Integrate with OpenText Application Quality Management

Supported in versions: OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering 202x; ALM 15.0 and OpenText Application Quality Management 25.1 or later.

This section describes how to integrate OpenText Application Quality Management with OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering using VAPI-XP. This enables you to run performance tests, save test results, and view reports directly from OpenText Application Quality Management.

Integration flow

The following diagram illustrates the integration between OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering and OpenText Application Quality Management:

VAPI-XP communication

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Before you begin, you must perform the following on the OpenText Application Quality Management client machine:

  1. Download and install the TFS plug-in for OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering on the machine hosting the OpenText Application Quality Management client.

    The plug-in is available from:

  2. Create a PowerShell script file.

    1. Go to the plug-in installation folder and create a PowerShell script file named AlmLreIntegration.ps1.

    2. Copy and paste the following text into the AlmLreIntegration.ps1 file, and enter the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering server URL, username, and password.

      Copy code
      # AlmLreIntegration.ps1
      param([string] $varPCServer="<LRE Server URL (e.g. http://<my LRE server>/LRE/)>",
          [string] $varUseTokenForAuthentication=<$false or $true (if SSO Authentication is enabled)>,
          [string] $varUserName="<my UserName> or Client ID (if SSO Authentication is enabled)>",
          [string] $varPassword="<my Password or Secret Code (if SSO Authentication is enabled)>",
          [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $varDomain,
          [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $varProject,
          [string][Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $varTestID,
          [string] $varAutoTestInstance="true",
          [string] $varTestInstID="",
          [string] $varPostRunAction="CollateAndAnalyze",
          [string] $varProxyUrl="",
          [string] $varProxyUser="",
          [string] $varProxyPassword="",
          [string] $varTrending="DoNotTrend",
          [string] $varTrendReportID="",
          [string] $varTimeslotDuration="30",
          [string] $varUseVUDs="false",
          [string] $varUseSLAInStatus="true",
          [string] $varArtifactsDir="",
          [string] $varTimeslotRepeat="DoNotRepeat",
          [string] $varTimeslotRepeatDelay="1",
          [string] $varTimeslotRepeatAttempts="3")
      #Write-Host "+++++++++Verifying required environment variable++++++++++"
      $pcworkdir = $PSScriptRoot
      $exit_code = 0
      #Write-Host "++++++++/Verifying required environment variable++++++++++"

      $varAutomationDll = "PC.Plugins.Automation.dll"
      $varCommonDll = "PC.Plugins.Common.dll"

      if (-Not((Test-Path -Path ("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varAutomationDll)) -and (Test-Path -Path ("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varCommonDll)) -and (Test-Path -Path ("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varConfiguratorDll))))
            Write-Host "files not found with the extension under " $pcworkdir    
            Write-Host "trying to use the files from the environment variable PC_LAUNCHER"    
            $pcworkdir = $env:PC_LAUNCHER
      if ((Test-Path -Path ("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varAutomationDll)) -and (Test-Path -Path  ("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varCommonDll)) -and (Test-Path -Path ("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varConfiguratorDll))){    
      #Write-Host "++++++++++++loading+libraries*+++++++++++++++++++"    
            $assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varAutomationDll))    
            $assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varCommonDll))    
            $assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile(("{0}\{1}" -f $pcworkdir, $varConfiguratorDll))    
            #Write-Host "++++++++++++/loading+libraries*++++++++++++++++++"
            Start-Sleep -s 2

            #Write-Host "+++++++++++++executing command+++++++++++++++++++"
            $report = [PC.Plugins.Configurator.Configurator]::Perform($varPCServer, 
                  $varUseTokenForAuthentication, $varUserName, $varPassword,  $varDomain, $varProject,        $varTestID, $varAutoTestInstance, $varTestInstID, $varPostRunAction,        $varProxyUrl, $varProxyUser, $varProxyPassword,        
                  $varTrending, $varTrendReportID, "", $varTimeslotDuration,        
                  $varUseSLAInStatus, $varUseVUDs, $varArtifactsDir, "", "", $varTimeslotRepeat, $varTimeslotRepeatDelay, $varTimeslotRepeatAttempts )    
            #Write-Host "+++++++++++++++++Log Content+++++++++++++++++++++"
            Start-Sleep -s 2
            if($report -ne "")    
                  Start-Sleep -s 2        
                  $isLogFileEnded = [PC.Plugins.Configurator.Configurator]::IsLogFileEnded($report)        
                        $isLogFileEnded = [PC.Plugins.Configurator.Configurator]::IsLogFileEnded($report)            
                        $newContent = [PC.Plugins.Configurator.Configurator]::GetNewContent($report)            
                        if($newContent -ne "")            
                              Write-Host $newContent            
                        Start-Sleep -s 2        
                  } While (-not $isLogFileEnded -and $isLogFileEnded -ne $null)        
                  $taskStatus =  [PC.Plugins.Configurator.Configurator]::GetTaskStatus($report)        
                  if ($taskStatus -ne $null)        
                        Write-Error $taskStatus            
                        if($taskStatus -match "SLA Status is Not Completed")         
                   $exit_code = 2         
                   $exit_code = 1         
                   foreach ($fileName in ("", "PC.Plugins.Automation.Logs.log")){       
               $temp = Split-Path -Path $report     
               $ora = Join-Path -Path $temp -ChildPath $fileName    
               $temp2 = Split-Path -Path $temp      
               $dest = Join-Path -Path $temp2 -ChildPath $fileName       
               if (Test-Path $dest) {        
                     Remove-Item $dest -Force    
               if (Test-Path $ora) {        
                     Copy-Item $ora -Destination $dest -Force      
               if ($pcworkdir -ne $null)
                        Write-Error "Assembly files not found under " $pcworkdir
                        Write-Error "Environment variable PC_LAUNCHER not set"    
               $exit_code = 1
      #Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
  3. Configure OpenText Application Quality Management as described in Configure and run a performance test below.

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Configure and run a performance test

This task describes how to configure and run a OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering performance test from OpenText Application Quality Management using VAPI-XP.

  1. Prepare the OpenText Application Quality Management client as described in Prerequisites.

  2. Log on to OpenText Application Quality Management and select a domain and project.

  3. Go to the Test Plan module (under Testing, select Test Plan).

  4. Create a new VAPI-XP test based on the VAPI-XP test example below. For more about VAPI-XP test types, see VAPI-XP Tests in the OpenText Application Quality Management Help Center.

  5. Define the parameters according to your choice.

  6. Go to the Test Lab module (under Testing, select Test Lab).

  7. Create a new test set and add a VAPI-XP test into it. At runtime, you can provide different parameter values for each test instance that you add.

  8. Run the test set. After the test has finished running, check the status of test instance has passed in the Test Runs module (under Testing, select Test Runs).

    You can view details of the test run in the run log (in Attachments).

  9. View test runs in the reports.

    1. A report for each test instance is uploaded to the relevant run. To see the report of a test set run, select the run, click the Attachments button, and extract the contents from the file.

    2. Open the Reports.html file to display the Analysis Summary Report.

      Run status is updated based on the SLA status.

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VAPI-XP test example

In this example, the following inputs are defined as parameters at the test level and can be changed during runtime.

  • Domain. The name of the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering domain.

  • Project. The name of the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering project.

  • TestID. The ID of the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering test to be run.

For more about working with parameters, see Test Parameters in the OpenText Application Quality Management Help Center.

Copy code

Example VAPI-XP test script:

' vapi2 [VBScript]
' Created by Application Lifecycle Management
' 10/22/2020 12:05:23 PM
' ====================================================

' ----------------------------------------------------
' Main Test Function
' Debug - Boolean. Equals to false if running in [Test Mode] : reporting to Application Lifecycle Management
' CurrentTestSet - [OTA COM Library].TestSet.
' CurrentTSTest - [OTA COM Library].TSTest.
' CurrentRun - [OTA COM Library].Run.
' ----------------------------------------------------
Function UploadAttachment(CurrentRun, path)
    Set objRunAttach = CurrentRun.Attachments    
    Set newAtt = objRunAttach.AddItem(Null)
    newAtt.FileName = path
    newAtt.Type = 1    
End Function

Function FileExists(FilePath)
   Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   If fso.FileExists(FilePath) Then
   End If
End Function

Sub Test_Main(Debug, CurrentTestSet, CurrentTSTest, CurrentRun)
   ' *** VBScript Limitation ! ***
   ' "On Error Resume Next" statement suppresses run-time script errors.
   ' To handle run-time error in a right way, you need to put "If Err.Number <> 0 Then" 
   ' after each line of code that can cause such a run-time error.
   'On Error Resume Next

   ' clear output window
   Dim strResultsDirectory :  strResultsDirectory = "C:\"
   Dim WshShell
   Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   WshShell.CurrentDirectory = strResultsDirectory
   Dim Domain
   Domain = CurrentTSTest.Params.ParamValue("Domain")
   Dim Project
   Project = CurrentTSTest.Params.ParamValue("Project")
   Dim TestID
   TestID = CurrentTSTest.Params.ParamValue("TestID")

   files = Array("C:\Temp\PC.Plugins.Automation.Logs\","C:\Temp\PC.Plugins.Automation.Logs\PC.Plugins.Automation.Logs.log")
   for each x in files
    If FileExists(x) Then
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        fso.DeleteFile x
    end if

   If IsNull(TestID)  Or  IsEmpty(TestID) Then
    oExec = "1"
    cmd = "powershell -file ""c:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\LoadRunner Enterprise Plugin\AlmLreIntegration.ps1"" -varDomain " & Domain & " -varProject " & Project & " -varTestID " & TestID
    oExec = WshShell.Run(cmd, 7, True)
   end if
   If Not Debug Then
    for each x in files
        If FileExists(x) Then
        UploadAttachment CurrentRun, x
        end if

    if oExec = "0" then
        CurrentRun.Status = "Passed"
    ElseIf oExec = "1" Then
       CurrentRun.Status = "Failed"
        CurrentRun.Status = "Not Completed"
    end if
   End If
   ' handle run-time errors
   If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    TDOutput.Print "Run-time error [" & Err.Number & "] : " & Err.Description
    ' update execution status in "Test" mode
    If Not Debug Then
    End If
   End If
End Sub

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