Manage timeslots

This page enables an administrator to reserve maintenance timeslots, and manage all reserved timeslots in the project.

Types of maintenance timeslot reservation

Maintenance timeslots can be reserved for immediate use or in advance for future use.

Immediate timeslot reservations

If you want to perform administrative tasks on specific hosts, such as installing remote installations or upgrades, when you start the task.

Provided that the hosts are currently available, OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering automatically reserves the requested hosts in a maintenance timeslot. This prevents the hosts being used for any other purpose for the duration of your task.


Advance timeslot reservations

If you know the hosts on which you need to perform maintenance, you can reserve the resources for your test in advance for a specified amount of time.

Note: A host that is currently running a test or reserved for any timeslot cannot be reserved for maintenance at the same time.

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Create a maintenance timeslot

This task describes how to create a maintenance timeslot.

Note: For details on reserving timeslots for running performance tests, see Reserve timeslots.

  1. Prerequisites

    Make sure that OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering is up and running properly and that your testing hosts are all registered and available.

  2. In Administration, select Maintenance > Timeslots.

    • In the Calendar view , click the New button Add button.

    • In the Grid view , click the Add Timeslot button Add button.

  3. Enter a name, duration, and start or end time for the timeslot.


    • The timeslot name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : " ? ' < > | * % ^ , ! { } ( ) ; = #
    • A maintenance timeslot can be reserved for a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 480 hours (20 days).
  4. Select hosts for the maintenance timeslot.

    1. In the Host Allocation pane, click Allocate LGs to open the Allocate LGs dialog box.

    2. Select the hosts to assign to the timeslot. For details, see Select hosts to assign to the timeslot.

    3. Click Apply to allocate the selected load generators to the timeslot.

    4. If the timeslot can be reserved, click Add to save the timeslot.

  5. OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering performs the maintenance work during the timeslot.

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Change maintenance timeslot duration

You can extend or shorten the end time of a maintenance timeslot that has already started by adjusting the duration.

  1. In Administration, select Maintenance > Timeslots.

  2. In the Calendar or Grid view, select the current timeslot, and adjust the Duration.

  3. Click Calculate Availability. The system checks the availability of the requested resources. The results of this calculation are displayed in the Timeslot Status tab and graphically on the resource availability timeline.

  4. If resources are available, click Update. This extends or shortens the selected timeslot.

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Edit a reserved maintenance timeslot

You can edit maintenance timeslots from the manage timeslots page in Administration. Other timeslot types can only be edited in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering.

  1. In Administration, select Maintenance > Timeslots.

  2. In the Calendar view, double-click a future maintenance timeslot that you want to edit. The Edit Timeslots page opens.

  3. Edit the required fields (Name, Duration, Start/End Time, or Description).

    Note: To change host resources for a maintenance timeslot, you need to add or remove the selected hosts.

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

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Enable recurring timeslots

You can determine whether users can create recurring timeslot reservations from the Timeslots page.

  1. In Administration, select Management > Projects.

  2. Under the Project Name column, click a project.

  3. In the Main Details view, click the Recurrent Timeslot drop-down arrow, and select Enabled.

    Users can now create recurring timeslot reservations in OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering. For details, see Create a recurring timeslot.

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Delete or stop a timeslot

You can delete a future timeslot, or stop a running timeslot and free all used resources.

  1. In Administration, select Maintenance > Timeslots.

  2. In the Calendar or Grid view, select a timeslot that you want to delete or stop.

    Delete timeslot

    Click the Delete button Delete button to delete the selected timeslot and free the reserved resources.

    Note: You can only delete future timeslots.

    Abort timeslot

    Click he Abort button to stop the selected timeslot and free the reserved resources.

    Note: You can only stop running timeslots.

    The selected timeslot is removed from the Timeslots grid and calendar.

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Limit timeslot reservations

You can limit how far in advance users can reserve timeslots for running their performance tests from the OpenText Enterprise Performance Engineering REST API. For details, see Limit advance timeslot reservations in the Administration REST API Reference.

Note: If you set a limit on how far in advance users can reserve timeslots, any timeslots created before the maximum time was set are still valid, even if they exceed the set limit.

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View the Manage Timeslots page

In Administration, select Maintenance > Timeslots.

UI Elements


Calendar View / Grid View. Move the slider to display reserved timeslots in a calendar or grid view.
Refresh button

Refresh. Refreshes the calendar so that it displays the most up-to-date information.

Add button

New/Add Timeslot. Opens the Add New Timeslot dialog box, enabling you to reserve timeslots for reserving maintenance timeslots. For details, see Reserve timeslots.

Abort Timeslot. Ends the selected timeslot.

Note: You can only end running timeslots.

Delete button

Delete Timeslot. Deletes the selected timeslot.

Note: You can only delete future timeslots.

Select Columns button

Select Columns. Enables you to determine which fields to display in the grid.

Note: Available in Grid view only.

Filter button

Filter. Filter the items you want displayed in the module, grid, or page. For details, see Filter displayed items.


  • Available in Grid view only.

  • Values are missing in the dropdown filter of the maintenance timeslot Grid view if no results for that value are retrieved from the first page of the database.


Select a view:

  • Calendar. Enables you to view the timeslots in a time-oriented calendar view. It allows you to view all timeslots scheduled for the selected time period.

  • Grid. Enables you to view timeslots in a flat, non-hierarchical view. Each line in the grid displays a separate timeslot. This view is useful for filtering the timeslots and for viewing the details of multiple timeslots simultaneously.

<Date navigator>

Enables you to select the day/week to display in the main calendar grid.

  • Today. Displays only the current day on the calendar.

  • Day. Displays the date selected in the date selector.

  • Work Week. Displays the 5-day work week around the date selected in the date selector.

  • Week. Displays the full week around the date selected in the date selector.

Note: These settings are only available in Calendar view.


Displays the reserved timeslots in your projects in calendar form.

Click a timeslot to display a summary of the selected timeslot, and to view timeslot details. You can also hover over the timeslot to view a summary.

The timeslots in the calendar view are color-coded as follows:

  • Performance timeslots

  • Maintenance timeslots

  • Data processing timeslots

Note: Available in Calendar view only.

<Grid details>

Displays the reserved timeslots in your projects in a grid. For user interface details, see Preview pane - Main Details, Host Allocation, Events below.

Note: Available in Grid view only.

<Preview pane>

See Preview pane - Main Details, Host Allocation, Events below.

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Preview pane - Main Details, Host Allocation, Events

This section describes the information that is displayed for the selected timeslot in the Main Details, Host Allocation, and Events pane.

Main Details pane

Displays a summary of the timeslot selected in the calendar.

UI Elements (A - Z)


Created By

The user who created the timeslot.

Description Displays a description of the timeslot.
Domain The domain in which the project was created.

The duration of the timeslot. You can change the end time of a timeslot during a test run by adjusting the timeslot duration. For details, see Change maintenance timeslot duration.

End Time The date and time that the timeslot ends.
Hosts The number of hosts (including Controller) requested for the timeslot.

The timeslot ID.

Modified By

The user who last modified the timeslot.


The name of the timeslot.

Post Run Action The post-run action specified for the linked performance test.
Project The project in which the timeslot was created.
Run ID The test run ID. Click the link to display run details in the Runs page. For details, see View and manage test runs.
Run State The run state of the entity linked to the timeslot.
Start Time

The date and time that the timeslot is due to start or started.

Startup Type

How the timeslot is started:

  • Manually. The timeslot reservation reserves testing resources only.

  • Automatically. The linked tests or test sets automatically start running at the start of the timeslot, without any manual intervention.

Test The name of the test set associated with the timeslot.

The type of timeslot (Load Test, Maintenance, Data Processing).


The validity of the timeslot:

  • The timeslot is valid.

  • The timeslot failed (for example, because resources unexpectedly became unavailable, a change in license definitions, or a change in project settings. In the case of a testing timeslot, due to changes such as the validity of a test, or a test set).


The number of Vusers requested for the timeslot.

Hosts/Host Allocation pane

Displays the allocation of hosts for the selected timeslot. For future timeslots, the host allocation is a temporary allocation.

UI Elements


Host Allocation <number> The number of hosts (including Controller) requested for the timeslot.

Displays the requested hosts, including the requested properties. Lists the testing tools available on the host.

  • Controller:

  • Load Generator:

  • Data Processor:

Host Name / Actual Displays the specific hosts allocated for the timeslot. May display the following in place of specific host names:
  • Not Allocated. Requested hosts could not be allocated.
  • Allocated (Deleted). The allocated host was deleted after the timeslot start time.
  • From another pool. The host belongs to a host pool in another project to which you do not have access.

Note: If an allocated host becomes unavailable, the system attempts to replace the allocated host with another host with similar properties. If no host is available, the timeslot becomes partially allocated and is rendered invalid.

Events pane

Displays a log of events related to the currently selected timeslot, including the date and time the event was logged, and a description of the event.

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See also: