Log on and customize the display

This topic describes how to launch LoadRunner Enterprise Administration and how to customize the display.

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Log on to LoadRunner Enterprise Administration

This task describes how to launch LoadRunner Enterprise Administration on your machine from your Web browser.

  1. Open your Web browser (Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari are supported) and type the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration URL in the following format:


    The LoadRunner Enterprise Administration Login window opens.

  2. In the User Name box, type your user name. Only a Site or Tenant Admin user can log on to LoadRunner Enterprise Administration. For details, see Predefined admin roles.

    Note: The first time you log in to LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, you must use the site administrator name that you specified during the installation of LoadRunner Enterprise. After you log in to LoadRunner Enterprise Administration, you can define additional site administrators. For details, see Define a Site Admin user.

  3. In the Password box, type the site administrator password.

    If you are logging in using your internal LoadRunner Enterprise password, you can reset the password by clicking Forgot or want to change password (not available when using LDAP or SSO authentication).

  4. Select the language for displaying the LoadRunner Enterprise user interface.

    The multilingual user interface, or MLU, provides support for multiple languages on a single instance of LoadRunner Enterprise without having to install language packs. Supported languages are English, French, Italian, Korean, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.

  5. Click the Login button. LoadRunner Enterprise Administration opens.

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Display a customized welcome screen

If you want to have a customized message appearing when end users log on to a LoadRunner Enterprise project for the first time, perform the following:

  1. Design the screen message

    On the LoadRunner Enterprise server, open the welcome.html file located in <LoadRunner Enterprise Server path>\PCWEB\Welcome\, and design it to display the custom html message. The html should be text only, with no objects such as images or attachment files.

  2. Enable the screen on login

    Open the Web.config file located in <LoadRunner Enterprise Server path\PCWEB\, and set the WelcomePageFeatureEnabled parameter to true (it is set to False by default).

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Set the color theme

You can set the color theme for the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration user interface. The default is a light theme which features a white background with black text. There is also a dark theme with bright elements and easy-to-see colors.

Note: The dark theme feature is currently available as tech preview.

To switch between themes:

  1. In the LoadRunner Enterprise Administration navigation toolbar, click the User options button and select Accessibility.

  2. In the Theme section, select Standard or Dark mode.

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See also: