Download Help Center

Our help centers provide you with comprehensive user assistance.

We recommend that you use the online versions of the help centers for the most recent updates available. If your organization has firewall restrictions that prevent you from using the online versions, you can save the help center files locally on your LoadRunner Enterprise machine.

Access your local LoadRunner Enterprise help

  1. Download and extract the file to the following locations on your LoadRunner Enterprise server:

    For LoadRunner Enterprise <LRE_server_installdir>\PCWEB

    For LoadRunner Enterprise Administration

    For Site Management <LRE_server_installdir>\LRE_SITE
  2. Go to the web.config file in the following locations on your LoadRunner Enterprise server, and change the IsUseLocalHelp key to "true":

    For LoadRunner Enterprise <LRE_server_installdir>\PCWEB\Web.config

    For LoadRunner Enterprise Administration

    For Site Management <LRE_server_installdir>\LRE_SITE\Web.config
  3. From the LoadRunner Enterprise or LoadRunner Enterprise Administration navigation bar, click and select Help Center to call context-sensitive topics in the Help Center.

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