Define milestones

Create release milestones for events within a release's lifecycle, or cross milestones for events that are not connected to any particular release.

In this topic:

Define milestones in the Release Management module

You can define milestones in the Release Management module. Select whether to create a cross milestone or a release-specific milestone.

Note: In workspaces that are members of a shared space, space admins can create shared milestones. Shared milestones are available across all the workspaces in a shared space. For details, see Shared items.

To define milestones in the Release Management module:

  1. Open the Release Management module, and click the Milestones tab.
  2. Click Milestone to define a milestone in the current workspace.

    Click Shared Milestone to define a milestone that will be shared across all the workspaces in a shared space.

  3. Select the Release Specific checkbox to indicate that the milestone will be part of a release's timeline. Select a release.

    Leave the Release Specific checkbox empty to create a cross milestone.

  4. Set the milestone's date.
  5. Enter a description and add attachments to the milestone.

Tip: You can also define milestones from within a release's details. Milestones are defined in the Timeline tab, along with sprints.

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Define milestones in the Settings area

In the Settings area, you can add milestones to a release within a workspace.

To define a milestone in the Settings area:

  1. Open the Settings area.
  2. Select a workspace.
  3. Click the Releases tab.
  4. Click on a release to edit it.
  5. In the release details, click the Timeline tab.
  6. Click Milestone . By default, a milestone that you create in a release is associated with the release. To define a cross milestone, clear the Release Specific checkbox.

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Deactivate milestones

You can deactivate milestones that you want to take of out use. Work items cannot be assigned to deactivated milestones.

In the milestone form or in the Milestones grid, set the Active status field to Deactivated.

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See also: