Cloud accounts

This section describes how to manage your cloud accounts. You can use a cloud account with a supported cloud provider.

Note: When upgrading from an earlier version, you need to delete your migrated cloud accounts and recreate them in the current version.

Cloud accounts overview

After establishing a cloud provider account, you must also establish a cloud account in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering. When defining a cloud account, you enter your cloud provider credentials and associate projects to the account. For details, see Add a cloud account.

Tip: See the Video gallery for a video on how to run tests on load generators that are dynamically provisioned on AWS.

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Note the following guidelines before adding a cloud account:

  • Cloud provider account. To add a cloud account, you must have an existing cloud account with a supported cloud provider. Amazon Web Services (AWS EC2) and Microsoft Azure Cloud accounts are currently supported.

  • Account information. After you have your cloud account ready, you need to record the following information from your cloud account:

    AWS EC2

    UI Element Description
    Account Access Key Enables OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering to connect to your cloud account.
    Account Secret Key Serves as the password for the access key used to connect to your cloud account.
    Account Number The AWS EC2 account number. This number is used to access custom images from the cloud account. Adding an incorrect account number results in the inability to access custom images related to this account.

    Note for AWS EC2 accounts and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions:

    • AWS Account Credentials that require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) are not supported.

    • The user linked to the cloud account must have full EC2 access (AmazonEC2FullAccess) or permissions for all the following AWS actions: AssociateAddress, CreateTags, DescribeAddresses, DescribeImages, DescribeInstances, DescribeInstanceStatus, DescribeInstanceTypeOfferings, DescribeKeyPairs, DescribeRegions, DescribeSecurityGroups, DescribeSubnets, DisassociateAddress, GetPasswordData, RunInstances, TerminateInstances

    Microsoft Azure Cloud

    UI Element Description
    Tenant ID*

    The ID of the Azure Active Directory in which you created the application.

    Subscription ID*

    A GUID that uniquely identifies your subscription to use Azure services.

    Client ID**

    The application Client ID identifier that is generated from the Azure Active Directory portal.

    Client Secret**

    The secret key that is used when communicating with Azure Active Directory.

    *This is available in the Azure account.

    **Requires the creation of an application, and the role for your application must be Contributor or Owner. For more details, see the Microsoft documentation.

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Add a cloud account

This task describes how to add a cloud account.

To add a cloud account:

  1. Prerequisites: Make sure that you follow the prerequisites for adding a cloud account as described in Prerequisites.

  2. Add the cloud account.

    1. In Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

    2. In the Accounts tab, click the Add Cloud Account button Add button, and enter a name and description (optional) for the cloud account.

    3. Select the provider of the cloud account by clicking LG provisioning on AWS or LG provisioning on Microsoft Azure Cloud.

  3. Enter your cloud account information.

    Vendor Information
    AWS EC2
    • Enter the account access key, secret key, and account number. For details, see AWS EC2.

    • Enter the active host limit. This is the maximum number of active cloud load generators in all runs in all projects, which use templates from this cloud account.

    • Select the account category: Standard Cloud or Government Cloud US.

    Microsoft Azure Cloud
    • Enter the Client ID, Tenant ID, Client Secret, and Subscription ID. For details, see Microsoft Azure Cloud.
    • Select the account category: Global Cloud or Government Cloud US.
  4. Click Save to add the cloud account. The cloud account is added to the grid.


    • The account creation process may take several minutes to complete.

    • The Assigned Projects column in the grid displays both the domain name and project name. As a result, when filtering this column, the filter is applied for both values.

    You can now create templates and provision hosts from this cloud account.

    You can see details of the cloud account, including projects that have been assigned to the account and the number of currently provisioned hosts from this account in the Main Details tab.

  5. Assign projects to your cloud account

    For details, see Link projects to your cloud account.

  6. View cloud account events

    For details, see View cloud account event logs.

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Link projects to your cloud account

Every project that needs to provision hosts from a cloud account must be linked to that account.

To link projects to a cloud account:

  1. In Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  2. In the Accounts grid, select the cloud account you want to link.

  3. In the Main Details tab, click the Assign Projects button , and select the projects you want to link to the cloud account from the grid.

  4. Click Assign. This links the selected projects to the cloud account.

All linked projects may now provision cloud hosts from the selected cloud account.

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View cloud account event logs

You can display the events that occurred in creating the cloud account.

To view cloud account event logs:

  1. In Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  2. In the Accounts grid, select the cloud account you want to view.

  3. Select the Event Logs tab to see the events that occurred and the severity of each event.

    UI Element Description
    Event Type An indication of the event's severity. From most to least severe: error, warning, or info.
    Created on Date The date and time the event was logged.
    Project name The project in which the event occurred.
    Action The category of action where the event occurred. For example, Create Server.
    Name The name of the process.
    Description A description of the event.
    Owner The user, or automated system process responsible for the event.

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Cloud network settings

If you need to configure cloud network settings for communicating with your cloud provider and cloud-based load generators, click the Cloud Network Settings button Test Options button, and follow the instructions in Configure cloud network settings.

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Export cloud account details to Excel

This task describes how to export information selected in the cloud account grid to an Excel file.

To export cloud account details to Excel:

  1. In Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  2. Click the Accounts tab, and select columns that contain the cloud account data you want to include.

  3. Click the Export to Excel file button Export to Excel button. The cloud account data from the selected columns is saved to Excel and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.

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Delete a cloud account

This task describes how to delete a cloud account.

To delete a cloud account:

  1. In Administration, select Configuration > Cloud.

  2. Select a cloud account in the grid, and click the Delete button Delete button. The cloud account and all host templates using the cloud account are deleted.

Note: You cannot delete a cloud account if there are cloud hosts that are currently provisioned by that account.

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See also: