Populate your system with demo data

ValueEdge and ALM Octane can automatically create a large set of demo data for experimentation, to help you get started with ALM Octane.

In this topic:

Populate a workspace with demo data

Populate a selected workspace with demo data.

If you are working in a non-English environment, switch your locale to English to populate the system with demo data. After the demo data is populated, you can switch back to your locale.

Data population creates nine demo users. These users consume nine licenses. You can delete the demo users later and replace them with real users.

To populate a workspace with demo data:

  1. In Settings Spaces, select a workspace.

  2. In the Demo Data tab, verify that you selected the correct workspace.

  3. Confirm that you understand this action is irreversible and will significantly affect your system.

  4. Click the Populate button for the type of data you want to create.

    The data that you can create is limited by your role in the workspace. Therefore, different buttons are available based on your role.

When you are ready to use the system for your own data, create a new workspace and set it up according to your needs.

Note: To prevent accidentally spoiling live workspaces, ALM Octane will not populate demo data if the workspace already contains information.

Populate your system using the Content Packs for GDPR, CCPA and POPIA

You can also use Content Packs for GDPR, CCPA and POPIA to import real-life demo data into ALM Octane. They contain the whole General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, European Union), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA, California) and Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA, South Africa).

You can download it from the ADM Marketplace at https://marketplace.microfocus.com/appdelivery/content/gdpr-content-pack.

See also: