Error codes

This section lists OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering errors that are displayed in the output messages window.

For information and suggested solutions for a message, search for the message or code number in the tables below.

Performance test error codes

This table lists performance test errors and their suggested solutions.

Error Code Problem Description / Suggested Solution

The project configuration does not permit the requested Post-Run Action.

Running a test configured to collate results during runtime is prohibited in a project with Post-Run Action set to Do not collate.

Solution: Change the option for collating the run results in Test Options to At end of test run. For details, see Collate results.

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Host error codes

This table lists host errors and their suggested solutions.

Error Code Problem Description / Suggested Solution
4000 Failed to create new host. Check logs for more information.
4001 Failed to configure Over Firewall host. Check logs for more information.
4002 Failed to update host entity. Please check log file for more details. Check logs for more information.
4003 Failed to reconfigure the specified host machine. Check logs for more information.
4004 Failed to create host. Please check log message. Check logs for more information.
4006 Invalid Entity Name. Check logs for more information.
4007 Invalid Request Argument. Check logs for more information.
4008 Invalid Oracle Client. Check logs for more information.

The provided host is invalid.

Check the installation on the virtual machine. Make sure that you have the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering host or OneLG installed on that virtual machine.

4011 The host is already assigned to a tenant.  Make sure that your host is not assigned to another tenant.
4012 Unable to create an Over Firewall host because the MI Listener field is empty.

Make sure that an MI Listener was created and assigned to the host. For details, see Specify MI Listeners.

4013 Private hosts (hosts that were added from the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering application or the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering REST API) can be assigned to one host pool only.  A private host cannot be added to multiple pools. Only public hosts can be assigned to multiple pools.
4014 Unable to create the host because a host already exists with the same name. Create the host with a unique name that has not been used in the project.
4015 Unable to edit the host because it is in a non-idle state. Wait until the host is in Idle state before trying to edit it.
4016 The host service is unreachable. Check that the host services are running on the virtual machine.
4017 Unable to change the machine identity. Check logs for more information.
4018 No such host is known. Check logs for more information.
4020 Failed to delete the selected host machines. Check logs for more information.
4021 The selected host is not available. Check logs for more information.
4022 Failed to get the selected host pool. Check logs for more information.
4023 Failed to reboot host. Check logs for more information.
4024 Unable to check the host ID (the host ID is -1). Check logs for more information.
4025 Your Oracle software is missing or is not a supported version (it is earlier than Oracle 8.1.7). Install a supported Oracle version. For details of supported versions, see the Support Matrix.
4026 An error occurred. Check the Oracle settings. Check the Oracle settings.
4027 Failed to parse raw data from the host. Check logs for more information.
4028 Failed to change the status for the host. Check logs for more information.
4030 Failed to reconfigure this host. Check logs for more information.
4031 Unavailable hosts can be changed only by reconfigure. Reconfigure the host to change the host status from Unavailable.
4032 Cannot Change Host that is not in Idle state. Wait until the host is in Idle state before trying to make changes to it.
4033 One or some of the selected hosts are not in "Idle" run-time state. Deselect those or wait for them to become idle. Make sure the selected hosts are in Idle state before trying to reconfiguring them.
4034 A host cannot be rebooted if it is not Idle. Make sure the host is in Idle state before restarting it.
4035 Host could not be rebooted since there is another timeslot that reserved it in the near future. Make sure the host you want to restart is not assigned to a timeslot. If it is, wait until the timeslot has finished before restarting the host.
4036 You do not have permissions to change this type of host.

Tenant Admin users have read-only permissions over hosts, with the exception of being able to check hosts, reconfigure hosts, update host status in the Hosts tab, add or edit pools and locations in the Pools and Locations tabs, and assign hosts to pools in the Pools tab.

Note that Tenant Admin users do have full permissions over Tenant private LGs. Tenant private LGs can be:

  • Standalone load generators where the configured location is Over firewall and an MI listener is assigned.

  • Cloud-based load generators where the host's source is Cloud and the host was provisioned from a cloud provider.

For details, see Predefined admin roles.

4037 Failed to check a host that is not in idle state. Check logs for more information.
4038 Failed to import hosts. Check logs for more information.
4039 No new hosts were found in the file for import. Check logs for more information.
4040 Failed to get host by id. Check logs for more information.
4041 Failed to get host settings. Check logs for more information.
4042 Failed to get data processor settings. Check logs for more information.
4043 Failed to set host settings. Check logs for more information.
4044 Failed to get lab project information. Check logs for more information.
4045 Failed to get task id from information. Check logs for more information.
4046 Failed to create host attribute. Check logs for more information.
4047 Failed to create host attributes. Check logs for more information.
4048 Failed to get diagnostics. Check logs for more information.
4049 Failed to get check host status. Check logs for more information.
4050 Failed to get cloud host. Check logs for more information.
4051 Failed to get cloud hosts. Check logs for more information.
4052 Failed to get hosts. Check logs for more information.
4053 Failed to create host. Check logs for more information.
4054 Failed to edit host attribute. Check logs for more information.
4055 Failed to create task for host service configuration. Check logs for more information.
4056 Failed to get pool for host. Check logs for more information.
4057 Failed to cancel import host. Check logs for more information.
4058 Failed to get compatible version. Check logs for more information.
4059 Failed to get current version. Check logs for more information.
4060 Failed to retrieve host components Check logs for more information.

Server validation failed.

Check host installation type, passphrase, time zone, and time is the same on all servers.

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Cloud error codes

This section lists errors and suggested solutions for the following types of cloud errors:

General cloud errors

Error Code Problem Description / Suggested Solution
0x04000301 Cloud Account with name <Name> already exists. Use a unique name for each cloud account. For details, see Cloud accounts.
0x05000E00 General error in Cloud Module Check the application logs for more details.
0x05000E01 Cloud Account with name <Name> already exists Use a unique name for each cloud account. For details, see Cloud accounts.
0x05000E05 Cloud Host Template with name <Name> already exists Use a unique name for each cloud host template. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E06 Missing Cloud Account ID <ID> Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced cloud account is missing. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Cloud accounts.
0x05000E07 Cloud Account <ID> does not exist Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced cloud account is missing. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Cloud accounts.
0x05000E08 Cloud Account <ID> does not contain any regions Cloud host template validation failed because the cloud account has no regions. Make sure the account data is up to date. For details, see Cloud accounts.
0x05000E09 Cloud Region with id <ID> does not exist Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region is missing. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E0A Cloud Region <Name> from Account <ID> does not contain any instance types Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region contains no Instance Types (or Virtual Machine Sizes). Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E0B Instance Type <Name> is missing in Cloud Region <Name> Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced Instance Types (or Virtual Machine Size) is missing from the specified region. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E0C Cloud Region <Name> from Account <ID> does not contain any key pairs Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region contains no key pairs. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E0D Missing Keypair ID Cloud Host Template validation failed because the referenced key pair is missing. Make the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E0E Key Pair <Name> is missing in Cloud Region <Name> Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced key pair is missing from the region. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E0F Cloud Region <Name> from Account <ID> does not contain any security groups Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region has no security groups. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E10 Security Group <Name> is missing in Cloud Region <Name> Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region does not contain the referenced security group. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E11 Cloud Region <Name> from Account <ID> does not contain any images Cloud Host Template validation failed because the referenced region has no images. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E12 Image <Name> is missing in Cloud Region <Name> Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region does not contain the referenced image. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E13 Cloud Region <Name> from Account <ID> does not contain any networks Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region has no networks. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E14 Missing Network ID Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced network is missing. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E15 Cloud Network <Name> is missing in Region <Name> Cloud host template validation failed because the referenced region does not contain the referenced network. Make sure the template data is correct and up to date. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.
0x05000E16 Cloud Host template <Name> (id=<ID>) is missing Make sure the referenced cloud host template exists. For details, see Create an elastic cloud host template.

AWS errors

Error Code Problem Suggested Solution
0x05000100 General error in Cloud AWS Inspect application logs for more details.
0x05000101 Failed to retrieve AWS regions. Account: <ID>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000102 Failed to retrieve AWS security groups. Region <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000103 Failed to retrieve AWS key pairs. Region <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000104 Failed to retrieve AWS instance types. Region. <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000105 Failed to retrieve AWS images. Region. <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000106 Failed to start AWS instance. Region <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000107 Failed to terminate AWS instance. Region <Name>. InstanceIds: <InstanceIds list>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000108 Failed to get AWS instance. Region <Name> InstanceIds: <InstanceIds list>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000109 Failed to get AWS instance status. Region <Name>, InstanceIds: <InstanceIds list>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500010A Failed to retrieve AWS elastic ips. Region <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500010B Failed to associate AWS elastic ips with instance. Region <Name>, associationId: <ID>, PublicIP: <IP>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500010C Failed to disassociate AWS elastic ips with instance. Region <Name>, associationId: <ID>, PublicIP: “IP’. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500010D Failed to retrieve AWS subnets. Region <Name>, subnetIds: <ID>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500010E Account validation failed due to connection failure. Contact your system administrator to verify your cloud network settings certificates validation, or other required network configurations

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

Azure errors

Error Code Problem Suggested Solution
0x05000301 Azure Network Communication Error. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Verify the license is issued for the current account GUID details.

0x05000302 Failed to retrieve Azure regions. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

If you encounter the following error in the LRECoreApi log ".......Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException: No registered resource provider found for location 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' and API version 'yyyy-mm-dd' for type 'locations/.......", see UnavailableRegions (Azure cloud hosts only).

0x05000303 Failed to retrieve Azure virtual machine sizes. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000304 Failed to retrieve Azure images. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000305 Failed to retrieve Azure virtual networks. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000306 Failed to retrieve Azure network security groups. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000307 Failed to provision Azure virtual machines. Reason: <Error Reason>. Region: <Name>. Virtual Machine Size: <Name>. Image: <Name>. Tags: <Tags List>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Make sure the account licenses provide enough credits for the requested performance test setup.

0x05000308 Failed to delete Azure virtual machines. Reason: <Error Reason>. Resource Group: <Name>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000309 Failed to retrieve Azure virtual machines. Reason: <Error Reason>. Resource Group: <Name>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500030A Failed to retrieve Azure virtual machines. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500030B Failed to retrieve Azure public ip addresses. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500030C Failed to define Azure virtual machine in region <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500030D Failed to define Azure virtual network interface in region <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500030E Failed to get Azure resource group by tag. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x0500030F Failed to get Azure SKUs. Reason: <Error Reason>  
0x05000310 Failed to process Azure SKUs. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000311 Failed to associate Public IP <IP> with Virtual Machine <Name>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

0x05000312 Failed to get Virtual Machine by resource group <Name> and id <ID>. Reason: <Error Reason>

Make sure the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server is connected to the network and the Cloud Network Settings are correct (see Configure cloud network settings). Check the error reason for more details.

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