Install and configure the ALM Octane CI plugin on your CI server
When setting up a non-Jenkins CI server for ALM Octane for the first time, install the ALM Octane CI plugin on your CI server and configure it to connect to ALM Octane. For Jenkins, see Jenkins integration.
In this topic:
- Plugin overview
- Prerequisites
- Install the plugin
- Configure the plugin to access ALM Octane
- Move an existing CI server to a new address
- Admin setup for Azure DevOps pipelines
Plugin overview
The CI plugin enables ValueEdge and ALM Octane to integrate with a CI server.
For a list of available plugins and their locations, see CI and CD server integrations.
The CI plugins provide the following capabilities:
Retrieve and display the build pipelines that run on the CI server
Trigger pipeline runs on the CI server
Retrieve build run results, test run results, and commit information from the CI server
Retrieve code coverage reports from a Jenkins CI server
Trigger UFT One test execution on a Jenkins CI server
- Note:
- To integrate with Jenkins, do not install the ALM Octane CI plugin on the Jenkins server. For details, see Upgrading to the Micro Focus Application Automation Tool plugin.
- The Azure DevOps integration is currently one-directional. An Azure DevOps pipeline and its jobs can notify ALM Octane about their progress and status, as well as send information about the source control commits and test results relevant to them. However, running and stopping the pipeline from ALM Octane is not supported.
For a list of plugins that must be installed on the Jenkins server to enable ALM Octane integration, as well as plugins that are supported by the ALM Octane integration but not required, see the Application Automation Tools wiki page or Jenkins integration.
Obtain API Access. Ask your space admin for an API access Client ID and Client secret. The plugin uses these for authentication when communicating with ALM Octane.
The space admin can obtain the Client ID and Client secret in ALM Octane Settings. The access keys must be assigned the CI/CD Integration role in all relevant workspaces. For details, see Set up API access.
Obtain access to a CI server that meets the necessary requirements. For the CI servers that are supported by the ALM Octane CI plugins, see Support Matrix.
Decide which CI server user ALM Octane will use to access the CI server and execute jobs. For Azure DevOps Server (TFS) this is the Personal Access Token (PAT).
The CI server user or PAT must have the following permissions:
On Bamboo: Build plan On Jenkins, for working with pipelines: Job Build On Jenkins, for ALM Octane-UFT One integration without pipelines:
Job Create, Delete, and Read
If your SCM repository requires credentials, Credentials create and update permissions are also required. This is so that ValueEdge and ALM Octane can save the SCM access credentials you provide on the Jenkins server.
On Azure DevOps Server (TFS): Read permissions for: Build, Code, Project and team, Test management
Execute permissions for Build
On GoCD: View permissions, and permissions to run a pipeline. On Azure: No permissions are needed because ValueEdge and ALM Octane does not access the Azure DevOps server, and does not actively execute any jobs. The integration is one-directional, from Azure DevOps to ValueEdge and ALM Octane. Caution: We strongly recommend limiting this user’s permissions to the minimum required for this integration.
Install the plugin
Download the relevant plugin from the Internet and install it on your CI server. Do one of the following:
Jenkins |
In your Jenkins server's user interface, open the plugin management area and upload the plugin:
For further steps, see Jenkins integration. |
TeamCity |
In your TeamCity server's user interface, open the plugin management area and upload the plugin:
Bamboo |
In your Bamboo server's user interface, open the add on management area and upload the plugin:
Azure DevOps Server (TFS) |
Run the downloaded MSI on your Azure DevOps Server (TFS) machine to install the plugin. |
GoCD | Download the plugin's .jar file and store it on your GoCD server in <GoCD server folder>/plugins/external/. |
GitLab | Run the Java command line as described in ALM Octane GitLab CI service. |
Azure DevOps Server (2019 and later) Azure DevOps Services |
Within Azure:
For details refer to the extension's readme file. |
Before configuring the plugin to access ALM Octane, the plugin installation must be complete. Wait for the CI server to restart (Jenkins or TeamCity), refresh the add-on management page (Bamboo), or restart the CI server (Azure DevOps Server/TFS, GoCD).
- If you enable or disable the plugin at any time after installation, you must restart your CI server (Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo).
To update or reinstall the Azure DevOps Server (TFS) plugin, you must first stop the Azure DevOps Server (TFS) Windows service: Visual Studio Team Foundation Background Job Agent. Restart the service after the plugin is updated.
Configure the plugin to access ALM Octane
After you install the ALM Octane CI plugin on your CI server, you must configure it to access ALM Octane and, if necessary, the CI server.
Tip: After installing the plugin and before configuring it, wait for the CI server to restart (Jenkins or TeamCity), refresh the add-on management page (Bamboo), or restart the CI server (Azure DevOps Server/TFS, GoCD).
To configure a plugin:
Open the plugin's configuration area. Do one of the following:
Jenkins In your Jenkins server's user interface, locate the configuration area for the ALM Octane CI plugin:
Click Manage Jenkins (on the left).
Click Configure System.
Scroll down to the configuration area for the ALM Octane CI.
Follow the guidelines described in Jenkins integration.
TeamCity In your TeamCity server's user interface, locate the configuration area for the ALM Octane CI plugin:
- Go to Administration.
- Under Server Administration, click ALM Octane CI Plugin.
Bamboo In your Bamboo server's user interface, locate the configuration area for the ALM Octane CI plugin:
Click the Administration cogwheel button and select Add-ons from the menu.
In the left pane, click ALM Octane CI Plugin under COMMUNICATION.
Azure DevOps Server (TFS) On your Azure DevOps Server (TFS) machine, access the plugin's console:
- Go to http://localhost:4567.
- Click Configuration.
For more details, see the plugin's readme.
GoCD In your GoCD server's user interface, open Admin > Plugins.
Click the cogwheel displayed for the OctaneGoCDPlugin.
Azure DevOps Server (2019 and later)
Azure DevOps Services
In the target Azure DevOps project:
Create a new ALM Octane Service Connection. Provide the properties of your ALM Octane workspace: Connection name, URL, instance ID, shared space ID, workspace ID, API client ID and secret.
Set the pipeline variables InjectAlmOctaneTasks (true), and OctaneConnectionName (as entered above).
Add two jobs to your pipeline: AlmOctanePipelineStart which always runs at the pipeline beginning, and AlmOctanePipelineEnd which always waits until all other jobs finish.
- The steps that follow are not relevant for the Azure DevOps integration. See the plugin readme file for comprehensive information on how to configure this integration.
- For additional setup requirements within ALM Octane for this integration, see Admin setup for Azure DevOps pipelines.
Enter information for the plugins:
Set the Location. Enter the URL of the ALM Octane server, using its fully qualified domain name (FQDN), where the port number is optional. You can copy the URL from the address bar of the browser in which you opened ALM Octane. For example, for a space ID 1002: use the following format:
http://<ALM Octane hostname / IP address> {:<port number>}/ui/?p=<space ID>
Note: When configuring an integration between an on-premises and a CI server via the plugin, we strongly recommend using HTTPS to ensure that the credentials are sent securely.
- Set the Client ID. Enter the API access Client ID that the plugin should use to connect to ALM Octane. For details, see Prerequisites.
- Enter the Client secret. Specify the Client secret that the plugin should use to connect to ALM Octane. For details, see Prerequisites.
For Jenkins, Bamboo, or TeamCity: Select the CI server user account. This is the user account that will run jobs at ALM Octane's request. Follow these guidelines:
- Make sure the user exists in the CI server
- In Bamboo, you must specify a user—you cannot leave it blank.
- In Jenkins and TeamCity, if you do not specify a user ALM Octane uses Anonymous, and is limited to Anonymous permissions.
- For Azure DevOps: Set the HTTP address and Personal Access Token for the plugin to use to access Azure DevOps Server (TFS). The permissions required for this PAT are described above.
- For the GoCD API: Enter the username and password required for accessing GoCD.
Click Test Connection to validate the configuration, and then save your changes.
Move an existing CI server to a new address
If your Bamboo or TeamCity CI server moves to a new location and you reinstall the plugin, you must re-create the CI server and its pipelines in ALM Octane.
If your GitLab server moves to another location, get the CI server instance ID using the following steps. Then, use the ciserver.identity property as described in ALM Octane GitLab CI service.
In Jenkins or Azure DevOps Server (TFS), if you move your server and reinstall the plugin, use the following steps to adjust the plugin's configuration and continue working with your existing pipelines.
Configure the Jenkins or Azure DevOps Server (TFS) plugin to work with existing ALM Octane pipelines
Get the plugin instance ID originally used to set up the CI server on ALM Octane:
In ALM Octane, in Settings
> Spaces, select a workspace.
Click the DevOps tab. On the left side of the pane, and select CI servers.
In the grid, locate the Instance ID column and copy your CI server's Instance ID.
In Azure DevOps Server (TFS) or Jenkins, update the new plugin to use the original instance ID.
Jenkins In your Jenkins server's user interface:
Click Manage Plugins in the left pane.
Click Configure System.
Scroll down to the ALM Octane CI configuration area.
Click Show plugin instance ID.
In the Instance ID box, enter the Instance ID you copied from ALM Octane earlier.
Azure DevOps Server (TFS) - On the Azure DevOps Server (TFS) server, go to http://localhost:4567 to access the plugin's console.
- Click Configuration.
- In the Instance ID box, enter the Instance ID you copied from ALM Octane earlier.
For more details, see the plugin's readme.
Admin setup for Azure DevOps pipelines
Before running an Azure DevOps pipeline, admins must set up the integration in ALM Octane. The setup includes the Azure DevOps token and a Devops CI server entry.
To set up the Azure DevOps integration:
- Make sure you have the latest Azure DevOps ALM Octane extension installed. If your version is outdated, when a user tries to run the pipeline, ALM Octane will issue a message indicating the required version. For details, see Configure the plugin to access ALM Octane.
Add credentials:
- Create a token in Azure DevOps.
- In Settings
, select Spaces in the Administration section.
- Go to the Credentials tab and click + to add a new credential.
- Enter arbitrary text in the Name and User Name fields.
- For the password, enter the Azure token. For details, see Set up credentials.
- Click Add.
Add the CI server:
- In Settings
, select Spaces in the Administration section.
- Go to the Devops tab and click + to add a new CI server.
- Add the server information for Azure DevOps and select the credential that you created above.
- Click Add.
- In Settings
Next steps: