Migrate projects
This section describes how to migrate projects from OpenText Application Quality Management (ALM) to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.
Note: Direct migration is no longer supported. Instead, you must first migrate OpenText Application Quality Management projects to version 2023, and then upgrade to the latest OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering version.
Project migration workflow
This section describes how to migrate projects from older versions of Performance Center to OpenText Application Quality Management 12.60.
Upgrading Performance Center projects to 12.60 (pre-installation)
To migrate OpenText Application Quality Management projects to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering, you first need to upgrade your projects to Performance Center (12.60). For details, see the Project migration pre-installation activities section in the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Installation guide. For details, see Install.
During the installation process, you need to migrate the configuration data that was stored in OpenText Application Quality Management Site Admin and LAB to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.
Note: You can also perform this step post-installation from the Configuration wizard, provided you specify a new Site Admin and LAB schema for OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering (if you use the existing schemas nothing happens).
Post-installation steps
After installation, you need to migrate project data and the file repository from existing projects to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering using the migration tool in Administration.
Project data which includes scripts, attachments, run results, .xml files, and templates is migrated from OpenText Application Quality Management Site Admin and LAB to the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server.
Migrate projects
This section describes how to migrate project data and the file repository from Performance Center projects to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.
Note: Direct migration is no longer supported. Instead, you must first migrate projects to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering 2023, and then upgrade to the latest OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering version.
For details on upgrading projects that were migrated to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering from earlier versions, or that were created in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering 202x, see Upgrade projects to the latest version.
Upgrade projects/migrate schemas Make sure that you have upgraded projects to version 12.60 and migrated the Site Admin and LAB schemas as described in Project migration workflow.
Project schema We recommend that you migrate the project schema from a backup source to avoid any impact on the production environment.
Oracle environment When migrating project data from an Oracle environment:
Make sure that the Oracle client is installed on the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server.
Make sure that the tnsnames.ora file is configured to connect to the Oracle server.
MS-SQL environment When migrating project data from an MS-SQL environment:
For MS-SQL (SQL Аuth): You need to provide a password for the ‘td’ user with at least read permissions, or the login mapped to the ‘td’ user of the database.
For MS-SQL (Win Аuth): Make sure that the account running the OpenText Performance Engineering Backend Service has access to the source MS-SQL Server with at least read permissions.
Note: When determining how much space you need for storing script files and run results, note that the project's smart repository size is similar to the repository size required for OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.
On the Administration sidebar, select Management > Projects.
The Projects page opens, displaying a list of projects with their current state.
Not Migrated/Upgraded The project has not been migrated to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering, or has not been upgraded to the latest OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering version.
Note: When migrating projects, they are automatically migrated to the latest OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering version and do not need to be upgraded after the migration has finished.
Pending Migration/Upgrade The project is queued for migration or upgrade. Migrating/Upgrading Project migration or upgrade is in progress. Completed The project was migrated or upgraded to the latest OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering version.
Note: Whenever the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering installation is upgraded to a later version, all projects in
state automatically revert back to theNot Upgraded
state until they have been upgraded to the latest version of OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering. For details, see Upgrade projects to the latest version.Failed An error occurred during file migration or upgrade, and could not be completed. Check the cause of the error in the project log (see Migration issues). Fix the error, and run the migration process again.
The Project State indicates whether the project is currently available:
orNot Active
. IfNot Active
, users cannot connect to the project. -
Select a project you want to migrate from the Projects list (it must be in
Not Migrated
state), and click the Project Name link to display the project details. -
Click Migrate Project. The Migrate Project dialog box opens.
Note: By default, the fields are populated with source data that was migrated from OpenText Application Quality Management's Site Admin and LAB schemas during the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering installation process.
In the Database details section, provide access details to the database server where the project’s schema is located.
UI Element Description Database Type The database server type: Microsoft SQL (Win or SQL Auth) or Oracle.
Project Schema Name The name for the project schema as defined in the database.
If you created a different project schema (for example, if you made a duplicate schema), enter the name of that project schema instead.
Net Service Name
(Oracle only)
The net service name found in the local tnsnames.ora file (make sure the name is valid).
Database Server
(MS-SQL only)
The name of the database server on which the database is located.
(MS-SQL only)
The database server port number.
User Name
(Oracle and MS-SQL (SQL Auth) only)
The name of the user with the permissions required to access OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering on the database server. Note that this is not the database admin user.
For MS-SQL (Win Auth), the Windows user running the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering Backend Service is used to access the SQL server.
For MS-SQL (SQL Auth):
The login supplied to authenticate to the SQL server must be mapped to the ‘td’ user of the database. If you are using the same SQL server used by OpenText Application Quality Management, the ‘td’ user that is present in each database is by default mapped to the ‘td’ login, and this ‘td’ login can be supplied to perform the migration.
If you backed up and restored the database of the project in another SQL server, make sure that you map the login supplied to perform the migration to the ‘td’ user of the database. For example, run the following SQL command:
--Map database user td to login John for database DEFAULT_PCPROJECT_DB USE DEFAULT_PCPROJECT_DB;
EXEC sp_change_users_login 'Update_One', 'td', 'John';
(Oracle and MS-SQL (SQL Auth) only)
The password of a user with the permissions required to access OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering on the database server; this is not retrieved from OpenText Application Quality Management.
For Oracle: Enter the source ALM/PC12.6x Site Admin or LAB_PROJECT schema's (Oracle user) password.
For MS-SQL (SQL Auth): Password for the ‘td’ user with at least read permissions, or the login mapped to the ‘td’ user of the database.
Connection String Displays the database server connection string. Click Test Connection to check the connection to the source database project schema.
Note: For a connection to an OpenText Application Quality Management project schema to work from OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering during project migration, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
The database server must be accessible.
The OpenText Application Quality Management database and user must exist.
The database schema provided for upgrade must correspond to a schema of a project (the DATACONST table must exist and can be queried).
The schema to upgrade must correspond to an OpenText Application Quality Management project schema with Lab Extension for Functional and performance testing enabled (the EXTENSIONS table must contain a record in which "EX_NAME"="PCPROJECT").
The version of the Project schema supported for upgrade must be either 12.60, 12.61, 12.62, or 12.63 (the DATACONST table must contain a record in which "DC_CONST_NAME"="version" and "DC_VALUE"="<one of the supported versions>").
If you want to restore the source data, click Reload initial values.
The Repository details section displays the location of the project repository in the file system.
Click Test Connection to check that the source project schema is accessible.
If you want to restore the source data, click Reload initial values.
This must be a shared folder that users have permissions to access.
Make sure that the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering service has read permissions to the source repository.
Click Start Migration to start the project migration process.
Only one project can be migrated at a time. Projects that are triggered and waiting for migration are put in a queue until the current one has finished.
After migration is complete, the Project State and Project Status are updated in the Projects list.
If there are script migration or repository errors, a warning is added to the log file. For details, see Migration issues.
Only projects that are in
state are available in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.For more details on project settings, see View or edit project settings.
Migration issues
If you encounter migration issues, you can view the migration events associated with the project in the project's Logs tab. The log displays the step name, start and end time, status, and the text of the log generated during the migration process. For task details, see View the project log.
There are several possible causes for warnings:
One or more project files were not found in the project repository. This can result from missing or renamed files.
Redundant files are found in the repository. The migration cannot complete until the legacy repository is empty of files. Redundant files can be one of the following:
Duplicate project files that could not be deleted. This can result from insufficient permissions.
Files unrelated to OpenText Application Quality Management that were manually saved in the project repository.
Unidentified project files.
Notes and limitations
This section provides notes and limitations when migrating projects to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.
Subject | Description |
Cloud accounts |
When upgrading from an earlier version of OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering, you need to delete your migrated cloud accounts and recreate them in the current version. |
Different database types | Migrating projects from one database server type in version 12.60 to another database server type in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering is not supported. |
Migration failure |
If the migration has completed, but previously had failures, make sure to remove the orchidtmp\MigrateScriptsTemp folder because it could be exhausting server disk space. Resolution:
Dockerized hosts |
Passwords |
Result data on hosts |
When upgrading a host from Performance Center 12.6x, uncollated test run results on the Controller and load generators, and offline graph data from historical test runs on the Controller, is not migrated to OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering 202x. Resolution: Use an external InfluxDB server to avoid this issue in the future. For details, see Manage analysis servers. |
User-defined fields |
Only the default user-defined fields appearing in the schema during the creation of OpenText Application Quality Management LAB or projects are migrated. Additional columns that were added to project above the number listed in parenthesis below are migrated:
User profile |
User profile data is not migrated from OpenText Application Quality Management for LAB and projects. |
Users set with Viewer role |
During Site Admin and LAB migration, all users are automatically set with Viewer role. During project migration, users that belonged to the TDAdmin group in the OpenText Application Quality Management project are set with Performance Tester permissions in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering, and the rest are set with Viewer permissions. |
Version control |
OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering does not currently support version control. As a result, only the latest checked in tests and scripts from OpenText Application Quality Management are available after migration. |
Note: Not all features defined in previous versions (Performance Center) are displayed and work in the same way in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering. For the list of unsupported features, see Unsupported and deprecated features.
See also: