Step 2: Create an endpoint (Endpoint Manager)

After entering credentials, you need to provide details on the ALM or Jira instance.

Define an endpoint

In the Synchronizer Configuration wizard, click Create endpoint, and enter the following:

Field Description
Connection type

Select the type of connection you are creating: ALM or Jira.

For ALM:

URL to the ALM deployment that hosts the project you want to synchronize with.

Use the following syntax: http(s)://<hostname>:<port>/qcbin

For Jira:
Jira Server URL

URL to the Jira deployment that hosts the project you want to synchronize with.

Use the following syntax: http(s)://<hostname>:<port>

Note: The following URL formats are accepted as input:


  • JIRA-DOMAIN:PORT/login.jsp (e.g.


  • JIRA-DOMAIN:PORT/BASEPATH/secure/Dashboard.jspa (e.g.

Endpoint Display Name

Identifies this connection to ALM or Jira.

Tip: Assign this name when creating a new link. If you later select Existing Connection to create additional links to this project, you can select this display name from the list.

Credentials Display Name

Select a predefined credentials record from the drop-down list.

You can also click the Credentials Manager button to add or modify credentials.

Adapter Properties (Optional, Jira only)

workflow.deny.all Possible values: true/false, by default false. If set to true, the synchronizer will skip analyzing the remote Jira project's workflow.
issuetype-defect Name of the Jira issue type that will be used for defect synchronization links. The default value is Bug.

If you do not want to create a separate JIRA issue for every issue type, specify which issue types you want to synchronize, using commas but no blank spaces.

For example: issuetypes.requirement = Feature,TestIssue,Story

Note that Story is mandatory.

https-unverified Normally on a production environment the server SSL certificate has to be valid, i.e. issued by one of the root certification authorities present in the openjdk certificate store. This property tells the Jira adapter REST client to completely skip SSL certificate validation.

For ALM:
ALM/QC Domain and Project 

Enter the ALM domain and project you want to synchronize with.

Click Authenticate to retrieve available values, and select the domain or project names from the listed items.

For Jira:
Jira Project

Enter the Jira project you want to synchronize with.

Click Authenticate to retrieve available values, and select the domain or project names from the listed items.

Edit or delete an endpoint

To edit or delete an endpoint, within the Synchronizer select More Actions > Endpoint manager.

Select the endpoint you defined in the left pane. Edit or delete as needed.

Next steps: