Setting configuration parameters with the REST API
This section provides information for setting ALM Octane configuration parameters using the REST API.
Tip: Admins can also set configuration parameters in ALM Octane Settings.
In this topic:
REST API quick-start for admins
Admins can use these quick-start instructions to change configuration parameters. This quick-start is helpful for admins that do not usually work with the REST API.
POST this REST API request sending your user name and password:
Specify these headers:
Authentication method Header Value All Content-Type application/json Basic ALM-OCTANE-TECH-PREVIEW
true For complete details, see Authenticating.
Send REST API requests to set configuration parameters.
Scope and syntax
The following request formats are available for setting configuration parameters with the REST API.
Scope Admin Request format Site Site admin <operation> .../admin/params/...
The site admin uses this format to retrieve and set configuration parameters that affect the entire site.
Space Site admin <operation> .../admin/context_parameters/...
The site admin uses this format to set configuration parameters in context of a specific space.
When sending REST API requests to set configuration parameters on the space level, make sure to specify the space ID and send an ALM-OCTANE-TECH-PREVIEW header with the value true.
Space Space admin <operation> .../api/shared_spaces/<space_id>/params/...
The space admin uses this format to set configuration parameters in context of a specific space.
When sending REST API requests to set configuration parameters on the space level, make sure to specify the space ID and send an ALM-OCTANE-TECH-PREVIEW header with the value true.
GET requests
To retrieve existing configuration parameters using the REST API, send a GET request.
GET .../admin/params
Use the response to determine if you send PUT or POST requests to set a configuration parameter value. If the parameter you need to configure is not listed, send a POST request.
PUT requests
To set a value for an existing configuration parameter, send a PUT request.
You can set configuration parameters on the site level and on the space level.
You can set multiple configuration parameters in the same PUT request.
You do not have to reset the configuration parameters after restarting the ALM Octane server.
Parameter values can be a maximum of 1000 characters.
POST requests
To set a value for a new configuration parameter, send a POST request.
Configuration parameter reference
For a list of the available configuration parameters, see Configuration parameters.