Unlock entities and manage unlocking jobs

This section describes how to view and unlock entities locked by any use and to manage unlocking jobs.

In this topic:

About the Entity Unlocker

The Entity Unlocker is a standalone application that can be used to unlock entities. Entities are locked when they are being edited, where a browser is closed without a proper log out, or where a network is down. Lockable entities include tests, scripts, monitor profiles, and analysis templates.

A site administrator can perform the following on any project that has been assigned to them, provided a role has also been assigned:

  • Use the Entity Unlocker application to view and unlock entities locked by any user on a specific domain and project (a regular user can only unlock an entity that was locked by that user). The tool shows the test ID, test name, name of user locking the entity, and the time that the entity was locked.

  • Manage the unlocking job from LoadRunner Enterprise Administration which automatically unlocks entities that have not been updated after a specified amount of time.

The Entity Unlocker application integrates securely with LoadRunner Enterprise when SSO authentication is enabled on the LoadRunner Enterprise server. For details, see SSO authentication.

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Use the Entity Unlocker

You can perform the following Entity Unlocker tasks:

Action How to
Download Entity Unlocker

For details, see Download standalone applications.

Schedule periodic unlocking jobs
  1. In LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, click Maintenance > System Health.

  2. Select the Maintenance Tasks tab.

  3. Click the Entity Unlocking Task link to open the Entity Unlocker scheduling job, and configure the following settings:

    • Set the frequency of the maintenance task in the Recurrence (min) field.

    • Specify the amount of time after which the maintenance task unlocks any locked entity in the Value box for the TIMEOUT_UNLOCK parameter.

    By default, both of these values are set to 120 minutes.

Manually unlock entities

  1. Log on to the Entity Unlocker application as a Site Admin user.

    • For a single tenant, the URL should be:

      http://<LoadRunner Enterprise server name>/loadtest

    • For a multi-tenant environment, the URL should be:

      http(s)://<LoadRunner Enterprise server name>/loadtest?tenant=<tenant UID>

  2. You can see all locked entities in the various projects and domains that have been assigned to the Site Admin user, provided a role has also been assigned.

    Unlock any locked entity as required.

View Entity Unlocker log files

The Entity Unlocker log files are created in the \orchidtmp\LTLogger\EntityUnlocker folder.

  • When running on a machine with LoadRunner Enterprise server, a load generator, or Analysis, the log is created in the <LRE Server, Host, or Analysis installation directory>\orchidtmp\LTLogger\EntityUnlocker\ folder.

    Example:C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\LoadRunner Enterprise\orchidtmp\LTLogger\EntityUnlocker

  • On a machine that does not have any of these products installed, the log is created in the <Entity Unlocker installation directory>\orchidtmp\LTLogger\EntityUnlocker folder.


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Notes and limitations

To use the Entity Unlocker tool while running on a proxy environment, you must use one of the following <system.net> elements (as required) under the <configuration> element in the EntityUnlocker.exe.config file:

Copy code
Using system network proxy settings:
      <proxy usesystemdefault="True" /> 
Copy code
Using a particular proxy:
      <proxy proxyaddress="http://<myproxy>:<port#>"/>
Copy code
If proxy requires authentication:
     <defaultProxy useDefaultCredentials="true">

For more information and parameter details, see the Microsoft knowledge .NET documentation.

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