Specify MI Listeners

This section describes how to set up and manage MI Listeners in your performance tests.

About MI Listeners

MI Listeners serve as routers between the Controller and a Performance Agent, and enable you to run Vusers over a firewall and to collect server monitor data over a firewall.

The MI Listener receives data from the Performance Agent at regular intervals. During the course of the test run, the Controller takes the data from the MI Listener to process as runtime data.

The MI Listeners are only available for load generators.

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Create an MI Listener

To create an MI Listener:

  1. Prerequisite.

    Install and configure the MI Listener. For details, see the Installation Guide (available from Install).

  2. In Administration, select Maintenance > Hosts and click the MI Listeners tab. The MI Listeners page opens.

  3. Click the Add MI Listener button Add button. For user interface details, see Modify or view MI Listeners details below.

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Assign an MI Listener to a host

To assign an MI Listener to a host:

Note: You cannot assign an MI Listener to a host from Site Management.

  1. Select Maintenance > Hosts.

  2. To create a new host, click the Add Host button Add button. Set Location and MI Listeners.

    To edit details of a host, under the Host Name column, click a host name. By default, the Main Details view is displayed. Update Location and MI Listeners.

    For user interface details, see Modify or view MI Listeners details below.

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Modify or view MI Listeners details

You can view or edit details of an MI Listener.

To view or edit an MI Listener:

  1. You can create a new MI Listener from the following places.

    From Description
    1. Sign in to Administration. For details, see Sign in to Admin area.

    2. Select Maintenance > Hosts. Select the MI Listeners tab, and then click the Add MI Listener button Add button.

    From Site Management
    1. Sign in to Site Management. For details, see Sign in to Site Management.

    2. Select Hosts > MI Listeners and click the Add MI Listener button Add button.

  2. To edit details of an MI Listener, under the Name column, click an MI Listener name.

    User interface elements are described below.

    UI Elements


    Filter button

    Filter. Filter the items you want displayed in the module, grid, or page. For details, see Filter displayed items.

    Add button Add MI Listener. Enables you to define a new MI Listener.
    Delete button

    Delete Selected MI Listener. Deletes the MI Listener selected in the grid.

    Note: You cannot delete an MI Listener that is being used by a host.

    Refresh button

    Refresh. Refreshes the grid so that it displays the most up-to-date information.

    Select Columns button Select Columns. Enables you to determine which fields to display in the grid.
    Export to Excel button

    Export to Excel File. Click to export information displayed in the MI Listeners grid to an Excel file. Data from the grid is saved to an Excel file and downloaded to the Downloads folder of the client user.


    The name or IP address for the MI Listener machine. IP addresses in IPv4 and IPv6 format are both supported.


    • If you have two different IP addresses for the same MI Listener (one for internal communication with the Controller and a second for public communication with a Load generator located over a firewall), enter the internal IP address here. Enter the public IP address in the Public IP box.

    • For IPv6, make sure that all connections, including OFW load generators, are using an IPv6 address host name and not an FQDN.


    The ID of the MI Listener.


    (Available in Site Management only)

    The name of the tenant to which the MI Listener is assigned.

    Public IP

    The public IP address of the MI Listener.

    Note: If you have two different IP addresses for the same MI Listener (one for internal communication with the Controller and a second for public communication with a Load generator located over a firewall), enter the public IP address here. Enter the internal IP address in the MI Listener Name box.


    The role designated to the MI Listener:

    • Monitoring. Collects server monitor data over a firewall.

    • Running Vusers. Enables running Vusers on over firewall load generators.

    Number of Connected Hosts

    The number of hosts that are connected to the MI Listener.

    Click the MI Listener arrow to display details of the connected hosts. This includes host name, status, state, source, host type.


    A description of the MI Listener.

    < Edit MI Listener > To edit details of an MI Listener, click an MI Listener name in the the Name column.

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    See also:

    • Manage host resources
    • Working with Firewalls in the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Installation Guide (available from Install)