
You can configure the following components on your LoadRunner Enterprise system.

Action Description

Manage the following LoadRunner Enterprise integrations:

  • Analysis servers to enhance online graph views and capabilities, and provide data for offline graphs. For details, see Manage analysis servers.

  • Disruption providers which provide simulated attacks on your services and environments. For details, see Chaos testing.

 Orchestration Configure the orchestrators and load generator images which are used for dynamic provisioning of Dockerized load generators. For details, see Provision Docker hosts automatically.

Add your external cloud accounts and create and modify the templates used to provision dynamic cloud hosts. For details, see Manage elastic cloud hosts.


Maintain the LoadRunner Enterprise and host licenses. For details, see Manage licenses.

Servers Create and manage the servers in your performance testing environment. For details, see LoadRunner Enterprise servers, Database server, and SMTP server.

Create alerts to notify users of test start and end times, and when timeslots are idle. For details, see Activate alerts.

Site Configuration

Configure the authentication method for LoadRunner Enterprise users and define the project file repository. For details, see Site configuration.

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