Analyze the release

Use an assortment of tools to track the release progress and analyze its quality.

Tools Description
Grid Timeline view

The grid timeline view helps you gain increased visibility of a release by displaying work item phases in a Gantt chart.

The timeline also displays waste time, and helps you track repeated and slow phases. For details, see Timeline view.

Summary widgets

Use the summary widgets to monitor your release progress and quality. For details, see Track release progress.

Grid columns

Add the following columns to your work items' grid:

  • Cycle time and Flow time: Help you analyze cycle and flow times for your work items, and understand how your release is progressing based on the items' development speed. For details, see Cycle and flow times.
  • Waste: Helps you track waste time for your work items and understand the scope of an item's waste in relation to the item's overall cycle time.
  • Waste category: Helps you determine what causes waste in an item's phase, based on the waste category associated with this phase.

    For details, see Measure waste.

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See also: