Infrastructure Testing monitor graph

This section describes the Infrastructure Testing monitor graph that is available during a test run.

Infrastructure Testing monitor overview

The Infrastructure Testing monitor graph measures basic monitor data for the Controller and all load generator machines involved in a performance test (except for Dockerized load generators). This data is available during a performance test run in the online graphs, or after a test has finished when collating and analyzing results.

The Infrastructure Testing monitor graph is enabled by default, and it automatically begins monitoring Vusers at the start of a performance test.

Note: To monitor load generators using the default monitors, the user account on the load generator hosts must have the same credentials as the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering account and have permissions to connect. We recommend adding a corresponding user to the load generator machines with the required permissions. You can deactivate the default monitors from the Test Options. For details, see Configure general test options.

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Controller and Load Generators graph

The Controller and Load Generators graph provides the following information on the Controller machine and all load generator machines involved in the current performance test.

Measurement Description
% Committed Bytes In Use (Memory): <Controller name>

Shows the percentage of time that the memory is utilized on the Controller involved in the current performance test.

% Disk Time (PhysicalDisk_Total): <Controller name>

Shows the percentage of time that the Disk is utilized on the Controller involved in the current performance test.

% Processor Time (Processor_Time):<Controller name>

Shows the percentage of time that the CPU is utilized on the Controller involved in the current performance test.

% Committed Bytes In Use (Memory):<Load Generator name>

Shows the percentage of time that the memory is utilized on each load generator involved in the current performance test.

% Disk Time (PhysicalDisk_Total):<Load Generator name>

Shows the percentage of time that the Disk is utilized on each load generator involved in the current performance test.

% Processor Time (Processor_Time):<Load Generator name>

Shows the percentage of time that the CPU is utilized on each load generator involved in the current performance test.

Note: During a performance test, only the Controller machine can be monitored before Vusers start running. Measurements are not available for load generator machines until Vusers are in the ready or active state.

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See also: