
You can generate reports to help monitor and manage the usage of system resources.

System usage reports overview

The following reports are available.

Report Type Report Name Description
Summary Reporting Summary

Displays a top level overview of concurrent and total resource usage for all selected projects.

License Usage VUFDs Overall Usage report

Displays VUFDs license usage for all projects over time and information about VUFD usage per day for each project.

Project Limit vs. Actual Use report

Displays concurrent resource usage per project and whether resources are used within the licensing limits.

Protocol Granularity report

Displays the Vuser script's protocol usage.

Resource Utilization Resource Summary report

Displays aggregated data showing how projects used the system resources.

Resource by User report

Displays details about resource usage by user.

Resource by Project report

Displays details about resource usage by project.

Note: Available in Administration only.

Concurrency report

Displays concurrent resource usage by date.

Host Activity Utilization report

Displays host usage by test runs.

Elastic Docker Utilization report

Displays Elastic Docker host usage by test runs.

Elastic Cloud Utilization report

Displays Elastic Cloud host usage by test runs.

Timeslot Usage report

Displays usage of resources associated with a timeslot.

Cloud Operations report

Displays the provision and terminate operations on your cloud hosts.


  • When viewing system reports in a resolution of 1024x768 in Administration, you need to collapse the left module pane to display all user interface controls.

  • When enabling scripts with NV Insights, the total number of charged Vusers is less than it appears in the report. Each script consumes two additional Vusers (free of charge).

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Generate system usage reports

This task describes how to view the reports and how to set their filter criteria. The filter criteria defines which projects are to be included in the reports and over which date range to display results.

  1. Select a report.

    • In Administration, click Reports, and select a report from the list.
    • In Performance testing application, click the module name or dropdown arrow in the banner and select Reports > System Reports. Select a report from the reports list.

    For a description of each report's user interface elements, see the specific report.

  2. Select the date range and projects to include in the report.

    1. To set the date range, click the Date Range area, select a range, and click Apply.:

    2. To select the projects to include in the report (Administration only):

      Click Projects, select a project (grouped by domain), and then click Apply. You must select at least one project to generate a report.

    3. The filter display area shows the selected date range, and the number of projects (Administration only), included in the report.

      Note: If no filter is applied to the date range, the default is today's range (00:00:00 to 23:59:59) and data for all projects is fetched from the server. The number of projects is however displayed as 0 because no user selection was made. If you make a change to either of the filters, the number of projects (and date range) is updated accordingly.

  3. View the report.

    To show or hide an element on the graph, click the element name in the legend.

    To zoom in on a portion of a bar or line graph, place the mouse on the graph, hold the left mouse button down, and drag across the area of interest. Use Reset Zoom to go back to the previous view.

  4. Export the report.

    All users can export the report to a PDF file by clicking the Export Reports to PDF button Export Reports to PDF button in the banner, or to a CSV file by clicking Export Reports button Export Reports button in the report toolbar.

    Administrator users can additionally select the projects that they want to include in the report and the time frame for displaying results.

    Note: Export to CSV is not available for Reporting Summary, Resource Summary, or Concurrency reports.

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