Administration dashboard

This section explains how to use the dashboard in Administration.

Administration dashboard overview

The administration dashboard provides a top level summary view of host resource usage and information for test runs across all projects in the system. The Administration dashboard displays live updates and notifications.

To access the dashboard, select Dashboard on the Administration sidebar. The Dashboard page is displayed by default when opening Administration.

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Using the administration dashboard

You can perform the following in the administration dashboard:



View host details

In the Hosts section, you can view the following details about host resource usage:

  • State. Displays the host state distribution across all projects. Hosts states include Idle, Installing, Rebooting, Running.

  • Status. Displays the host status distribution across all projects: Operational, Non-operational, or Unavailable.

  • Purpose. Displays the host purpose distribution across all projects: Controller, Load Generator, or Data Processor.

  • Type. Displays the host type distribution across all projects: Local or Cloud.

Hover over a section of the pie chart to see the number of hosts with that characteristic.

Click a section in the pie chart to open the Hosts page filtered by that characteristic. For details, see Manage hosts.

View test runs

In the Runs section, you can view the following details about performance test runs:

  • Last Finished. Displays the most-recently completed test runs. Information displayed includes test name, project name, run state, start time, and run duration. Runs are ordered by most-recently finished, according to end time.

  • Currently Running. Displays the currently running tests for all users of the project. Information displayed includes test name, project name, run state, start time, and run duration. Runs are ordered by most-recently started.

  • Scheduled. Displays the tests that are scheduled to run. Runs are ordered by the test next scheduled to run.

Click the View Details button for a scheduled test to view details of the scheduled timeslot, or for a finished test to see test run details. For details, see Timeslot Details Tabs and Manage test runs.

Note: Each tab can display up to a maximum of 10 runs.

View concurrent test runs

In the Concurrent Runs section, you can see the number of concurrent test runs for all projects for the last month.

To zoom in on a portion of a bar or line graph, place the mouse on the graph, hold the left mouse button down, and drag across the area of interest. Use Reset Zoom to go back to the previous view.

View concurrent resource usage per project

In the Project Limits vs Actual Use section, you can see the concurrent resource usage per project for the last month, and whether resources are used within the licensing limits.

  • Project Concurrency Limit. The maximum number of concurrent runs allowed for the project.

  • Max Concurrent. The maximum number of concurrent Vusers per run by the protocol during performance test runtime.

  • Avg Concurrent. The average number of concurrent Vusers per run by the protocol during performance test runtime.

For details, see Project Limit vs. Actual Use report.

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