Step 1: Define ALM or Jira credentials (Credentials Manager)

To enable synchronization, you need to first enter the credentials required to access ALM or Jira.

Define credentials

From the ALM Octane settings area, select Synchronizer. The Synchronizer Configuration wizard appears.

Click Define credentials, and enter the following:

Field Description
Name The name used to identify this particular credentials record when configuring a link in ALM Octane.
Username (or Client ID)

The name/ID of the user connecting to ALM or Jira.

Password (or Secret)

The password/secret used to connect to ALM or Jira.

Confirm password Enter the password a second time to confirm it.
Description Enter an optional description.

Note: In Jira Cloud, or ALM 14 patch 2 and later, you can use API keys for your connection instead of username and password.

Edit or delete credentials

To edit or delete credentials, within the Synchronizer select More Actions > Credentials manager.

Select the credentials you defined in the left pane. Edit or delete as needed.

Next steps: