details page opens.

  3. To assign projects:

    1. In the Assign user to roles and projects section, click Assign Projects . You can filter the projects list by selecting a domain from the Domains drop down list. LoadRunner Enterprise displays only the projects for the selected domain that are available according to your role's permissions. For details, see Predefined admin roles.

    2. From the list of projects, select projects to assign to the user, and click OK.

    3. Repeat to assign projects from other domains to the user.

      For details on defining projects, see Manage projects.

  4. To assign roles:

    1. In the Assign to roles and projects section, select the users to which you want to assign a particular role, and click Assign Role .

    2. Repeat as required to assign additional roles to the selected user.

    For details on creating roles, see Assign project roles and permissions to users.

From the Projects page:

For details on assigning projects to a user from the Projects page, see Manage users assigned to a project.

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Import users from LDAP

You can also import users from an LDAP directory to the Users grid in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

  1. Prerequisites

    Verify that the LDAP import settings are defined. For details, see Define LDAP settings for importing user.

  2. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab. On the Users toolbar, select Import Users > Import Users from LDAP.

  3. In the Import Users (LDAP) dialog box, select the LDAP server you want to browse.

    The LDAP directory base is filtered according to the filter set in the LDAP Settings dialog box. For details, see Define LDAP settings for importing user.

  4. You can use the following options to import users:

    • To import a user, mark the user name by selecting the checkbox.

    • To import a group of users, use Ctrl or Shift to highlight users to be included.

    • To import all users, click the checkbox in the column header adjacent to Username to select the checkboxes for all users. Click the checkbox again to clear the checkboxes of highlighted users.

  5. Click OK.

    • If the users were imported successfully, the Import Users (LDAP) dialog box closes and the users are added to the Users grid.

    • If the same user names exist in the Users grid, the Conflict in import users from LDAP dialog box opens. For details, see Handle user name conflicts.

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Import users from Excel

You can import users from an Excel file to the Users grid in LoadRunner Enterprise Administration.

  1. Create a file template based on an exported Excel file.

    1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

    2. On the Users toolbar, click Export to XLS . Data from the grid is saved to an Excel file and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.

    3. Open the downloaded file and delete the user data.

    4. Insert a new column as column C and name it Password. Make sure that the following columns appear in the source import file, and that they are in the exact same order:

    5. Populate the file with details of the users that you want to import.

    Note: For a record in the Excel file to be valid:

    • It must contain a valid username and password (empty spaces and the following special characters are not permitted: \ /:"?'<>|*%)

    • The username must not already exist.

    • The password cannot be empty, and must align with the password policy. For details, see Set the password policy.

  2. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab. On the Users toolbar, select Import Users > Import Users from an Excel File.

  3. In the Import Users (Excel) dialog box, navigate to the location of the Excel file you want to import. Select the file, and click Open.

  4. Click Import. If the users are imported successfully, the Import Users (Excel) dialog box closes and the users are added to the Users grid.

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Deactivate and activate users

You can deactivate or activate a LoadRunner Enterprise user. A deactivated user cannot log in to any project. The user is not deleted from the Users grid, and all user permissions and settings are saved. This can be useful, for example, for contract workers that work intermittently for a set period of time.

To deactivate users:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. Select one or more active users from the Users grid, and click the Deactivate button on the toolbar.

    The Status is set to Inactive. In addition, the Deactivation Date is updated. If a user is currently logged in to a LoadRunner Enterprise project, this does not terminate the user session. When the user next attempts to log in to a project, a message box displays stating that the user is deactivated and cannot log in.

To activate a user:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. Select an inactive user from the Users grid by clicking the User Name link.

  3. In the user details page, click the Status drop down arrow and select Active.

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Change a user's password

The LoadRunner Enterprise administrator can create, change, or override another user's password. This section describes how to change your own password or that of any user.


  • As a site administrator, you can change passwords for any user, except for the initial site administrator user which cannot be deleted or demoted by any user including by him/herself.

  • You can only change passwords for users that are set to log in using their LoadRunner Enterprise passwords (this option is not available for users set to log in using LDAP or SSO authentication). If you do change the password for an imported user, it does not change the password in LDAP—it only changes the password for LoadRunner Enterprise. For details on authentication, see Overview.

To create or change a password:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. In the Users grid, click a row to select a user. You can change the password of only one user at a time.

    Note: The password cannot be empty and must align with the password policy. For details, see Set the password policy.

  3. Next to Change Password, click Change.

  4. Enter a new password and confirm it.

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Delete users

You can delete a user from the Users grid.

Note: If you delete a user that has access keys associate with it, the user's access keys are also deleted. For details, see Set up API access.

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. Select a user from the Users grid.

  3. Click the Delete User button.

  4. Click Delete to confirm. The user is removed from the Users grid.

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Remove users from a project

To ensure the security of a project, remove any users that are no longer working on the project. Removing a user from a project does not delete the user from the Users grid.

From the Users page:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Users and click the Users tab.

  2. In the Users grid, select a user that you want to remove by clicking the User Name link.

  3. In the user details page, select the projects from which you want to remove the user, and click Unassign.

  4. Click Save. The selected projects are unassigned from the user.

From the Projects page:

  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, select Management > Projects.

  2. Select the project from which you want to remove users, and click the Users tab.

  3. In the Users grid, select the users you want to remove and click Unassign. The selected users are removed from the list.

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See also: