Create a test suite with manual and Gherkin tests

This flow demonstrates how to use the REST API to create a test suite with manual and Gherkin tests.

  1. Create a manual test and its steps

  2. Create a Gherkin test and its script

  3. Create a test suite that comprises these two tests

Areas: Manual tests, Gherkin tests, test suites

In this topic:

Entity relationship diagram

We need to access the following entities for this flow, and understand the relationships between these entities.

Entity Relationships in this flow Description of relationship Reference / relationship fields
Tests Manual Tests, Gherkin Tests, and Test Suites This aggregate resource collection represents types of tests, including manual tests, Gherkin tests, automated tests, and test suites. subtype
Manual Tests Tests

The manual test is a subtype of the tests aggregate resource collection.

The manual test can also be accessed in the manual_tests resource collection.

There is no field that relates back to the aggregate resource collection, tests.


Manual test steps are stored in the ALM Octane internal repository. Steps are accessed as a script resource under the corresponding test in the tests resource collection.

Gherkin Tests Tests

The Gherkin test is a subtype of the tests aggregate resource collection.

The Gherkin test can also be accessed in the gherkin_tests resource collection.

There is no field that relates back to the aggregate resource collection, tests.


Gherkin test scripts are stored in the ALM Octane internal repository. Scripts are accessed as a script resource under the corresponding test in the tests resource collection.

Tests in Suite Test Suites

The test_suite_link_to_tests resource collection manages the associations between a test suite, and all of its manual and Gherkin tests. Its only purposes is to link the entities.

Gherkin Tests test
Manual Tests test

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Let's create the REST API call for creating a test suite step-by-step.

See also: