Manage host locations

This section describes how to manage the locations of hosts used for running performance tests in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.

Add or modify a host location

This task describes how to add or update a host location.

  1. In Administration, select Maintenance > Hosts and click the Locations tab. For user interface details, see View the Locations page below.

  2. To add a location, click the Add Location button Add button, and enter the location name and description in the New Location page.

    Select Over Firewall if the location is over a firewall.

  3. To edit details of a location, under the Location Name column, click a location, and modify the settings as required.

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Assign a location to host

This task describes assign a host location.

  1. In Administration, select Maintenance > Hosts.

  2. Under the Host Name column, select a host.

  3. In the Location box, select a location.

    For user interface details, see Add a host.

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View the Locations page

UI Elements


Filter button

Filter. Filter the items you want displayed in the module, grid, or page. For details, see Filter displayed items.

Add button Add Location. Enables you to define a new location.
Delete button Delete Selected Location. Deletes the location selected in the grid.
Refresh button

Refresh. Refreshes the grid so that it displays the most up-to-date information.

Select Columns button Select Columns. Enables you to determine which columns to display in the grid.
Export to Excel button

Export to XLS. Click to export information displayed in the Locations grid to an Excel file. Data from the grid is saved to an Excel file and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.

Location Name The name of the location.

The ID of the location.

Over Firewall

Indicates whether the host location is over a firewall.


A description of the location.

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See also: