Configure Controller options
This topic describes how to configure global settings for the Controller, monitors, runtime settings, timeouts, and debug information for all your projects.
About the Controller
The Controller is the manager of a performance test that receives the scripts, their runtime settings, and a list of load generators to use. The Controller issues instructions to the load generators including which scripts to run, how many Vusers to run per script, and the time at which to start running the Vusers.
During the performance test, the Controller displays online monitoring information. At the conclusion of the test run, the Controller collates the data for analysis.
Before you run a performance test, you can configure load generator and Vuser options for all your performance tests in the project. Although the default settings correspond to most environments, you can modify the settings to customize the test behavior.
Note: The settings apply to all future test runs in the project and usually only need to be set once. The settings apply globally to all the load generators in a performance test.
Configure monitor run options
This section describes how to activate the Transaction monitor, configure the behavior of the transaction data, and set the data sampling rate, debugging, and frequency settings for the online monitors.
To configure monitor run options:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Controller Options (under More tools).
Select the Monitors tab.
Configure the monitor run options as required,
Configure runtime settings
This section describes how to configure runtime settings for your tests relating to Vuser quotas, stopping Vusers, and random sequence seed, to prevent system overload, and to control the way in which Vusers stop running.
To configure runtime settings:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Controller Options (under More tools).
Select the Run-Time Settings tab.
Configure the runtime settings as required.
UI Elements
Vusers Quota Vuser quotas prevent your system from overloading. The Vuser quotas apply to Vusers on all load generators.
Number of Vusers that may be initialized simultaneously on all load generators. Limits the number of Vusers initialized at one time (when you send an Initialize command).
Default value: 999
When Stopping Vusers Controls the way Vusers stop running when you manually stop a test run:
Wait for the current iteration to end before stopping. (Default option) The Vuser completes the iteration it is running before stopping. The Vuser moves to the Gradual Exiting status and exits the test run gradually.
Wait for the current action to end before stopping. The Vuser completes the action it is running before stopping. The Vuser moves to the Gradual Exiting status and exits the test run gradually.
Stop immediately. The Vuser stops running immediately, moving to the Exiting status and exits the test run immediately.
Random assignment mode for file-type parameters -
Use random sequence with seed. Enables you to set a seed number for random sequencing. Select this option if you discover a problem during the test run and want to repeat the test using the same sequence of random values.
Use seed <#>. Each seed value represents one sequence of random values used for the test run. Whenever you use this seed value, the same sequence of values is assigned to the Vusers in the test.
This setting applies to parameterized Vuser scripts using the Random method for assigning values from a data file. It also affects the random percentage of recorded think time (see information about the Run-Time Settings dialog box in the OpenText Virtual User Generator Help Center.
Configure timeout settings
This section describes how to set timeouts for OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering commands and for transferring files. When a command is issued by the Controller, you can set a maximum time for the load generator or Vuser to perform the command. If the command is not completed within the time limit, the Controller issues an error message.
To configure timeout settings:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Controller Options (under More tools).
Select the Timeouts tab.
Configure the timeout settings as required.
UI Elements
Command Timeout (seconds) Enable timeout checks. Enables load generator and Vuser timeout checks described below. If this option is not selected, OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering waits an unlimited time for the load generators to connect and disconnect, and for the Initialize, Start Vusers, Duration, and Stop Vusers actions to be performed.
Load Generator. Load generator timeout limits:
Connect operation (sec). The amount of time (in seconds) that elapses before connecting to any load generator. If a connection is not successful within this time, the status of the load generator changes to Failed.
Default connection timeout: 30 seconds
Disconnect operation (sec). The amount of time that elapses before disconnecting from any load generator. If the load generator does not disconnect within this time, the status of the load generator changes to Failed.
Default disconnection timeout: 120 seconds
Init stage (sec). The timeout value for the Initialize action.
Default time limit: 180 seconds
Run stage (sec). The timeout value for the Start Vusers action.
Default time limit: 120 seconds
Pause stage (sec). The timeout value for the Duration action.
Default time limit: 120 seconds
Stop stage (sec). The timeout value for the Stop Vusers action.
Default time limit: 120 seconds
Note: Calculations consider the number of active Vusers and their influence on the timeout values. For example, 1000 Vusers trying to initialize take much longer than 10 Vusers. An internal value is added to the specified timeout value based on the number of active Vusers.
Transfer scripts to load generators during test initialization stage timeout (Sec) The time, in seconds, that script files must be transferred to the load generators during the test initialization stage before the timeout is reached. If this timeout is reached, the test fails and the Controller issues an error message.
Default time limit: 900 seconds (15 minutes)
Maximum value: 18000 seconds (5 hours)
Minimum value: 60 seconds
This setting is only relevant when the Transfer scripts to load generators during test initialization stage option is selected in Test Options (see Configure general test options).
Transferring scripts to load generators during test initialization stage is not compatible when using NV Insights.
Configure debug information settings
This section describes how to select the type of information you want to trace during test runs. According to the selection here, trace files are created and are used to gather information for debugging purposes.
To configure debug information settings:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Controller Options (under More tools).
Select the Debug Information tab.
Configure the timeout settings as required.
Configure IP spoofing and advance warning settings
This section describes selecting a mode for allocating multiple IP addresses when IP spoofing is enabled. It also enables you to display advanced warnings in the Performance Test Designer Window.
To configure IP spoofing and advance warning settings:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Controller Options (under More tools).
Select the General tab.
Configure the general settings as required.
Configure collate result settings
This section describes how to specify the Controller behavior related to collation of the run results.
Note: For details on collating run results for a test, see Collate run data.
To configure collate result settings:
In the banner, click the module name or the arrow and select Controller Options (under More tools).
Select the Collate Results tab.
Configure the collate settings as required.
See also: