Handle database-related issues

This topic provides instructions for handling database-related management tasks.

Change site schema settings and reinitialize

If you need to make changes to the site schema settings, make the changes in the octane.conf file.

To change site schema settings and reinitialize:

  1. Obtain the names of the indexes related to your instance of ALM Octane in the sharedspace_logical_name.txt in the /opt/octane/server/conf/ directory.

  2. Delete the database site schema.

  3. Delete the repository.

  4. Delete the mqm_<sp_logical_name> index from Elasticsearch. From the shell on the ALM Octane server, run:

    curl -XDELETE 'http://<server address>:9200/mqm_<sp_logical_name>/'
  5. Start the ALM Octane server.

    systemctl start octane

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Update database password in ALM Octane site schema and configuration files

If you change your database password, you can use the database password update tool to update the database password in ALM Octane’s site schema, and in the octane.conf configuration files. Note that this does not update the database user’s password, but only ALM Octane's configuration.

Note: The tool operates offline. Credential outputs are disabled for security.

  1. Stop the ALM Octane server.

    After stopping the server, wait 30 seconds before running the tool. The cluster is considered offline when there is no activity from any node for 30 seconds.

  2. Run the following command on your ALM Octane server:

  3. Enter values as described in the sections below.

  4. When you are done, start the ALM Octane server.


The tool can operate in 2 modes: file, or interactive.

updatedbcreds.sh <-m mode> <-f path | -t target>


  • mode = {file | interactive}

  • target = {admin | user}

  • path = valid absolute or relative path to file

File. If mode is set to file, use -f to specify the path to the password definition file. Credentials will be taken from the provided file.

Interactive. If mode is set to interactive, use -t to specify the target whose password you want to change - either admin or user. You will enter credentials interactively.

Example: If you want to update the db.admin-user in the config file, the target should be admin (in Interactive mode).

If you want to update the db.<db-vendor>.app-user-name in the config file, the target should be user (in Interactive mode).

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See also: