Select fields (fields)
This section provides information about selecting fields to be returned by the ALM Octane REST API.
In this topic:
You can specify the fields to be returned from the server in the response to a GET operation on a collection.
Using the fields clause is useful when GETting certain fields that are not listed by default, often for performance reasons. Some examples of fields not returned by default are: user-defined fields, comments, attachments, runs, and run steps.
The fields parameter
Select fields with the fields parameter. The fields parameter has the following syntax:
fields=<field name>[[,<field name>]]
The field's ID and type are always returned regardless of the fields you select.
- Field names are separated by commas: ,
Requesting an entity without explicitly specifying the desired field names, will return only the following fields: id, workspace_id, type, subtype, and logical_name.
Reference fields (technical preview)
You can also get reference fields for an entity.
For example, suppose you want to get requirements and their associated tests. Using the public API described above, the response would include the ID of the entity (requirement), the ID of the referenced entity (associated test), and its type (e.g. manual test).
In the technical preview API, you can specify fields that will be returned for the referenced entity, in addition to ID and type. For example, you can get the name and status of the tests associated with the requirements.
This API is recursive up to three levels, meaning you can request reference fields for reference fields. For example, you can request requirements, their associated tests, the application modules of the tests, and fields for those application modules.
Note: The API returns only selectable fields that are public or technical preview.
The API is not designed to fetch all stored data in one request. In most cases, it should be used to fetch data of the directly referenced entity.
GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/defects?fields=id,name,release{id,name,start_date,end_date}
GET .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/workspaces/<workspace_id>/defects?fields=id,name,team{id,name, team_lead{id,full_name,email}}
See also: