Configure automatic trending
This section explains how to automatically publish trend reports for your performance tests.
About automatic trending
Automatic trending enables you to publish trend reports automatically without having to manually run the collate, analyze, and publish process. Automatic trending can only be configured on a per-test basis, not per-run.
You can configure automatic trending using the user interface or the REST API.
Note: The trend report is not published (even if the test is marked for trending), if the results fail to be collated or analyzed for any reason.
Configure automatic trending from the user interface
This section explains how to configure automatic trending using the user interface.
In the test management tree, select a performance test and click Edit Test.
In the test summary pane, click the Trending dropdown.
In the Trending Settings dialog box, select Create Automatic Trending (by default, Trending settings are Off).
In the Trend Report box select an existing report, or click Create trend report to create a new report. When creating a new trend report, enter a name and description (optional) for the report in the Create New Trend Report dialog box, and then click Create.
In the Trending Settings dialog box, select the range to include in the trend report in Trend Range:
Trend complete run. Includes data for the whole test run in the report.
Trend part of run. Includes data for the time range specified. Enter the start and end time for including data in the report.
Enter the maximum number of runs (between 1-20) to publish in the report.
Trends are automatically added to the trend report when the automatic trend task runs. Test runs that require analysis are added after an additional run cycle.
Select the action to take when the maximum number of runs has been reached:
Delete first run and set new baseline.
Do not publish additional runs.
Click OK. Automatic trending is enabled for the test, and Trending is displayed as On in the Summary pane.
Configure automatic trending using the REST API
You can configure automatic trending using the REST API. For details, see Test entity XML.
See also: