Initial setup

This topic describes how to initially set up ALM Octane. Most initial setup and administrative tasks are done in the Settings area of ALM Octane. Some sections are relevant only for on-premises ALM Octane.

In this topic:

Learn about spaces and workspaces

Data in ALM Octane is divided into separate areas within a larger environment. These separate areas are called workspaces. The environment is called the space. The spaces can be isolated or shared. Workspaces associated with shared spaces can share data.

Admins and workspace members can perform the following tasks in the respective areas:

  • Shared space admins can create multiple workspaces to represent multiple projects, programs, or products managed on the same ALM Octane site. They can also assign admins for each workspace, add users, and assign users with different roles within workspaces. For details, see Manage spaces (for space admins).
  • Admins for individual workspaces can manage data inside their workspaces that are associated with isolated spaces. This includes entities such as releases, teams, users, the backlog, application modules, tests, and defects. For details, see About workspaces.
  • Workspace members can only access workspaces that they are assigned to. All users are automatically assigned with basic access privileges within the default workspace. For details about users and their roles, see Roles and permissions.

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The configuration flow

To configure ALM Octane:

In the top banner, click Settings , and select the area to configure:

  • Site: Site settings (on-premises)
  • Spaces: Space and workspace settings

The table provides the recommended order for admins to configure ALM Octane:

Step Details
Set up spaces and workspaces

The site admin creates spaces that will be containers for all the workspaces in their environment. Spaces can be isolated or shared. For details, see Manage the site.

Then, for both on-premises and SaaS, the space admin creates workspaces that will be containers for all the items that define your environment:

  • Create workspaces that will share data in the same shared space.

  • Create workspaces that will not share data in an isolated space.

For details, see Manage spaces (for space admins) and Best practices for setting up spaces and workspaces.

Configure other items

Set up items such as releases, teams, and users. These items are the building blocks that help define how users work in ALM Octane.

Define items that workspaces will share, such as releases, in their associated shared space.

Define non-shared items in the relevant workspaces.

For details on releases, see Set up a release.

Define business rules

After defining the above items, create business rules to configure how the ALM Octane user interface works, and control the actions users can perform.

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Set preferences and accessibility

Using the Settings drop-down menu, you can set the following options:

Option Details

Toggle on/off preferences:

  • Email me when I am mentioned in a comment: Enables ALM Octane to send you a notification via email when someone tags you in a comment with the @ character.
  • Use Sprinter to run manual tests: Enables ALM Octane to run manual tests in Sprinter rather than in the Manual Runner. For details see Run and edit manual tests in Sprinter.

Toggle on/off accessibility:

  • Show tabular format as default. Enables ALM Octane to display graphs in the form of tables with rows and columns.

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