Report results (without pipeline context) to ALM Octane
This flow demonstrates how to get a list of application modules whose automated tests failed in the last 24 hours.
Areas: CI/CD integration, Automated test runs, Defects, Environments (taxonomies)
In this topic:
Entity relationship diagram
We need to access the following entities for this flow, and understand the relationships between these entities.
Entity | Relationships in this flow | Description of relationship | Reference / relationship fields |
CI Server | CI Job | Multiple jobs can be defined for each CI server. | ci_server |
CI Build | CI Job |
Jobs are associated with builds. Each build can contain one or more jobs. |
ci_job |
Automated Run | CI Build | Builds contain automated tests (jobs). | build |
Defect / Story | Runs can be associated with defects and stories. | defect | |
Release | Runs can be associated with releases. | run | |
Taxonomy Item Node | Runs can be associated with specific environments (taxonomies), such as operating systems or browsers. | taxonomies | |
Test | The test entity represents types of tests, including manual, Gherkin, and automated. | subtype | |
Automated Test | Test | The automated test is a subtype of the test entity. | type |
Automated Run |
Each automated test can have 0 or more runs associated with it. |
last_runs |
For details, see Add automated test results to ALM Octane and Test results.
After authenticating, do the following:
Report test results, including the reference to the relevant CI server, job and build.
GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>//test-results
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<build server_id="uuid"
<release name="MyRelease"/>
<backlog_item_ref id="1011"/>
<product_area_ref id="1003"/>
<test_field_ref id="1005"/>
<taxonomy_ref id="1004"/>
<test_run module="/helloWorld" package="hello"
class="HelloWorldTest" name="testOne" duration="3"
status="Passed" started="1430919295889">
<release_ref id="1004"/>
<test_run module="/helloWorld" package="hello"
class="HelloWorldTest" name="testTwo" duration="2"
status="Failed" started="1430919316223">
<product_area_ref id="1007"/>
<product_area_ref id="1008"/>
<error type="java.lang.NullPointerException" message="nullPointer Exception">at com.mqm.testbox.parser.TestResultUnmarshallerITCase.assertTestRun( at com.mqm.testbox.parser.TestResultUnmarshallerITCase.assertTestResultEquals( at com.mqm.testbox.parser.TestResultUnmarshallerITCase.testUnmarshall(</error>
<test_run module="/helloWorld" package="hello"
class="HelloWorldTest" name="testThree" duration="4"
status="Skipped" started="1430919319624">
<test_field_ref id="1006"/>
<test_field type="Micro Focus.qc.test-new-type" value="qc.test-new-type.acceptance"/>
<test_run module="/helloWorld2" package="hello"
class="HelloWorld2Test" name="testOnce" duration="2"
status="Passed" started="1430919322988">
<taxonomy_ref id="1008"/>
<taxonomy type="OS" value="Linux"/>
<test_run module="/helloWorld2" package="hello"
class="HelloWorld2Test" name="testDoce" duration="3"
status="Passed" started="1430919326351">
<backlog_item_ref id="1012"/>
See also: