ALM Octane editions

Your ALM Octane edition defines which activities you can perform in ALM Octane.

In this topic:

Editions overview

ValueEdge and ALM Octane editions provide you with the following capabilities:

Edition Description

Enterprise edition

Allows you to scale ALM Octane to large groups with the benefits of cross-workspace and cross-program capabilities. These include:

  • Shared customization (such as rules, user-defined fields, workflow, forms, and lists)

  • Shared entities (such as users, releases)

  • Cross-workspace reporting on data from multiple workspaces using the same widget

  • Cross-program functionality for the backlog module

  • Data access control

For an overview of workspaces and their programs, isolated spaces, and shared spaces, see Manage spaces (for space admins).

Pro edition

Provides you the same set of features as Enterprise Edition within isolated workspaces.

Shared space and program capabilities are not provided.

ALM Octane Developer (add on)

The Developer license is a named license that is added on top of a core Pro or Enterprise license.

The Developer license enables backlog management, defect management, DevOps pipeline management, and manual testing execution.

Developer license capabilities depend on your core license edition.

For details, see Developer license.

Details of the functionality provided with each of the ALM Octane editions are listed in the table below.

Functionality ValueEdge and ALM Octane Enterprise ALM Octane Pro ALM Octane Developer
Dashboard and Delivery Insights  
Public dashboard sharing    
Automation ROI metrics  
Cycle Time Insights  
Risky Code Commits Analytics  
Risk Based Testing  
Backlog (epics and backlog management, cross-release planning)
Team Backlog
IDE plugins
Development Center (Commits, Pull Requests, Branches)
Team collaboration
Defects module
Security integration - Fortify Suite
Pipelines with build and Test Automation analytics
Manual test execution (manual tests and BDD scenarios)

Single test

My Work
Synchronization using Micro Focus Connect
Flag rules  
Quality module  
On-Demand Automated test execution (with UFT One integration) and test suites  
Gherkin tests  
Release planning, shared releases and calendars    
Release processes management    
Shared workspaces customization    
Cross-workspace reporting    
Shared application modules    
Entity migration between workspaces    
Data access control    
Workspace SAFe program    
Entity label customization    
Available License Types Named or Concurrent Named or Concurrent Named only

Additional functionality is available in ValueEdge. For details, see Introducing ValueEdge.

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Developer license

Developer license is a named license that is added on top of a core Pro or Enterprise license.

The following guidelines apply to Developer licenses:

  • Entities created or modified by a user with a Developer license can link to any entity in ValueEdge and ALM Octane, including those which a Dev user cannot modify (for example epics or requirements).

  • Each named user has one license type assignment (Core or Developer) at the site level for on-premises, and at the space level for SaaS.

  • The Developer license is not a role, but a license type. In addition to assigning a Developer license to a user, you also need to assign a role to the user.

  • Developers who are part of an ALM Octane Enterprise edition can access shared public dashboards.

Assigning licenses to users

License assignment is per site level for on-premises, and per tenant level for SaaS.

On-Premises: For details on managing Developer licenses, see Assign Developer licenses.

SaaS: After a Developer license is installed for a tenant on top of a Pro or Enterprise license, the tenant admin needs to assign a Developer license to specific users.

If the user is new, assign the Developer license at user creation.

In Settings > Spaces > Users, the License type column shows whether existing users are assigned a Core or Developer license.

  • To assign a Developer license to a user, or to restore their Core license, click Core/Dev in the user's License Type column and modify as needed.

  • You can switch a user from Dev to Core and vice versa at any time.

  • Deactivating a user will release their license even if the license is still assigned.

Note: The right pane shows usage data.

Developer licenses are always named, so they do not impact allocation or usage of concurrent licenses. If a Dev user opens a session, they do not impact the concurrent usage.

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Trial license

When you first start using ALM Octane, you automatically receive a Trial license which gives you a 90-day trial for 100 users. 

By default, your trial is Enterprise Edition, which allows one shared space. If you create a shared space in an Enterprise Edition trial and then install a license for Pro Edition, the trial shared space should not be used in a production environment since the sharing capabilities may not be supported in future releases.

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License management

SaaS: You can view license usage details in MyAccount.

For details on how to manage on-premises licenses and how to allocate licenses from ALM and Quality Center to ALM Octane, see Manage licenses.

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See also: