Monitors requiring configuration

The following monitors need to be configured:

Note: Resource monitors are automatically enabled when you run a test run. However, you must specify the machine you want to monitor and which resources to monitor for each machine. You can also add or remove machines and resources during the test run.

Monitor Category Description

Apache web server monitor

Web Server Resource Graphs

Provides information about the resource usage of the Apache web server during performance test runs.

AppDynamics monitor AppDynamics Graphs

Provides information on the availability and performance of software applications and the impact on user experience measured by the AppDynamics Platform.

Azure Insights monitor Microsoft Azure Provides information on metrics collected from resources on the Azure Monitor Application Insights server.

CA APM monitor

CA APM Graphs

Provides analytics from the CA APM (Application Performance Management) server about monitored Web applications.

Citrix Server monitor

Application Deployment Solutions

Measures statistics related to the Citrix MetaFrame XP server during a performance run.

Datadog monitor Datadog graphs Provides metrics collected by the Datadog platform.
Dynatrace SaaS and Managed monitors Dynatrace SaaS / Managed Graphs

Provides the Controller access to data measured by Dynatrace SaaS, a cloud-based APM tool, and Dynatrace Managed, the on-premises model.

Microsoft Active Server Pages monitor Web Application Server Graphs

Measures Microsoft Active Server Pages servers during a test run and isolate application server performance bottlenecks.

Microsoft IIS web server monitor

Web Server Resource Graphs

Provides information about the resource usage of the Microsoft IIS web server during performance test runs.

Network Delay Time monitor Network Graphs Display information about the network delays on your system.
New Relic monitor New Relic

Provides information on the availability and performance of software applications and the impact on user experience measured by the New Relic Digital Intelligence Platform.

Oracle database server monitor

Database Server Resource Graphs

Measure database resource usage statistics for Oracle servers during a performance test run. You use this monitor to isolate database server performance bottlenecks.

Note: The Oracle Database monitor is not supported and was removed from the monitors list.

Prometheus monitor Prometheus Server Graphs

Provides metrics collected by the Prometheus server.

Service Virtualization monitor Service Virtualization Graphs
Measures statistics related to service virtualization, per operation and service.

SiteScope monitor

System Resource Graphs

Measures the SiteScope system resource usage on a machine during a test run, and helps you determine why a bottleneck occurred on a machine.

SQL Server monitor

Database Server Resource Graphs

Measure database resource usage statistics for SQL servers during a performance test run. You use this monitor to isolate database server performance bottlenecks.

UNIX Resources monitor

System Resource Graphs

Measures the UNIX system resource usage on a machine during a test run, and helps you determine why a bottleneck occurred on a machine.

Windows Resources monitor

System Resource Graphs

Measures the Windows, UNIX, and SiteScope system resource usage on a machine during a test run, and helps you determine why a bottleneck occurred on a machine.

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Note: Resource monitors, such as Windows Resources, UNIX Resources, and SiteScope are automatically enabled when you run a test run. However, you must specify the machine you want to monitor and which resources to monitor for each machine. You can also add or remove machines and resources during the test run.

See also: